View Full Version : Melanie Pearson (Lucinda Cowden)

09-12-2020, 10:51
https://www.digitalspy.com/soaps/neighbours/a34913444/neighbours-melanie-pearson-lucinda-cowden-2021-return/?utm_content=buffereca03&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=soapsfacebookpost&fbclid=IwAR0vvh0YKKAJ8f829XCERai2xQwyueoZy2pRH7LEa sbn1SYPgSEXQPLz8iw

Neighbours has announced another familiar face returning to Erinsborough.

Lucinda Cowden will reprise the role of Melanie Pearson in episodes airing in 2021, the Australian soap announced on Twitter today (December 9).

Her return had been teased in a promo last week. Although the video had centred on star Benny Turland's dance moves, Toadie Rebecchi was spotted with a mystery woman.

No plot details have been released at the moment regarding Melanie's latest comeback.

Lucinda starred as Melanie between 1987 and 1991, with her character marrying Joe Mangel (they would later divorce off-screen). She then made appearances in 2005 for the show's 20th anniversary.

This announcement follows Jacinta Stapleton's return as Amy Greenwood, which has started airing in Australia this week. Amy swings by Erinsborough when she hears that Lassiters is looking for a new uniform design.

Channel 5 recently confirmed that Neighbours will be taking a Christmas break, with the last episode of the year airing on Wednesday, December 23. With Australia's 10 Peach not expected to take a break, this means that the transmission gap between the Australian and UK broadcasts will increase.

In the UK, viewers can expect to see Pierce Greyson's exit play out during next week's episodes, as David Tanaka, Aaron Brennan, and Nicolette Stone's baby storyline continues.

09-12-2020, 21:21
The official Neighbours 'tweet' about Lucinda/Melanie's return:

https://twitter.com/neighbours/status/1336581349323526144?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1336581349323526144%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.**************.com%2Ffor um%2Findex.php%3Fapp%3Dcoremodule%3Dsystemcontroll er%3Dembedurl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fneighb ours%2Fstatus%2F1336581349323526144%3Fs%3D21

14-12-2020, 10:31
is she still married to joe

14-12-2020, 11:38
is she still married to joe

According to the DS article, after marrying in the show, they later divorced offscreen.

08-01-2021, 21:35
Digital Spy article:

Neighbours' Melanie Pearson makes first appearance in 15 years
Lucinda Cowden is back.


Neighbours spoilers follow.

Neighbours has aired Lucinda Cowden's return as Melanie Pearson during Friday's episode (January 8) in Australia.

Lucinda starred on the show between 1987 and 1991, before making additional appearances in 2005. More than 15 years later, Melanie has moved back to Australia and catches up with Jane Harris (Annie Jones) and Des Clarke (Paul Keane) over coffee.

The catch-up didn't happen by chance. It was orchestrated by Sheila Canning (Colette Mann), who persuades Des to use Melanie as an excuse to keep Jane occupied.

Sheila believes there is still romantic hope for her and Clive Gibbons (Geoff Paine), and wants to spend more time alone with him.

Clive is dating Jane, but they agreed on a temporary break for the sake of Sheila's health after she suffered a heart attack.

Melanie is shocked to learn about Jane and Des' split, and is outspoken in her view that Jane and Clive aren't compatible with each other.

She also reveals she's single and still temping as a PA.

Paul Robinson (Stefan Dennis) sees Melanie after she says goodbye to Jane and Des, but chooses to avoid her entirely. During a conversation between Paul, Jane, and Des about Melanie, Des says Paul should offer Melanie a job ? a suggestion which Paul scoffs at.

The UK is about a month behind, so Channel 5 viewers will have to wait until early February to see Melanie's return.

Neighbours airs weekdays on Channel 5 (UK) and 10 Peach (Australia).

09-01-2021, 22:17
Lucinda/Melanie promo video:


15-11-2021, 21:10
Digital Spy article:

Neighbours' Melanie Pearson faces a dilemma after shock request from Nell
Melanie is torn when Nell asks a very difficult question.


Neighbours spoilers follow for Australian and UK viewers.

Neighbours' Melanie Pearson will face a difficult dilemma next week after Nell Rebecchi makes an unexpected and emotional request of her.

The Erinsborough residents will enjoy a Christmas party in scenes airing next week in Australia, with the locals all dressing up for the occasion to celebrate the festive season.

Melanie (Lucinda Cowden) makes the most of the event by setting up a psychic stall and, after reading for some of the locals, a few startling coincidences make some of her predictions come true.

An impressed Nell (Scarlett Anderson), who is attending the party with her dad Toadie Rebecchi (Ryan Moloney) and little brother Hugo Somers (John Turner), witnesses the predictions apparently coming true and becomes deeply in awe of Melanie's psychic talents.

Later on, Nell has a shocking request for Melanie, as she asks Melanie to help her talk to her late mum Sonya from beyond the grave.

Speechless, Melanie has no idea what to say to Nell in the face of this emotional request ? how will she respond?

This situation could potentially be another bump in the road for Melanie's romance with Toadie, following their previous issues.

The couple reconciled earlier this year following their brief split after Toadie's kiss with Rose Walker (Lucy Durack), so they will be hoping to keep their relationship on the right path this time.

The Christmas party also sees Kyle Canning (Chris Milligan) and Roxy Willis (Zima Anderson) celebrating their engagement, following Roxy's surprise proposal.

Neighbours airs these scenes on Friday, November 26 at 1pm and 6pm on Channel 5 in the UK. The scenes air in Australia on Tuesday, November 23 at 6.30pm on 10 Peach.

20-06-2022, 13:46
DS article:

Neighbours' Melanie Pearson to face sad struggle in Sonya storyline
Can Melanie deal with the ghost of Sonya?


Neighbours spoilers follow.

Toadie and Melanie are in a good place in Neighbours after they agreed to move in together, but memories of Sonya soon start to give Mel cause for concern.

To be fair to Melanie, living with the looming presence of your boyfriend's dead ex is never ideal, and she has to deal with a giant mural of her at Lassiters, so Sonya is never far from anybody?s minds.

But next week sees Melanie really starting to struggle with it all, and hearing from everyone how beloved Sonya was only makes her feel more anxious about it than she already did.

Somewhat awkwardly given her potential feelings for Toadie, it is Amy that is there for Melanie when she returns from a date to find Melanie uncharacteristically down in the dumps.

While Melanie tries to play it down and acts like she is fine, Amy knows better and prods her until she reveals how insecure she is feeling.

While it was a confidential chat, Amy decides that Toadie needs to know how his girlfriend is feeling and wastes little time in telling him everything.

He is grateful for the heads-up, but Melanie feels as though Amy has betrayed her trust as she was hoping she could deal with it without involving Toadie at all.

But Amy could find herself forgiven quite quickly as a sit-down chat with Toadie is exactly what Melanie needed, and he has an open and honest chat with her about Sonya and how he sees Mel fitting into his life.

It would appear that these two are back in a good place, but will we hear the sound of wedding bells for them in the near future?

Toadie popped the question to Melanie recently and while she turned him down then, could she have a change of heart that will allow us to see one more ? and final ? Ramsay Street wedding before Neighbours comes to an end?

Neighbours airs weekdays at 1.45pm and 6pm on Channel 5 and streams on My5. In Australia, the show airs Mondays to Thursdays at 6.30pm on 10 Peach and streams on 10 Play.

04-07-2022, 13:54
DS article:

Neighbours lines up new feud for Angie Rebecchi in return storyline
It's Melanie vs Angie!


Neighbours spoilers follow.

Melanie Pearson needs to watch herself in episodes to air in Neighbours next week as she has quite the person to contend with when Angie Rebecchi makes a return.

Melanie and Toadie are celebrating their engagement, but not everybody is as excited for them as they should be.

First, there is Zara who is sure that Toadie is meant to be with Amy instead of Melanie, while the recently returned Harold Bishop also voices his disapproval.

But none of those can prepare Melanie for the real test that she is about to face when Toadie?s mum, Angie, turns up for the engagement party.

From the moment that Angie arrives, things are tense between the two ? and they only get worse from there.

Of course, Melanie should have been forewarned about what she's in for as Angie has been a force to be reckoned with ever since we first met her.

She clashed with Sonya on numerous occasions in the past, and it looks like Melanie could well be set to be in the same boat.

As the engagement party continues, Angie continues to dig at Melanie at every chance that she gets. Melanie tries to smile through it, but with everything going on with Harold too, she soon starts to struggle.

Things soon get to the point where Melanie is unable to bite her tongue any longer, and she loses her temper and calls Angie out for her behaviour.

But how will Angie respond, and could Toadie soon find himself caught in the midst of a huge feud between his mother and soon-to-be wife?

Angie's return is one of many to come next week. She, Malcolm Kennedy, Joe Mangel, Shane Ramsay and Izzy Hoyland are all set to return too with more to follow as we get closer to the final ever Neighbours episode.

Neighbours airs weekdays at 1.45pm and 6pm on Channel 5 and streams on My5. In Australia, the show ai

20-09-2023, 22:47
i just can't see melanie abandoning toadie and the kids

20-09-2023, 23:28
That?s what I thought. Paul yes to leaving Terese at the alter, but Mel doing a midnight flit seemed odd

21-09-2023, 15:13
is or was melanie sick and didn't want toadie and the kids to suffer

30-10-2023, 01:24
DS article:

Neighbours to air Melanie Pearson return for Flashback Week revelations
Why did she really leave Erinsborough?


Neighbours spoilers follow.

Neighbours has revealed a first look at Melanie Pearson's dramatic return to Erinsborough.

Melanie will arrive back on Ramsay Street to face the music next month, after weeks of fan speculation over her mysterious departure from Erinsborough.

New spoiler photos show Melanie in a tense conversation at Number 22, the new home of her ex-husband Toadie Rebecchi.

Unsurprisingly, Toadie and his new wife Terese Willis are both present to hear what Melanie has to say following her extended absence.

More curiously, Jane Harris, Susan Kennedy and Holly Hoyland are also in attendance to witness Melanie's revelations.

Paul Robinson also gets involved and appears visibly irate over the situation, but viewers will have to tune in to find out why he's there.

Melanie's return scenes will air as part of the highly-anticipated Flashback Week, as Neighbours provides answers over what happened during its two-year time jump.

Producers have promised to provide answers over the new season's biggest mysteries ? and the reason for Melanie's departure is sure to feature.

When Neighbours returned for its new season last month, it was revealed that Melanie had left Ramsay Street a year earlier. She wrote a note to Toadie, claiming that she wasn't cut out to be a stepmum to his children Nell and Hugo.

Fans have speculated that there was another reason for Melanie's disappearance, as this strange excuse seemed out of character.

Neighbours' executive producer Jason Herbison recently told us: "It will all lead to a big event, that we will then unpack in greater detail. That will ultimately answer the mystery of: 'What became of Melanie, why did she leave? Why have a few other people left town?' All will be revealed a few weeks into the show."

He continued: "All roads lead to this flashback week, where we do find out. We go back in time ? and we discover some things that were going on during the finale that you all saw, that we didn't really see at the time.

"All of these things, it turns out, have a really big bearing on what's happened to the show today. Why people are there? Why people are not there? Who was with whom? How does it all happen?"

Neighbours releases new episodes from Mondays to Thursdays for free on Amazon Freevee in the UK and US. In Australia, the show airs from Mondays to Thursdays at 4pm on Channel 10, with a 6.30pm repeat screening on 10 Peach.

30-10-2023, 09:36
My guess is Melanie had cancer and after what happened to Sonya she didn't want to stick around for the kids sake

30-10-2023, 20:44
My guess is Melanie had cancer and after what happened to Sonya she didn't want to stick around for the kids sake

think same

30-10-2023, 23:53
I hope Melanie, her laugh and pigs return full time for Toadie and the kids

Terese is all work work business and Paul

31-10-2023, 08:42
Yeah well she says she is full time. 100% her and Toadie get back together. Especially when they both find out the truth

09-11-2023, 23:50
starting to think Eden is Melanies son. Something happened with him that made Melanie bail on all of them??

10-11-2023, 05:03
Yeah it would appear so. Cancer theory is out the window I think.

10-11-2023, 19:10
Why else would Eden be there??

Im interested to see how Paul is tied into this mess with Melanie! Surely not another Paul child!

Holly will also come into the story seeing she had some sort of relationship with Eden in the past. Did Eden cheat on Holly with Krista??

Whatever it is Paul & Melanie did what they did to keep Terese , Toad & the kids safe?

Melanie will be in the spotlight with this story. Will enjoy seeing a totally different side of her.

Makes me laugh though, Toadie was lied to by Dee, Sonya and now Melanie, being a lawyer hasnt helped him much.

11-11-2023, 00:04
Ok, so Ive just read a screenshot of an article regarding Melanie!

Apparently Melanie thinks SHE KILLED SOMEONE!!! Wild

Starting to make sense why Pauls involved, something shady has gone down with shady people!!

12-11-2023, 21:31
Nowtolove.com.au article:

Neighbours spoilers: Why has Melanie been locked up?
Mel is in hell.


A shocking confession has landed Melanie in prison, where she anxiously awaits her fate, but what exactly has she done?

When Melanie (Lucinda Cowden) ? Toadie's (Ryan Moloney) ex-wife who abruptly left two years ago ? returned to Ramsay Street unexpectedly in Neighbours recently, he and his new bride Terese (Rebekah Elmaloglou) were none too pleased.

The only one who was happy to see her was Toadie's daughter Nell (Ayisha Salem-Towner), who'd missed her stepmother desperately and had worked hard to try to track her down.

The teenager hadn't warmed to Terese and longed for the family unit as it used to be. To try to achieve that, Nell went looking for Melanie, going behind her father's back, skipping school ? and, in her efforts, inadvertently putting herself in harm's way.

When Nell suddenly couldn't be found and didn't answer her phone, Toadie feared the worst. A search party was formed to find the youngster, with the authorities brought it to assist.

"Toadie was disappointed by Nell's actions, but he understands it's been hard for her," Ryan, 43, tells TV WEEK. "Melanie was like a mother to her and she misses that relationship. Nell is confused and heartbroken she left."

Now Melanie is back, her past has caught up with her. Could this be why Toadie wanted her to be as far away from Nell as possible all along?

"After all the revelations that have come to light, Toadie believes a relationship with Melanie will only bring Nell more hurt," Ryan says.

Although Toadie only wants to keep Nell safe, being so firm in his parenting could push away his daughter further and encourage her secrecy.

What misdeed has landed Melanie behind bars? And is it so unforgivable that not even young Nell ? the only reason she's returned to Erinsborough ? will want to see her again?

13-11-2023, 01:21
Looking forward to this SL.
Hoping it is something really soapy that involves many characters!
Would love it if Eden was somehow related to Paul. Do think he is Melanies son?.

Whatever happens, its going to be a lot better than the WTD SL ending. Andrew should have been the dad!

13-11-2023, 01:50
was mel in prison or is going to prison, was she on the run, im hoping a good flashback but waited so long i fear a letdown

13-11-2023, 02:03
Mel will probably end up in prison. She thinks she killed someone, possibly Krista??

Im sure Toadie will be the one who gets her out and clears her name. Conflict of emotions incoming!!

The JJay WTD SL was a total letdown after such a big build up! I hope we dont get another similar ending.

The reboot has been disappointing and boring so far?.

14-11-2023, 13:00
Well all characters are linked. But how. Cover up the supposed murder? Thats why Paul protected Terese? It happened at Lassiters?

15-11-2023, 00:03
Mmm? thats why I think Pauls involved too. Im not sure what to make out of whats been shown past two days.
Melanie being the housekeeper was a letdown for me. Wanted the connection to be way more exciting! Either Kristas mother or Edens mother? secret child was way to go.

Is anyone actually enjoying the SL?s?????

15-11-2023, 21:58
It has been boring and a crap reveal so far.

The fallout will determine the shows future. They have butchered it so far with the slow reveal.

The Varga family are not good actors. That storyline about his dad was anti climatic.

I can't see the show continuing beyond next year at this point

16-11-2023, 09:02
I have to agree.

Writers have missed many opportunities to deliver something fresh & exciting, Im not sure how the show will last at this rate.

I agree that some of the newbies just dont work. Cara, JJay & Haz probably the better ones. JJay should have been ANDREWS son! That would have been a great foundation to build upon.

The SLs have promised so much yet failed to deliver.

Was great to see MEL in a different role, but she deserved better. Housekeeper for the Sinclair family, seriously ?????

Wont lie, as a NEIGHBOURS fan Im bummed its this bad.

21-11-2023, 10:39
Finally something they didn't drag out re: Krista. Not all doom and gloom yet.

21-11-2023, 20:10
The reveal was too basic, but hey Im happy KRISTA is alive. The actress has great energy. She gives off APRIL vibes. Happy to have CHLOE back too. She lights up the room.

Will be great to get MELANIE out of those greens!!!! Not her colour. We need her back to her gorgeous self! Where will she live???? With SUSAN & KARL?

TOADIEs feelings for MELANIE will also come flooding back now that she isnt guilty of murder. Fun times ahead.

Hoping KRISTA hangs around. Her character would fit in perfectly and instantly give us the drama with HOLLY. Could see the two of them ending up as besties and saying that EDEN played them both.

Guess the next big story is lets save the school again?..

23-11-2023, 06:07
My prediction Mel and Paul get together before they reunite with their originals

23-11-2023, 09:08
That would be hilarious!!! I cant see it though?

No way would Paul go there or would he??

I could see MEL & PAUL conspiring to make the other two jealous, but an actual hookup its a no from me.

Looking at the cast, who is there for MEL & PAUL if not TOADIE & TERESE?

We need more characters?.

06-12-2023, 03:06
Not on the credits yet so is she permanent?

I remember Stefan mentioning there was a storyline which shocked everyone. Maybe related to a death. Does she die?

06-12-2023, 21:57
Not sure if she is permanent yet (though all indications seem she will be), but Melanie doesn't die. However, there appears to be another death on the horizon, & the strong speculation is that it will be David (as I am sure many people have now heard). The rumour going around last year was that Takaya (David) wanted to leave the show & that David's going to prison was to be his exit storyline, but when it was announced that Neighbours was being axed that situation changed & he stayed on till the end. Then when the show was resurrected, the speculation was that he agreed to return, but only for a limited time. The rumour then began that he will be killed off when a fan posted a photo on Facebook in early September off the crew filming a funeral at a Melbourne cemetery. This was followed by a Channel 10 news segment inadvertently sharing a glimpse of the memorial photo (on a table) from the wake - the picture is blurry, but someone later apparently was able to enhance it & says it was definitely David's photo. It is said he will be seen on-air till February. As always, nothing has been confirmed, but many seem to be talking about this as a 'done deal'. We will see.

https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&insightstoken=bcid_r8M0bk5wqmcGheE4bFCjAhPXinaR... ..40*ccid_wzRuTnCq&form=ANCMS1&iss=SBIUPLOADGET&selectedindex=0&id=2128254560&ccid=wzRuTnCq&exph=600&expw=337&vt=2&sim=1
https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&insightstoken=bcid_r3cFssbh2GcGheE4bFCjAhPXinaR... ..zk*ccid_dwWyxuHY&form=ANCMS1&iss=SBIUPLOADGET&selectedindex=0&id=-272048324&ccid=dwWyxuHY&exph=422&expw=600&vt=2&sim=1

07-12-2023, 10:09
Interesting. Thanks for the info. The photos don't load though

07-12-2023, 20:08
Interesting. Thanks for the info. The photos don't load though

Sorry, not sure why they won't load. I re-posted them & they initially loaded ok, but later on they didn't again! Oh, well. The first one was a pic of a casket at the funeral site with rows of empty chairs etc, ready for the ceremony. The 2nd (blurry one) one was of the wake, with Aaron, Mac & Holly(?), & someone signing the register/book at the table with the framed photo of (what looks like) David.

07-12-2023, 20:24
Im ready for DAVID to die. Was never a big fan. I just hope that he makes peace with PAUL before he goes.

I wonder who will be cast for AARON???

AARON & CHLOE hopefully staying permanently so theyll be great together in this SL and CHLOEs with her Huntington symptoms.

21-12-2023, 20:06
DS article:

Neighbours' Melanie and Krista to receive devastating news as flashbacks are revisited
It was recently revealed that the pair knew each other years ago.


Neighbours spoilers follow.

Neighbours' Melanie Pearson and Krista Sinclair are set to receive some devastating news.

The Australian soap's recent Flashback Week confirmed that Melanie knew Krista years ago, as she was a housekeeper for Krista's family.

It was also revealed that Krista was on drugs at the time, and Melanie tried to protect her by going to confront the dealers.

However, this backfired when Melanie was caught on CCTV holding the drugs, so she fled from the UK to avoid facing the consequences.

This comes back to haunt them in scenes airing on Thursday, December 28, when Melanie is shocked to learn that she and Krista have been called in for a preliminary interview with the UK Government.

Here, it will be decided whether or not to extradite them for drug possession and absconding.

Melanie's lawyer informs her that they will need character references to prove that Melanie is a law-abiding citizen who got caught up in a complex situation with a powerful family.

However, Melanie is unsettled when her lawyer assumes that she has her ex-husband Toadie's support.

Nell becomes concerned when she overhears Melanie talking to Krista about the interview at Elly and Chloe's wedding.

She then suggests that she request character references on Melanie's behalf after sensing that Melanie is reluctant to press Toadie and his new wife Terese.

Although Melanie reiterates that she doesn't want to ask them, Nell follows through with the request anyway.

Unaware of the circumstances, Toadie tells Terese that Melanie should approach him directly rather than having Nell do it for her.

Adamant that Melanie has crossed the line, Toadie quickly writes up a character reference. But will it be the reference that Mel wants and needs?

Neighbours releases new episodes from Mondays to Thursdays for free on Amazon Freevee in the UK and US. In Australia, the show airs from Mondays to Thursdays at 4pm on Channel 10, with a 6.30pm repeat screening on 10 Peach.

18-01-2024, 20:06
DS article:

Neighbours' Melanie Pearson gets caught up in a new lie
Mel's friends get carried away over her love life.


Neighbours spoilers follow.

Neighbours' Melanie Pearson gets carried away next week as she lets her loved ones believe that she's moving on with her life.

Melanie is determined to start a new chapter after the messy circumstances surrounding her split from her ex-husband Toadie Rebecchi.

This week's episodes saw Melanie arrange a date via an app, but she was devastated to discover that she'd fallen for a catfishing scam.

After Melanie was stood up for her date at The 82 tram venue, a group of young thugs terrorised her on the way home and revealed that they'd been behind the online messages she'd received.

Next week, Melanie feels like the odd-one-out as she's surrounded by loved-up couples on Ramsay Street.

Melanie is keen to make a change in her life, so she decides to go on a date with the fruit supplier for the Drinks Divas van.

The latest date doesn't go well, but Melanie feels backed into a corner when some of the neighbours see them together and express their excitement over her moving on.

Melanie can't bring herself to admit that the date was a flop, so she begins to dig herself into a hole as she spins false stories over how her love life is going.

Secrets never stay under wraps for long on Ramsay Street, so will Melanie live to regret not being honest with everyone?

Neighbours airs these scenes on Thursday, January 25.

Neighbours releases new episodes from Mondays to Thursdays for free on Amazon Freevee in the UK and US. In Australia, the show airs from Mondays to Thursdays at 4pm on Channel 10, with a 6.30pm repeat screening on 10 Peach.

05-02-2024, 01:35
Nowtolove.com.au article:

Neighbours spoilers: Will Melanie survive Eden?s reign of terror?
Hostage crisis.


Ramsay Street is thrown into chaos in Neighbours this week, as Melanie is taken hostage by unhinged prison escapee Eden.

Melanie (Lucinda Cowden) is alone at the Kennedy house when Eden (Costa D'Angelo) bursts in.

"Eden was the last person Melanie expected to walk through her door," Lucinda, 58, tells TV WEEK. "She's angry for all the harm he's causing, but can't help but be scared for her life."

After he was involved in a violent scuffle that put one of Erinsborough's own in hospital, Eden is on the run.

"Eden is behaving erratically and is unpredictable," she says. "Although he's not in a good physical condition, who knows what he is capable of?"

Melanie's scream alerts Holly (Lucinda Armstrong Hall), who was about to drop by, to instead retreat and get help.

Eden becomes enraged and, armed with a scalpel, he ties her to a chair and holds Melanie hostage.

Thanks to Holly's alert, the police spill out onto Ramsay Street to handle the situation as anxious residents look on.

Toadie (Ryan Moloney), however, isn't willing to take any chances and wait for police to execute a plan, impatiently taking matters into his own hands to save his ex-wife.

"I think Melanie knows Toadie would always be there for her deep down if she needed help," Lucinda says.

Will Toadie be able to overpower Eden, or has he not only put Melanie in more danger, but himself too?

And why is he willing to risk his life for his ex? Could he still have feelings for her?

05-02-2024, 10:06
My only question at this point - who cheats first????? TOADIE or TERESE????

06-02-2024, 01:51
why does eden on the run, injured come to the street after melanie again

06-02-2024, 03:53
I think the SL is he is simply looking for $$$ to make a getaway.
I always wanted him to be MELs son!!! That would have been a good soapy mess.
I guess EDEN will go to jail once caught and will be forever linked to Ramsay St ready for the writers to bring him back at any given time.

06-02-2024, 16:18
I think the SL is he is simply looking for $$$ to make a getaway.
I always wanted him to be MELs son!!! That would have been a good soapy mess.
I guess EDEN will go to jail once caught and will be forever linked to Ramsay St ready for the writers to bring him back at any given time.

i hope he outs paul

06-02-2024, 18:44
Im sure EDEN will use it to try take advantage of the situation. PAUL will probably buy his silence. Cant believe PAUL will be back where he started from. Dont like how the writers keep doing the same old thing with PAUL. Too repetitive, too predictable. They should try something different?.

22-02-2024, 01:59
she was hilarious in her tiger dress after toad

22-02-2024, 07:32
she was hilarious in her tiger dress after toad

That was too funny!!! Holly?s face!
MELANIE is hilarious.

22-02-2024, 11:23
Does anyone else think this is a change of character for Mel? After leaving Toadie to protect him to be throwing Herself at him and trying to break up his marriage doesn?t seem to fit with her past behaviour.

23-02-2024, 03:48
Does anyone else think this is a change of character for Mel? After leaving Toadie to protect him to be throwing Herself at him and trying to break up his marriage doesn?t seem to fit with her past behaviour.

Yep I agree.

MEL gave up TOADIE & the kids to protect them and now shes trying to get him back?? The writing has been a bit all over the place since NEIGHBOURS returned to our screens. Id love if all episodes were as good as the DAVID dying episode.

MELANIE will eventually end up with TOADIE, but I want TERESE to make the call.

07-03-2024, 07:49
So glad MELANIE pushed TOADIE to make the first move!!! This is so on TOADIE!

MELANIE knows TOADIE too well..

11-03-2024, 10:44
I knew MELANIE was going to tell HOLLY!!

All hell will break loose now. Imagine what NELL will do with this. Hopefully shes TEAM TERESE. Wonder what she says to MELANIE..

TOADIE got exactly what he deserved, poor TERESE. Shell be running straight to PAUL.

CHELSEA really stuffed everything up for herself throwing away the plaque, and telling TOADIE TERESE was off with PAUL. Divorce incoming.

02-05-2024, 22:08
And now the DS article about Melanie leaving for 5 weeks:

Neighbours' Melanie Pearson to take a break from Erinsborough
This is exactly what she needs after the Toadie drama.


Neighbours spoilers follow.

Neighbours' Melanie Pearson is set to take a break from Erinsborough amidst the drama with her ex-husband Toadie Rebecchi and his wife Terese Willis.

The trio have been having a hard time following Toadie cheating on Terese with Melanie. But now Terese has agreed to give Toadie a second chance and work on their broken marriage, Melanie is struggling.

In scenes airing on May 8 and 9, Melanie hides from Terese and Toadie when she spots them out. But she's sprung by Terese, who realises how much Melanie is hurting.

Terese brings it up with Toadie, advising him to make peace with Melanie so that they can all move on.

Toadie offers a heartfelt apology to Melanie for the way he treated her, but she may need to put some distance between her and her ex to really heal.

Later in the week, Melanie completes her last day of community service but she's not sure what to do in the next phase of her life.

A chance remark from Paul Robinson prompts her to take her Drinks Divas van on a music festival circuit for five weeks. She intends to raise some money to help her move out of the Kennedys when she gets back.

With Karl and Susan's blessing, Melanie drives off in the van for an adventure.

Neighbours releases new episodes from Mondays to Thursdays for free on Amazon Freevee in the UK and US. In Australia, the show airs from Mondays to Thursdays at 4pm on Channel 10, with a 6.30pm repeat screening on 10 Peach.

10-05-2024, 22:41
DS article:

Neighbours to introduce suspicious new character in Mel storyline
"There?s something a bit strange about them..."


Neighbours spoilers follow.

Neighbours is set to introduce a suspicious new character in Melanie Pearson?s storyline.

Melanie has a difficult few months, after she had an affair with her ex-husband Toadie Rebecchi, behind the back of his current wife Terese Willis.

But she was left alone when, after their cheating was exposed, Terese decided to give Toadie another chance and work on their marriage.

After this drama, Melanie decided to take a break from Erinsborough, and in Thursday?s episode (May 9) she decided to take her Drinks Divas van on the music festival circuit for the next five weeks.

Thankfully, Melanie isn?t leaving the show for good, and in a ?Ramsey Revelations? clip posted on the Neighbours Instagram, actor Lucinda Cowden revealed that a mysterious new character will be introduced when she returns.


"Things coming up for Mel?" she said. "For a start, I think she absolutely needs to move out of the Kennedys?. Also, she meets somebody ? not in a romantic way ? while she?s doing these music festivals, and they come back with her. And, I don?t know but maybe there?s something a bit strange about them.

"That?s all I can tell you. I can tell you no more. There are no more revelations coming through here. No spoiling."

Cowden, who has played Melanie on and off since 1987, also opened up about her character?s tricky storyline in recent months.

She said: "If I think about Mel, what?s happened to her this year? it?s not been good. It?s been really fantastic to sort of flesh Mel out a bit more and it was a gift of a storyline to come back with. Ryan [Moloney] and I worked really hard to make that relationship believable and real and get people on board with it, because it was a difficult relationship on paper to make work, really.

"I think single Mel is interesting, as well. Originally I always thought of her back in the eighties as like your ultimate single friend. Just that mad girl that will do anything with you."

Neighbours releases new episodes from Mondays to Thursdays for free on Amazon Freevee in the UK and US. In Australia, the show airs from Mondays to Thursdays at 4pm on Channel 10, with a 6.30pm repeat screening on 10 Peach.