View Full Version : hot the horn?

24-07-2005, 08:28
Makosi, Orlaith and Kemal have revealed that they are feeling mighty randy tonight and they've already got a man in mind to help them out. Yes, you've guessed it - Prince Philip!?

Mischievous Makosi thought the party was going well, but told Big Brother a vital element was missing. "Love the kebab, ten out of ten, love the booze, love the music, I want sex," she demanded.

"We... We want sex!" barked Orlaith. "We are so H-O-R-N-Y!" explained Makosi.

But when listing who they'd like to join the shindig, they had an unusual request. "We want Prince Philip!" they squealed.

"His eyes... ******* me Fred! His voice!" screeched Makosi, not making it at all clear who this Fred character was.

"He's got a presence to him. Just talking about him I orgasm, " she enthused about the mysterious man.

A confused Big Brother wondered if they realised they were talking about the Queen's hubby, but the Housemates howled with laughter when they heard this suggestion.

"He's married, but not to the Queen of England!" giggled the nurse.

A highly amused Orlaith snorted, "We got brains in here! We know what we're talking about!"

But what are they talking about?