View Full Version : makosi has had 3 people die on her

28-07-2005, 13:33
Makosi has revealed how three people died on her at the same time in the cardiac unit.

"I would not go in a room with a dead person alone," she told the group. "But now, I speak to them, I sit with them."

On a similar subject, the cardiac nurse informed the others that it is common for patients to start arresting at the same time: "When one starts going, others panic - I've had three arrests in one go because one panics. I went to one - they went, then the next one, then the next one."

"When one person dies, that's enough to tire you," she continued.

Technically-minded Eugene suggested: "They should refine these heart monitors so that there is a silent alarm when nobody is moving and you have these little pager thingies."

28-07-2005, 13:33
another one of her sick lies?

28-07-2005, 13:36
another one of her sick lies?

must be :hmm:

28-07-2005, 13:38
Got three words for you - GET HER OUT

28-07-2005, 13:40
Got three words for you - GET HER OUT

I agree :clap:

28-07-2005, 13:56
Got three words for you - GET HER OUT
I agree too :clap:

phils little sister
28-07-2005, 14:11
sick bit8h :angry:

28-07-2005, 14:11
i swear that girl need to be carted off as soon as she evicted

phils little sister
28-07-2005, 14:13
yeah she needs to be locked up in a padded room

28-07-2005, 15:21
i hope shes nominated soon so we can get her smug lying face out!

28-07-2005, 20:49
she has to go, and soon!

28-07-2005, 21:05
just what is her problem? why does she have to get attenion by telling sick lies?

28-07-2005, 21:14
Silly girl! :angry: I reckon we should all drive down to Hertfordshire and chuck her out ourselves! Who agrees!? :lol:

28-07-2005, 21:15
Me!! I'll come!!!

28-07-2005, 23:11
count me in! :)

29-07-2005, 08:03
Silly girl! :angry: I reckon we should all drive down to Hertfordshire and chuck her out ourselves! Who agrees!? :lol:

:cheer: if i start driving just now should be there for about evction time :cheer: