View Full Version : orlaith sure to go

29-07-2005, 11:35
Orlaith looks sure to get the boot tonight as her odds tumble even further.

Best Betting give the Irish model odds of 1/4 (from 8/15) while the original eviction favourite, Kemal, looks set to stay with his current odds of 3/1.

Anthony, meanwhile, has drifted slightly in the winner's market from 2/9 to 4/9. Eugene, however, has closed in on the leader - albeit posing no threat at the moment - with odds of 5/1 from 8/1.

The rest of the lineup remains unchanged: Makosi is the third favourite with odds of 9/1, then Derek at 11/1 and Craig at 16/1.

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 11:38
Kemal To Go!!! Don't Let Makosi Be The Last Girl In There

29-07-2005, 11:42
i know! i hope kemal goes,you can just imagine the look of glee on makosi' face when they call orlaiths name,nooooo! dont let this happen.if only she was nominated we'd all have her out!

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 11:43
i really dont want orlaith to go, just to spite makosi

29-07-2005, 12:32
They should do a surprise double eviction, and get rid of Orlaith AND Makosi, so neither of them are last :lol:

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 12:34
brilliant idea abi!!!

29-07-2005, 12:37
Cause neither of them deserve to be last!! Get rid of them together (i'm sure they'd enjoy that :lol:)

phils little sister
29-07-2005, 12:40
imagine the faces on the 2 of them PRICELESS :rotfl:

29-07-2005, 12:42
That should be suggested to the producers...

phils little sister
29-07-2005, 12:45
yeah and then they should put Derek in that little room again and leave him there till the last night - as he seemed to enjoy himself :D

29-07-2005, 12:54
I dont want Makosi to be the last girl, but i dont want Kemal ot be evicted over Orlaith. Shes going to think shes invincible, which she isn't. She said last week that she knows shes going to be in the final- well hun, you aint! Nobody really likes her, they only want her in their to spite Makosi. Shes going to think that shes popular and get even bigger for her boots. I personally would prefer Makosi to be the last girl then have to put up with Orlaith being an idiot when pretending she is liked