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28-07-2005, 23:19
did anyone else find craigs behaviour slightly disturbing tonight? he just wouldnt leave anthony alone! he kept touching him,kissing him,cuddling him,i spect it was the last thing ant wanted.it was making me feel sick.

28-07-2005, 23:21
it wasnt fair he was almost taking advantage because anthony was drunk,

Stalker alert!

28-07-2005, 23:22
i thought bb might interupt it,it was on the verge of sexual harrassment,actually it is.if it was a boy doing that to a girl who was in there and drunk im sure there would be more then a few complaints.

28-07-2005, 23:23
i thought bb might interupt it,it was on the verge of sexual harrassment,actually it is.if it was a boy doing that to a girl who was in there and drunk im sure there would be more then a few complaints.

Oh yea there would be outrage!! and it would have been stopped immediately. Double standards!! (and we are women)

28-07-2005, 23:31
just read on another site that endemol edited tonights bb badly and that craig actually got in to bed with anthony and lay on top of him!

28-07-2005, 23:32
OMG, thats sexual assult aint it?

28-07-2005, 23:34
Craig is a total bunny boiler! He reminds me of that girl who stalked Martin on EastEnders! :eek:

28-07-2005, 23:35
makes me ill the thought of it.eugene did his best to try and stop craig but the others should have helped him as well.or bb should have locked craig in the diary room and got eugene to help ant to bed that way he wouldnt have got pawed.

28-07-2005, 23:42
just read that bb did step in to stop it in the end but they didnt show it on tonights show,then they sent craig to the diary room to let ant get some sleep without being smothered

28-07-2005, 23:45
Big Brother needs to act on this. As others have said.. if Anthony was a girl and Craig was pursuing her in this way then Big Brother would warn him and then evict him. What Craig was doing tonight was taking TOTAL advantage of Anthony. Anthony was unable to defend himself properly against the advances and the other housemates SHOULD have got involved and demanded that Craig leave Anthony alone.. at the very least one of them should go to the diary room and ask for some action to be taken to protect Anthony. It is as if they are condoing the sexual harassment that Anthony is getting. When will Endemol or the Housemates act.. will they wait until Anthony becomes a potential rape victim.. because I for one am concerned that it might not be long before Craig is taking it one more step too far and actually pushes Anthony to the limit. I am also concerned that Anthony will quite rightly lose the plot and end up punching Craigs lights out... he came sort of close tonight.

All that 'leave them to it' crap that the housemates are spouting is the same as the person in the street who walks on by when it is clear that someone is being sexually harrassed or a rape attempt is going on. They need to be repsonsible for what happens in there and I also believe that Anthony is growing quite scared of Craig. I do not think for a minute that Anthony is gay or bisexual. Even if he were he has stated 'NO' and 'STOP IT' to Craig on numerous occasions.

Endemol HAS to protect Anthony from this predatory behaviour before it goes any further.

28-07-2005, 23:53
did you see how he was stroking his leg and getting very near his crotch in the diary room,i totally think bb let it go too far tonight.they should maybe consider getting rid of him like they did emme in the last one,some may think this is a bit dramatic but as we have said if it was a bloke doing that to a girl they would have sepped in and got rid i think.its not on,felt sorry for anthony.

29-07-2005, 08:26
That was terrible last night. Craig need a good kick up the.........backside.
I was actually getting angry with him and shouting a the tv telling him to leave anthony alone. What was all that about not leaving him in the diary room alone?
he needs serious help.

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 08:27
craig = this year's michelle????? everyone agree?

29-07-2005, 08:29
Yeah me!!!! Good link there never thought about it that way before.
What will he do when he gets out of the house and anthony sees the way craig really was with him in there? (im assuming that anthony's being a bit blind in the house to craigs actions)

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 08:31
i CANT wait to see anthonys reaction when they play that pregnancy rubbish, one of the first things he will be asked is, "did you have sex with makosi in the pool" total mortification

29-07-2005, 08:32
I dont think he'll be happy about it one bit!! I see a post evction arguement coming on

29-07-2005, 08:55
He's going all glenn close on us!!! Has anyone checked the pots and pans??

Where did that kitten go anyway :searchme:

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 08:57
:lol: comedy

29-07-2005, 08:59
craig = this year's michelle????? everyone agree?
worse,much worse!
instead of chicken stu its 'my little antoinette' :sick:

29-07-2005, 09:00
He's going all glenn close on us!!! Has anyone checked the pots and pans??

Where did that kitten go anyway :searchme:
good point,poor little thing must have got boiled... :searchme:

29-07-2005, 09:00
worse,much worse!
instead of chicken stu its 'my little antoinette' :sick:


29-07-2005, 09:01
i was quite disturbed too!!!

29-07-2005, 09:01
If anthony is evcited before craig do you think craig will walk?

29-07-2005, 09:11
i wouldnt put it passed him,he will prob run out the doors with him.

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 09:12
it wouldnt surprise me

29-07-2005, 09:12
I think it's kind of sad that he feels like he has to act like that to make friends.

29-07-2005, 09:19
i wonder who made the decision not to get a doctor in there,anthony requested one and craig said no your just drunk which prob was the case but he got drunk very quickly considering the others were all stone cold sober.if i was ants mum id be going mad at the fact he didnt get a doctor and the fact he was molested and they didnt intervene.

29-07-2005, 09:21
I dont think anthony actually requested one from big brother.

He only mentioned it to craig

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 09:22
they should have let him to the secret garden just to recouperate away from craig

29-07-2005, 09:23
he shouldnt of had to of requested one i dont think,they should have just sent one in there and told craig to pee off,must have been horrible for his mum and gran to witness that

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 09:24
poor ant- all he wanted was his mum and gran and he gets craig fussing all over him and trying to get rude

29-07-2005, 09:27
do you think derek would have helped/intervened if he hadnt of been in the interrogation room?

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 09:28
dunno, i would like to think so, how come none of the others did?

29-07-2005, 09:31
Its quite bad no one interveaned, although they were all saying why doesnt craig leave him alone, BB should have chosen someone else to look after Anthony rather than Eugene, although I guess he was the most sober there?

29-07-2005, 09:31
sorry to keep refering back to it but what did you think of the bit where anthony was trying to be sick and craig was kissing him saying 'i love you,i love you so much' :sick:

29-07-2005, 09:33
Its quite bad no one interveaned, although they were all saying why doesnt craig leave him alone, BB should have chosen someone else to look after Anthony rather than Eugene, although I guess he was the most sober there?
i dunno all the others wernt drunk i didnt think were they? they didnt pick eugene they just asked a h/m to come to the d/r and unfortunatley it happened to be eugene but instead of doing that they should have called kemal or something i think he would have had more control over the situation then eugene.

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 09:33
did this all happen last night? i was watch one tree hill

29-07-2005, 09:37
yeah on last nights prog but the actual night it happened was wed night.

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 09:39
there are no responsible people in there, i wouldnt want any of them looking after me if i was in that state

29-07-2005, 09:44
AHHH i thought Craig was awful last night. he kept saying "i'm his best friend, I know best" when he didn't. and why couldn't he let him sleep in the living room? and why did he keep saying "i'm going to have to stay up all night and look after him"? LEAVE HIM BE!

did find it quite amusing when anthony got into bed and invited Makosi to join him!

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 09:46
if i was ant- i would have stumbled in to the diray room and passed out in there- safest place to be- they can lock the door!

29-07-2005, 09:54
I think he tried - craig just followed him in and refused to leave him there alone! then when big bro told him to leave, ant just sat there and asked if he could throw up on the diary room floor. then he left to throw up!

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 09:56

29-07-2005, 10:07
The other couldn't really help (or didn't want to help)cause craig was getting shirty with them eveytime one of them went near him. Eugene was the only one who stuck to it

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 10:09
craigs a moron, seems he didnt actually care about his friend, just himself

29-07-2005, 10:13
If he said "I'm his friend i love him and i'm taking care of him" one more time last night :angry:

29-07-2005, 11:29
hope hes nominated so we can evict him! can you imagine if ant did win and on the night when he comes out,craig running on to the stage? he would be so jelous of all the attention everyone would be giving him.

29-07-2005, 13:34
If he said "I'm his friend i love him and i'm taking care of him" one more time last night :angry:

and when he'd got him into bed, he said "Now i'm going to have to look after you all *******ing night" i was screaming at the tele "no you dont!" :wall:

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 13:38
be afraid, very afraid

29-07-2005, 13:39
Snap he must have said that about ten times just to make sure everyone could hear that it was his job!!!

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 13:42
craig annoys the life out of me

29-07-2005, 13:45
He is actually scaring me now the more i think about what happened last night the more i think what a creep he is and how sick he makes me feel. With the way he was all over poor anthony last night

29-07-2005, 13:48
:sick: he's a sick weirdo

29-07-2005, 13:48
I mean what we need to think about it if that was a girl drunk and a guy was all over her the way craig was with anthony there would have been a bigger uproar about it.

I think bb would have stepped in too

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 13:49
its disturbing

29-07-2005, 13:56
You would have thought that they would do something, but i guess there isn't a lot that they could do.

its wierd though

29-07-2005, 13:58
They could have asked craig to come to the diary room and expalined to him that it would have been best for anthony to go to bed and be left alone.

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 13:58
thats what they should have done

29-07-2005, 14:06
yeah i guess they should have done that

I felt so sorry for Eugene when all that was happening, because he was trying to sort it all out, but couldn't. He was trying to be all masculine, and he was just ignored. Bless him!

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 14:09
eugene is just not funny

29-07-2005, 14:11
I think eugene was brilliant last night. At least he tried to help out while all the others just sat in the bedroom

29-07-2005, 14:12
awww, but bless him. He thinks he is. I think craig saw that ant was vulnerable and he saw it as a chance to minipulate antony. It was so funny when Craig left him for a bit and he invited Makosi into his bed. Craig was disturbing last night :sick:

29-07-2005, 14:49
you would have thought that knowing what eugene is like (doesnt like confrontation etc) that makosi kemal or orlaith would have helped him to tell craig to bugger off,but no.

29-07-2005, 14:55
you would have thought that knowing what eugene is like (doesnt like confrontation etc) that makosi kemal or orlaith would have helped him to tell craig to bugger off,but no.

:rotfl: best joke i've heard all year, them actually help when it wouldn't benifit them :lol:

29-07-2005, 14:58
i no yeah there is something wrong with him

29-07-2005, 16:51
i agree if it was a female in that state with a male all over her, touching and strokeing her there would have been total uproar!!!

29-07-2005, 18:27
Craig was awful last night hopefully he will go soon and give anthony a break!

29-07-2005, 21:36
did you see him deny it all tonight? 'how dare they say i was smothering you,i just sat with you' bloddy liar,he knows damn well hes done wrong else there would be no reason to lie would there.

29-07-2005, 23:35
yes i saw me and dave both shouted at the telly!! anthony will see when he comes out and find out what a freak he is!!