View Full Version : ant and orlaith argue over butter

22-07-2005, 22:49
Eviction day got off to a less than civilised start as Anthony and Orlaith rowed over breakfast.

The commotion began after Anthony took exception to the amount of butter Orlaith was scraping from the inside of an almost empty tub to spread on her toast.

"There'll be a bit left for everyone, but 'first come, first serve'," she reasoned. "If you had have got here first, you would have done the same. I can just do what I want to do, okay?"

"I'm just saying don't use loads of butter man, for Christ's sake," Anthony replied with a raised voice. "Don't go on."

Lifting the empty tub of butter in demonstration, Orlaith asked: "Is there any butter to use? No, there isn't!"

"There isn't now, now that you've used all of it," he shot back. "****in' hell!"

He went on to accuse Orlaith of being a "twisty git, flippin' snapping at anything."

Having spread the toast to her satisfaction, Orlaith abandoned the argument, retiring alone to the seating area to devour the controversial slices.