View Full Version : Pauline and Chrissie

24-07-2005, 20:45
You know how Pauline was reasonably well-mannered and sympathetic when it came to Chrissie because of Den and what not. I reckon the frosty reception Chrissie gets now is due to the fact that Pauline's maybe on to her. I mean, she's been a mutual bystander in the whole Shannis and Chrissie thing, Sharon and Dennis seem to be blind to her games, but Pauline on numerous occassions has disagreed with Chrissie when it's come to advising Sharon over her relationship. She must realise how lousy a friend she's been. I think that's why she had that snipe at her when Amanda was there, she must know that Chrissie wants Sharon out after the whole "phone taxi to catch Dennis" stuff. Maybe it's Pauline that makes Chrissie crack and uncovers the truth about Den at the reception, because the idea of the cement cracking and his hand sticking up with his two-fingered salute at the happy couple is about as much as I could take as a viewer.

24-07-2005, 20:58
Never thought about it like that. But I think you may have a point ther.

24-07-2005, 23:14
i hope so,at least someone is smart enough to see what she is doing.

Jessie Wallace
24-07-2005, 23:18
I like the way you think!!

24-07-2005, 23:29
I think you are right. Pauline never bought the 'Den left with a blonde' story because she knows that Den would never leave the vic, and that he loves Sharon more than Chrissie or any other woman so Chrissie would have been the one to leave and he would have waited for his daughter to return to the square.

Jessie Wallace
24-07-2005, 23:31
Pauliene the super Slouth!

25-07-2005, 10:40
sounds good,or her suspisions are enough,but then again,chrissy is a hard nosed bitch she only came after him for money,and i can't see her going without money,unless the games up

25-07-2005, 10:48
Oh sounds like a good idea, I hope it is her to catches her i cant wiat for that epiosde

25-07-2005, 11:20
Yup, I can't wait either! I'm brilliant me, of course my luck I'm totally wrong and it will end up being Aleesha that discovers Den, but we can always dream.

25-07-2005, 12:56
i love the idea of pauline uncovering the truth, bout time she had a big storyline, she seemed to have a bit of a heart to heart with him before he died, and that would all make sense

25-07-2005, 13:39
Does anyone think that Pauline would discover Den's body, as she seems to have more suspisions over the 'Den left with a blonde' issue than anyone else.