View Full Version : daft fader

26-07-2005, 10:15
Anthony and Craig decided to cover their top halves with black bin liners and then try to scare the easily frightened Kemal. However, it didn't go to plan.

Maybe Anthony is losing his touch with the late night pranks, or maybe it was just the law of averages that one would completely fail, but this stunt was a big flop.

After both putting bags over their heads, the cheeky pair looked like a cross between Darth Vader and a pair of seals caught in an oil spill. They sneaked into the bedroom and crept up to Kemal...only to discover he was still awake.

"I can see it," Kemal said dryly.

"Why didn't you leave it another hour?" Orlaith added. They removed the sacks and crawled into bed, defeated.

However, not wishing to see the sun rise without some sort of practical joke occurring, Anthony got up an hour later and smeared shaving cream on Craig's head. But it's just not the same is it?

Remember kids, sticking a black bin bag (empty or full) over your head can be dangerous and smelly so don't try it at home.

26-07-2005, 13:56
Awww!! Lol!! Maybe tricks do not work the same without Maxwell!!