View Full Version : Gabriels Death

27-07-2005, 10:35
Just read in the Sun today that Gabriel dies after falling from the roof of a tower block.
He falls after fighting on the roof with June and it also says Pc Gary "Smithy" Best which im assuming they have made a mistake and meant Dale or does that mean Gary comes back and they just made a typo

The scenes are to be showing in October

27-07-2005, 10:41
I Thought he was going to be brought to justice, not killed!

27-07-2005, 10:58
yeah i was hoping the would stop killing people off. Just wondering what they were fighting about, annoyed about the typo hopefully we will find out soon who the other person is

27-07-2005, 11:48
I am disappointed :mad: that his death :cheer: is not going to be more painful. I think its Smithy and June who are involved in his demise though. The sun probably got Gary and Smiffy mixed up. Anyway this is graet news about the end of the ape :cheer: :cheer:

27-07-2005, 11:55
Its a shame if that is true..I would like him to have been exposed as a fraud..he has been a great character..certainly made me hate him..

27-07-2005, 13:34
I wanted him to be brought to justice! death is just to good for him

Keating's babe
27-07-2005, 15:18
His death would be a cop out. :D

27-07-2005, 16:16
yes definitely too easy a way for him to go.

27-07-2005, 17:08
Who is to say that he is not exposed first then when tried to arrest or whatever he runs and they chase and he ends up accidentally (haha) falling from the building!!!!!!!!

Oh and you can bet it is 100% supposed to read SMITHY

27-07-2005, 18:10

27-07-2005, 18:18
That looks like an "I've given up so am jumping" type leap, cause he hasn't got his arms flinging around everywhere like you would if you had been pushed and don't want to die.

27-07-2005, 22:05

You beat me to it. I was going to post that.

28-07-2005, 09:47
I hope he lands on top of Yvonne Hemingway

28-07-2005, 09:49
Lands on top of her???

I think this isnt the right way to get him out the show there should have been a big court case against him and stuff like that.

Does anyone know what todd's going on to do now?

29-07-2005, 11:27
gabriel falling doesn't look real. it's a shame he goes out that way, he needs a long, slow and painful death

samantha nixon
01-08-2005, 12:13
i agree with youi lisamaxwellfan

Sam Nixon Fan
01-08-2005, 13:18
the pic make it look like the scene will be cgi'd rather than done by a stunt but that could jst be the way the picures taken

01-08-2005, 17:55
yeah, i suppose it will be a dummy but it needs to look realsitic

04-08-2005, 18:28
yeah, i suppose it will be a dummy but it needs to look realsitic

The dummy is probably a better actor than TC anyway

04-08-2005, 19:56
yeah, apart from the fact that it cant move, then it would be better

04-08-2005, 20:25
Anyone would have thought there would be a long case against gabriel instead of him just being killed

04-08-2005, 20:27
Anyone would have thought there would be a long case against gabriel instead of him just being killed

Thats one storyline i would not have minded dragging on

05-08-2005, 09:42
i would have liked that one, but i thought he jumped to escape them

05-08-2005, 12:38
i bet he kills him self when some one finds out the truth about him

05-08-2005, 12:49
um. read from the top of the thread

06-08-2005, 18:00
I hoping what happens it after some digging June, Smithy and Gina find out what he's done... so Gina takes all the info to Adam and Jack... and Smithy and June go to find him... they manage to find him and on confronting him he flees... they manage to catch up with him on top of the block of flats...after being told 'there's no way out' by June and 'everyone will know what you did' by Smithy Gabriel steps back further against the ledge... 'you'll never prove it' he shouts at them... June 'we've got all the proof we need'... Gabriel takes another threatening step it's up to Smithy to try and diffuse the situation 'come on Gabriel' he shouts... the next thing we see is Gabriel falling... but did he fall or was he pushed we’ll be left wondering... until an interesting set of flashbacks from June and Smithy reveal the answer...

07-08-2005, 16:04
I am really disappointed that his death :cheer: is so quick. Whilst I will be delighted to see the back of him I'm just sorry that he will not have to suffer for his actions :angry:

samantha nixon
07-08-2005, 16:08
i think that he should have to suffer aswell as he has caused so much pain and suffering to other people

14-08-2005, 08:59
yes i agree samantha nixon

14-08-2005, 09:50
I hoping what happens it after some digging June, Smithy and Gina find out what he's done... so Gina takes all the info to Adam and Jack... and Smithy and June go to find him... they manage to find him and on confronting him he flees... they manage to catch up with him on top of the block of flats...after being told 'there's no way out' by June and 'everyone will know what you did' by Smithy Gabriel steps back further against the ledge... 'you'll never prove it' he shouts at them... June 'we've got all the proof we need'... Gabriel takes another threatening step it's up to Smithy to try and diffuse the situation 'come on Gabriel' he shouts... the next thing we see is Gabriel falling... but did he fall or was he pushed we’ll be left wondering... until an interesting set of flashbacks from June and Smithy reveal the answer...

We'll probably have to wait and find out if he was pushed or he falls, but I hope he's pushed.

14-08-2005, 09:50
i think that he should have to suffer aswell as he has caused so much pain and suffering to other people

I agree.

Crazy Gal 88
14-08-2005, 15:46
good ridents gabriel!!!!adios, aurevoir.....

18-08-2005, 14:46
i no that sheela finds out that he raped kerry

Crazy Gal 88
18-08-2005, 17:57
yeh smithy tells her but then he tries to make out that he was drunk and its not true!

18-08-2005, 17:58
I wonder why smithy tries to tell sheelagh it was just a lie :hmm:

19-08-2005, 11:55
i'm glad hes leaving de bill coz i don't like im but i think they should bring him back in eastenders as mark fowler in a couple of years time coz it woud make a really good storyline even though he's meant to be dead!!!!!!

19-08-2005, 13:54
NO EE does not need any more dead men returning

Crazy Gal 88
31-08-2005, 20:50
maybe that prsotoitute hes been seeing kills him? as she sed (or shouted rather) 'ill destroy you gabriel kent - i prmise (or words to that effect) tonight!!!

01-09-2005, 15:52
i thought he jumped off the balcony??!

03-09-2005, 10:54
originally posted by Crazy Gal 88
maybe that prsotoitute hes been seeing kills him? as she sed (or shouted rather) 'ill destroy you gabriel kent - i prmise (or words to that effect) tonight!!!

maybe he let something slip to her, or she knows something about him which she tells someone when shes in it next week

04-09-2005, 17:41
it's all getting very interesting anyway, i cant wait for everyone to find out everything gabriel has done.

04-09-2005, 17:41
yeah. shame the only person who investigated was andrea and she's dead now...

04-09-2005, 17:53
i bet its smithy or even that laura because theres something dodgy about her any one else think so? :searchme: