View Full Version : Neighbours Spoilers 10th - 14th August 2020

02-08-2020, 12:03
Neighbours TV Listings spoilers:

Monday 10 August (UK: Monday 31 August)

Paul is enraged upon learning about the protest, leaving Harlow to choose between her grandfather and her passion for the environment.
Nicolette goes against Pierce's instructions, leaving him furious.
Terese decides her and Paul need some space, deciding to go visit her children.

Tuesday 11 August (UK: Tuesday 1 September)

Paul quickly dismisses Ned's business plan for the backpackers.
When Levi needs Bea to pick up his new prescription, Yasvhi catches them in a hushed conversation, leaving Bea to cover with a complicated lie.
Pierce considers firing Nicolette while Nicolette considers quitting.

Wednesday 12 August (UK: Wednesday 2 September)

When Shane doesn't show up for their 20th anniversary dinner, Dipi goes searching and finds him alone on a street in West Waratah.
Yasvhi is confused by Bea's allegation that she's secretly dating Levi.
Ned is pleased that his online venture is growing in popularity, but Yashvi worries his subscribers are more interested in him than his art.

Thursday 13 August (UK: Thursday 3 September)

Kyle is jealous that Levi seems to be the favourite grandson, so he fakes being sick to get Sheila's attention.
Seeing Dipi break down at The Waterhole, Roxy confronts Shane about coming clean to his family, but he's not receptive.
Toadie makes the mistake of asking for Karl's help with his love life.

Friday 14 August (UK: Friday 4 September)

Kyle is furious at Shane's behaviour towards Roxy, taking things into his own hands to tell Dipi.
David and Emmett have a fun day together, only for an unwanted call to ruin all the fun.
Dipi and Toadie stage an intervention.

24-08-2020, 23:41
Digital Spy's extended Neighbours Spoilers for next week in the UK (ie UK 31 Aug-4 Sept & Aust 10-14 Aug):

UK airdate: Monday 31 August 2020 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Monday 10 August 2020 at 18:30 on 10 Peach


When Emmett learns that he wrongfully accused David and Aaron of dobbing his mum in, he turns his anger on Jenna.

Aaron and David assure Emmett they don't hold any grudges over him being angry with them. The trio seem to find a supportive and happy equilibrium. But how long will it last?

Meanwhile, Harlow worries Mackenzie's protest against Lassiters will only serve to anger Paul. And indeed, when he's incensed at Mackenzie's livestreamed protest, Harlow finds herself having to choose between Paul and her principles.

Elsewhere, Chloe has thrown herself into being Fay's carer, but Pierce is worried she's taking on too much. Nicolette disagrees, and goes against Pierce's instructions. When Pierce learns he's been defied, he's furious. Could be the end of Nicolette's job at Number 24?

UK airdate: Tuesday 01 September 2020 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Tuesday 11 August 2020 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

After their run-in, Nicolette and Pierce both realise the current situation at Number 24 isn't working. Pierce considers firing Nicolette, while Nicolette wonders if she should just quit.

Wanting Nicolette to stay for different reasons, Chloe and Jane separately manage to talk her out of it, but how much longer can this arrangement last?

Meanwhile, Levi's in a bind when he realises his medication prescription has been destroyed, and he has to work. Desperate, he asks Bea to pick up his new prescription. He's anxious waiting for Bea, and Yashvi becomes suspicious. When she catches him in a hushed exchange with Bea, Bea covers with a complicated lie.

Elsewhere, when a distracted Paul seems to dismiss Ned's plan for the backpackers, Terese becomes irritated. She confronts Paul over his dismissiveness. He tries to make peace, but when Terese reveals the Jenna situation stirred up thoughts of her own troublesome demons, Paul moves into support mode.

UK airdate: Wednesday 02 September 2020 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Wednesday 12 August 2020 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

With his Fandangle account growing in popularity, Ned is on a high.

Yashvi points out his subscriber base seem more interested in his body than his art, but Ned insists it's a great platform to showcase his work. Is Ned in denial about what he's getting himself into?

Meanwhile, Pierce convinces Dipi to plan a romantic dinner for Shane to discuss their upcoming 20th wedding anniversary. When Shane doesn't show for the dinner, Dipi does some investigating and sees Shane alone out on a street in West Waratah. Will Dipi tell him she knows he's lying to her?

Elsewhere, Yashvi is confused by Bea's cover story that she's dating Levi. Things are made even worse when Yashvi reveals to Bea that Levi previously swore Bea had too much baggage for him to handle. It's not the happy send-off for her Swiss holiday Bea was expecting.

UK airdate: Thursday 03 September 2020 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Thursday 13 August 2020 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

Dipi gears herself up to confront Shane about his lies, but misses her chance, so tries to find out what he's up to via other methods.

Getting nowhere, Dipi eventually breaks down in anguish and Roxy sees this ? and decides she's had enough. Roxy confronts Shane and he reacts very badly.

Meanwhile, feeling jealous that Levi seems to be Sheila's favourite grandson now, Kyle pretends to be sick to pull her focus back onto him. It works ? until Sheila realises he's playing her. Kyle is forced to explain his slightly childish feelings.

Elsewhere, Toadie struggles to choose which one of his many admirers to ask out. He reluctantly allows Karl in on the process, but very soon regrets his decision. Karl can't help interfering on the date and inadvertently torpedoes it. Karl is officially banned from 'helping'.

UK airdate: Friday 04 September 2020 at 13:45 and 17:30 on Channel 5

Australian airdate: Friday 14 August 2020 at 18:30 on 10 Peach

Shane is ashamed by his behaviour towards Roxy, and Kyle is livid. He reveals the abuse to Dipi.

At her wits' end, Dipi and Toadie stage an intervention, telling Shane that his excuses won't wash anymore. A desperate Shane comes up with an idea that he says will help, but is this just another lie to protect his habit?

Meanwhile, David proposes a day of fun for Emmett. However, David's idea of a good time differs from Emmett's. After a couple of failed activities, David is left feeling he's let Emmett down.

He eventually fronts up with the PS4, and the two end up having a fun night. But the elation is about to be thwarted by an extremely unwanted phone call.