View Full Version : Under her skin

28-07-2005, 21:36
Kemal is designing a catty wind up to get at Orlaith. He plans to convince her that he has seen footage of her talking behind Housemates' backs. The only flaw is he doesn't actually know what she's been saying.

"You know what you and Derek were saying about tripping her up?" he said discretely to Makosi. "I could so do it now. Then we'll see who's been talking. Orlaith would be so tripped. 'You've been saying this, this, this and this'"

"What has she been saying?" asked Makosi.

"I don't know," admitted Kemal. "But it would trip her up. 'Be careful what you say behind people's backs. I can hear everything.'"

A bemused Makosi listens to Kemal's plan

Makosi knew what Orlaith's reaction would be. "She'll start going, 'I really need to go now,'" she said.

"I'll say I heard her in the Diary Room," said Kemal, getting excited now.

Makosi predicted Orlaith would explain, "You've got the wrong end of the stick". Makosi was amused by Kemal's plan, but not entirely sure what the point is.

"I won't say I've been watching. I'll just hint," Kemal explained. "I want her to be paranoid."

"Why do you want to?" asked Makosi.

"I just want to see her freak," answered Kemal.
