View Full Version : The Cover Up

27-07-2005, 17:13
Kemal has been busy covering his tracks as a suspicious Makosi took to asking a few awkward questions of her own.

Complaining of her interview in the Diary Room, she grumbled, "I got the interrogation."

Without batting an eyelid, Kemal sympathised, "I got mine yesterday," and innocently added, "What did they ask you?"

Makosi then listed Kemal's personal set of questions. Listening attentively, the stiletto-wearer nodded understandingly and fibbed, "They asked me all sorts of weird questions."

But something still seemed a little bit fishy to Makosi who asked, "Are you on some secret mission?"

The belly dancer just about managed to conceal his fear that he'd been rumbled and laughed, "I bloody wish. I asked the other day, can I not have just one? Orlaith gets one, Makosi gets one, what about me?"

Derek thought if he wasn't going to get a mission, Kemal should just pretend, seeing as his lengthy stay in the toilet had already spooked Orlaith. "You should make her paranoid," snorted the Tory.

Yes Kemal, just imagine you're on a secret mission...