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View Full Version : makosi abortion

27-07-2005, 00:26
was that some kind of sick joke tonight?

27-07-2005, 00:27
did you see the way they all looked at her like they didnt know wether to believe her or not!

didnt she say she didnt like abortions the other day??

and if she did i dont think it something to laugh at!

27-07-2005, 00:30
she said it then sat there waiting for there reactions,with a smug smile on her face.this is just another sick joke of hers like the pregnancy drivel she was spouting all to get attention its is really sick if you ask me.when she was supposedly pregnant she was saying it is against her beliefs to abort etc and now she reckons shes had one along with being a virgin at the same time.she is a lying conniving bi*ch and needs to go!

27-07-2005, 00:32
yeah i agree there chance she needed to go 3 weeks ago. she is so getting on my nerves i dont know how they like her??

and if she has had one why reveal it on a tv programme watched by millions!!

silly lying cow

27-07-2005, 09:24
she did have an abortion it was in new magazine her ex boyfriend told all

27-07-2005, 09:30
I dont think this was funny at all - She seemed to think it was - anyway she has to go i really dont understand why she's not been up for eviction more times?

27-07-2005, 09:39
that was wierd - if you had to tell a secret it wouldn't be a deep dark secret would it? i would say " i fancy richard hammond" or something. she just did it to get attention!

27-07-2005, 12:45
yeah of course she did everything she does is for attention!!

Bad Wolf
27-07-2005, 12:48
what happened???? that girl is off her rocker!!!!! who jokes about that??!!

27-07-2005, 13:06
well they were playing a pass the parcel game and every time the parcel stopped they would get a sweet and a quetion to answer!! makosi got tell the group a secreyt and she told them she ahd an abortion. noone really knew what to say and the looks on their faces were great. they just didnt know wether to believe her or not!! then she laughed!!

Bad Wolf
27-07-2005, 13:12
she is unreal

27-07-2005, 13:28
whether its true or not its still something discusting to say in front of everyone with a big grin on your face,she makes me feel ill. :sick:

27-07-2005, 17:13
She left the storyline and when she's bored she starts it!! Again.. I agree chance... talk about big mouth :rotfl:

27-07-2005, 17:16
she just drives me mad!!

27-07-2005, 18:20
I do like Makosi but i dont like her wen she lies!

27-07-2005, 18:49
so you dont like her most of the time then???? LOL

27-07-2005, 19:38
so you dont like her most of the time then???? LOL
