View Full Version : grandapa and the geek

30-07-2005, 08:55
While Makosi and Orlaith were busy slating Derek, the elder statesman of the House was in the pool with Eugene, slating them.

First on Derek's hit list was Makosi.

"She's supposed to be [Kemal's] best friend. Yet as soon as he's gone she goes immediately to the person who's defeated her best friend, gossiping. She hushed her up when I came in the room."

Derek objected to Makosi asking him to close the door. "I said, "Certainly not, I'm not a doorman.'"

Eugene told him, "I'm not quite as dumb as I appear. I dare say we will be in the minority next week."

Derek said he couldn't care less. "I'm just so cross I'm still here in the tenth week with a load of mediocre people."

Derek slated his Housemates for being, "So young and self-absorbed. It's horrendous."

Then he moved on to Orlaith. "She's just a liar, basically. She keeps saying she wants to go. She cries and cries and cries and cries that she wants to go. She told them she wants to go whatever the outcome. But she's retracted. She's just a liar. She's playing a game."

But what do you really think of her, Derek.

"She's ghastly, absolutely ghastly