View Full Version : boring,moi?

28-07-2005, 13:31
Eugene's efforts to reassure Anthony of his behaviour last night backfired when he accused the lad of being a little bit "dull" in a post mortem this morning.

After last night's drunken antics, Anthony has been worrying about how he came across on camera; specifically he's concerned that people will now think of him as a "prick."

"I think you come across as a nice person," Eugene began promisingly. "If a bit dull perhaps," he added, explaining that Anthony's mild manners could be interpreted as being boring.

Anthony was incensed. "Dull!" he cried. He's a 70s disco dancer for heaven's sake!

"Don't take offence," Eugene stammered, he thought he'd been giving Ant a compliment.

"I'm not taking offence, I don't need to kick up an argument to not be dull," Anthony raged.

Faced with a dull man on the rampage, Eugene backtracked. "I suppose there's only so many times you can watch arguments before it gets boring," he said.

"I'm not dull, you cheeky git!" the not-dull-at-all Anthony said.