View Full Version : there off again

24-07-2005, 08:41
Derek and Anthony were talking in the garden and when Craig joined them to try and smooth things over, he ended up falling out with his mate all over again.

"I can't believe how upset you are," Anthony gently stated. "You claimed I said a lot of things I didn't."

Then, like a one-man game of Chinese Whispers, Craig went over the events and grossly exaggerated what his mate had said to him in the Diary Room. He also reverted back to not liking Makosi.

"That bitch is using you for attention and you're so thick you won't entertain it," he spat with Derek silently listening. Craig then accused Anthony of humiliating him regularly: "You say I've got big tits and a big head!"

Somewhat exasperated with Craig's tipsy nagging, Anthony did his best not to argue, but then Craig snapped: "Well, become best friends with Kemal and Makosi and then see how long you last in the House...see what they say about you because I'm in there every day bigging you up."

"Now, don't be silly," Derek interjected sensibly.

"Fine," Anthony sternly said to Craig. "Wanna shake on it?"

"I'll treat you like ******* then you'll treat me with respect, that's how things work in Anthony world," Craig persisted and then Anthony just gave up.

"Alright, ******* off then! ******* off out of my sight," he shouted, but Craig was already on a roll and replied as if on autopilot: "I treat you like a God and worship the ground you walk on and you go on like I'm worthless!"

"It's better to talk in the morning, have a big glass of water then go to bed," Derek suggested wisely, but it had passed the point of sensible.

"I can't be arsed to put up with this *******, just ******* off," Anthony said and walked back into the House.

Derek, with patience above and beyond the call of duty, listened to Craig retell the whole sorry tale once again. Craig finally concluded: "I didn't want Makosi in the Diary Room with us. Science tried to infiltrate us too and I'm fed up with people trying to infiltrate our friendship...I can't handle it."

Could this be a warning to Derek?