View Full Version : Neighbours Spoilers 5th - 9th April 2021

28-03-2021, 11:07
Neighbours Aust TV listings spoilers:

Monday 5 April (UK: Friday 30 April)

Roxy is becoming frustrated by Emmett's constant attention and tells Aaron and David to sort it out.
Yashvi finds herself pre-occupied with worry in the wake of Shane and Dipi's departure.
Aaron and David are furious when Brent turns up at home with no explanation after they've been searching for him all night.

Tuesday 6 April (UK: Monday 3 May)

Feeling that Curtis has disregarded her authority with Year 13 while she was away, Jane is desperate to get the program back on track and on her terms.
Chloe and Nicolette relish their honeymoon period.
Aaron and David realise their attempt at a firm hand with Brent isn't working and pledge to do better by him.

Wednesday 7 April (UK: Tuesday 4 May)

A mysterious woman arrives in Erinsborough & questions Susan's earrings and Chloe's hand cream.
Susan refuses to partake in Jane's ultimatum and orders the two teachers to find a solution together.
Sheila asks Levi, hypothetically, about the legal ramifications of keeping goods that were shipped to the wrong person.

Thursday 8 April (UK: Wednesday 5 May)

More patients hear about the incident with Olivia from Vera and, as a result, refuse treatment from Karl.
Paul schmoozes the newly arrived Sheila Canning, providing her with inflated truths about The Hive and his properties at Power Road.
Mortified at being caught out for accepting the misdirected packages, a remorseful Sheila is deeply apologetic and desperately attempts to fix the situation with Sheila #2.

Friday 9 April (UK: Thursday 6 May)

While trying to get rid of a huge spider, Mackenzie and Hendrix find themselves in an awkward moment on the couch.
Bea's patience wears thin as Karl continues to overstep with the podcast.
Paul is furious when he discovers that Sheila #2 has received The Hive's unedited financial data.

28-03-2021, 11:15
TV Week article:

"It's been a tough year for Mackenzie and Hendrix, but throughout it all, their friendship has been a constant.

But things get a bit awkward when Hendrix asks Mackenzie to come over to help him get rid of a spider. As the pals scramble to get the eight-legged intruder off the couch, they end up in a tangle of legs.

They fall into each other's arms by accident. With their guard down, that spark from when they first met resurfaces and the attraction becomes clear.

Could this be part of something new and exciting for Hendrix and Mackenzie? "


Neighbours to revisit romantic spark between Mackenzie Hargreaves and Hendrix Greyson
Another new romance on Ramsay Street?


28-03-2021, 12:52
TV Week article:

"Double Trouble

Sheila Canning knows she's a desirable woman and now that she's back on the market, it's no surprise she has a secret admirer. This week, Sheila reveals that for the past six months, someone's been sending her packages containing expensive gifts.

Although she doesn't know who the sender is, Sheila has been excited to see them. Why wouldn't she be happy to get these packages? They were addressed to her directly.

For a moment, Sheila questions whether she's doing the right thing, asking police officer Levi how she stands legally if she keeps the items. But with so many lovely goodies, Sheila couldn't help but share them with friends in Erinsborough. Sheila makes herself feel important by giving items to friends as gifts.

But what she doesn't know is that there is another Sheila Canning in town. Sheila Canning Two (Shareena Clanton) is in Erinsborough to check out investment opportunities at The Hive. She's been doing some online shopping while in town but her purchases have been delivered to the wrong woman.

When Sheila Two notices the locals enjoying exactly the same items she just bought, she thinks it's more than a coincidence. When the original Sheila meets her namesake, she realises she's been stealing Sheila Two's mail.

At first Sheila is horrified. Her mind is racing as to how to get the goods back. An embarrassed Sheila attempts to put things right by running around town trying to recover all the gifts.

Susan is the toughest nut to crack, laughing at Sheila's struggle to get back a pair of earrings from her.

While the new Sheila isn't amused by what's happened, she has bigger fish to fry with the opportunity at The Hive. When Paul gives Sheila Two some documents - which he has doctored - to encourage her to invest, she somehow gets her hands on the unedited version, showing that The Hive isn't exactly the prime investment Paul wants her to believe.

While Sheila Two might be unhappy, Paul is ropeable. He confronts Roxy and Sheila One, accusing them of leaking the documents. The pair deny any wrongdoing. But if they didn't leak the documents, who did?"

28-03-2021, 22:52
Nowtolove.com.au follow up article to the earlier TV Week story re the two "Sheila's":

It's the Wentworth reunion we never saw coming on Neighbours!
But will Lucy ?Juice? Gambaro have a speaking role?


With the final season of Wentworth scheduled for October 2021, we're itching to see what the inmates at the Wentworth Detention Centre are up to. However with months to wait before the Logie award winning series is back on our screens, we'll take whatever inch of the prison drama that we can get.

Although it's the last place you'd expect to see Wentworth's Doreen Anderson and Lucy "Juice" Gambaro ,this week on Neighbours, the two inmates are making an appearance in Erinsborough.

Thankfully, actors Sally-Anne Upton and Shareena Clanton are leaving their felon ways behind them playing Ramsay Street characters, Vera Punt and Sheila Canning.

Juicy Lucy was notoriously silenced by Joan Ferguson (Pamela Rabe) on Wentworth, but on Neighbours, Sally-Anne plays the town whinger, Vera Punt, whose tongue is very much intact.


While the two characters couldn't be more different, Sally-Anne feels like Vera and the Juice might just see eye to eye.

"I think Vera and Juicy Lucy would get on very well," Sally-Anne tells TV WEEK.

"All though the scripts are very different there is a Aussie Larrikin in them both. You wouldn't want to share a tent with them though!"

But before Sally-Anne stepped into the role of Vera on Neighbours, she was already on set in a very different capacity.

I was asked to come on board as the COVID nurse, and because the cast and crew knew me as an actor and nurse, there was a trust and respect that allowed them to feel they were in safe hands. It ended up being one of the most important roles of my life," Sally-Anne reveals.

"It wasn't easy navigating the complexities of COVID but the fact that we stuck together, in doing so, we all laid the blueprint for our industry and the world to follow, which makes me very proud."

"As a big thank you, the producers wrote more storylines for Vera, which I am forever grateful."

Thankfully, due to the COVID Safety plan developed by Neighbour's producer, Natalie Lynch, both Neighbours and Wentworth were able to go ahead with filming during the pandemic.

But Sally-Anne isn't the only Wentworth resident stirring up trouble. Clanton creates some serious confusion when her character, Sheila Canning, comes to town, incidentally sharing the same name as a fellow Erinsborough resident Sheila Canning played by Colette Mann.

While in town, Shareena's Sheila, who we'll be calling Sheila Two, can't help herself from doing some online shopping.

With two Sheila's in the neighbourhood, the goods have been winding up in the wrong Sheila's hands.

Sheila Two notices that the locals happen to be enjoying the items she just purchased, and it's clear that it can't be just a coincidence.

When the original Sheila meets Sheila Two, she instantly realises she's been stealing Sheila Two's mail!

How will Sheila One fix this awkward situation?


Neighbours to introduce a second Sheila Canning as Wentworth star appears on Ramsay Street
Colette Mann's Sheila finds herself in a bit of trouble.


30-03-2021, 03:30
These are the Digital Spy extended spoilers for next week in the UK ie 5 April - 9 April 2021 (the corresponding air dates in Australia were 8 - 12 March 2021):

UK airdate: Monday 05 April 2021 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Monday 08 March 2021 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

Witnessing Fay's deteriorating condition, Sheila is scared for her. Fay allows her to call David. David immediately realises how sick Fay is.

The family gather around Fay and spend her last moments together, with their hearts breaking.

After Fay passes, Chloe is distraught and her reaction is to look for comfort in Nicolette. It's a shock to Nicolette when vulnerable Chloe makes a completely unexpected proposition.

Meanwhile, though Shane and Dipi's relationship is back on track, Shane remains wary of jeopardising their progress by pushing too fast. But with the reminder of how short and fragile life can be, he throws caution to the wind and asks Dipi to move back in.

UK airdate: Tuesday 06 April 2021 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Tuesday 09 March 2021 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

Aaron is still frosty with David, unfairly blaming him for Fay's death.

David is concerned with the extent of Aaron's upset and issues a gentle warning ? it's alright to grieve, but he can't alienate all the people he loves in the process. Will Aaron be able to see the truth in this?

Meanwhile, after being propositioned by Chloe, Nicolette gently turns Chloe down ? sleeping together won't help Chloe through her grief. The next morning, an embarrassed Chloe tries to avoid Nicolette. Chloe is trying to sort through her feelings, but she breaks down, full of despair.

Elsewhere, Brent is unaware that Fay's death has stirred up Harlow's grief over her own mother, leaving Paul unimpressed by his lack of sensitivity. Feeling bad for his oversight, Brent plans a fun day out to take her mind off things, but Paul makes it clear he is not a Brent fan.

UK airdate: Wednesday 07 April 2021 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Wednesday 10 March 2021 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

Brent is concerned to learn about the intruder. Clocking his anxiety, Nicolette wonders if this has anything to do with the people he was afraid of when he first arrived.

Brent denies it, but he's clearly unnerved. Later, it seems he has been sent another message.

Meanwhile, determined to solve her own attack, Roxy posts flyers of the mysterious ring found at the uni. Kyle is concerned she is setting herself up for disappointment if she doesn't get answers, unaware of the connection to Brent.

Elsewhere, Mackenzie reluctantly confirms to a dismayed Hendrix that Harlow and Brent are officially dating. Hendrix approaches Harlow and the two have another terse confrontation, leaving Hendrix feeling terrible. Is he ever going to be able to get over his heartbreak?

UK airdate: Thursday 08 April 2021 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Thursday 11 March 2021 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

A guy contacts Roxy promising information about the ring, but it's made clear he was only after a date with her. Roxy and Sheila decide to have some fun at his expense.

When the similarities between his girlfriend and his grandmother are pointed out to him, Kyle is seriously irked.

Meanwhile, returning from her break with Ned, Yashvi is relieved to find Dipi and Shane acting like loved-up teenagers. But she's unaware Dipi is keeping something from Shane ? something big enough to derail the family's new-found happiness.

Elsewhere, Susan remains resolute in her decision not to collaborate on Olivia's book, but Olivia won't accept this. Her unrelenting pleas for Susan to reconsider trigger Karl's anger and his frustrations boil over, leading him to act completely out of character and cause a very serious problem.

UK airdate: Friday 09 April 2021 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Friday 12 March 2021 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

With Olivia unconscious, Karl is deeply in shock, trying to explain that it was an accident and Olivia just fell.

Hendrix makes matters worse by coming up with a cover for Karl in front of Levi, eventually making Karl look more guilty. Karl Kennedy has once again found himself in hot water.

Meanwhile, Yashvi decides to throw her parents the 20th anniversary celebration they never got to have.

Little does Yashvi know, Dipi has suggested moving to Sydney with Shane, to be closer to Kirsha and Jay. Life for the Rebecchi family could be about to change in a big way, yet again.

03-04-2021, 23:00
A couple of new short promos:



11-04-2021, 07:46
Digital Spy article re schedule chgange:

Neighbours and Home and Away schedule plans confirmed by Channel 5 after cancelled episodes
No episodes will air today.
