View Full Version : Homesick

29-07-2005, 16:47
Living in close proximity to a certain Tory is really getting to Orlaith. She came to the Diary Room to explain why she won't be talking to Derek, ever again. Ever. OK?

"That man, Derek, he thinks he has the right to everything," a tearful Orlaith told Big Brother, saying that she has had quite enough of the Housemate's bossy ways.

Derek returned from his time in hiding after the Spy Task with wild claims that he had had access to extra information about the Housemates. Orlaith has been completely taken in by the lie, and she's not at all happy about it.

"He says he knows more about us," she gulped. "He has no right!" she said. Hmm, has this lady got something to hide?

At the end of the day, Orlaith's feelings for Derek could not be clearer. "I cannot stand that person," she said. "I have had enough."

"I'll never speak to him again," Orlaith promised, though this will be difficult to achieve in the claustrophobic confines of the Big Brother House.

Her days with "evil, conniving" Derek might be numbered though as tonight's eviction creeps ever closer, but the eviction is the last of Orlaith's worries.

"I want to go home," she told Big Brother. "I don't even care if I'm evicted tonight."

Be careful what you wish for, Orlaith...