View Full Version : Neighbours Spoilers 9th - 13th March 2020

29-02-2020, 21:21
Monday 9th March

Finn visits Harry in prison and makes an explosive discovery. Harlow and Hendrix sit down to talk. Lucy is not sure where her relationship with Mark Gottlieb is going.

Tuesday 10th March

Finn relishes his new lease on life. Mark has a question for Lucy. Elly tries to avoid dealing with Finn.

Wednesday 11th March

Finn's inner battle comes to a head. Paul is forced to come clean. Terese is shaken by a discovery.

Thursday 12th March

Harlow discovers a secret about her mother. Gary's wedding causes a rift between him and Kyle. Paul has some explaining to do to Terese. Mark and Paige take the next step.

Friday 13th March

Finn tells Elly that he loves her. Harlow wrestles with a secret. Gary and Kyle try to resolve their differences. Paige and Mark face tough questions.

03-03-2020, 11:56
Digitals Spy's expanded spoilers:

Monday 9th March


Finn is determined to find out the truth about the storage locker he has remembered. Having recalled that Harry Sinclair knew where the locker was located, Finn convinces David to supervise a visit. David is unsure, but Finn talks him around.

At the prison, Finn plays into Harry's affection for him, pretending he's struggling to cope with his past, and subtly tries to find out the address of the locker.

Meanwhile, Harlow's head is all over the place, but Hendrix is still trying to know where they're headed post-kiss. Then Terese reveals Prue and Gary are getting married next week as part of Lassiters wedding expo. Harlow chooses to take the high ground, resigned to the fact she can't control Prue's life and whims. Having made this choice, she fronts up to Hendrix to talk about the kiss. What will Harlow say?

Elsewhere, having enjoyed a sexy romp in the Lassiters Office, Lucy and Mark Gottlieb come up for air. Lucy is excited to fill Terese in on the fun she and Mark had, but Terese wonders what the next step is. The same question has been bugging Lucy. Knowing it's early to have the commitment chat before the official first date, Lucy nonetheless brings it up with Mark. Where are they going?

Tuesday 10th March


Mark Gottlieb and Lucy are still going strong, with Mark pulling out all the stops on touching gestures. Though she would love to keep riding the wave of their new love, Lucy needs to know how they're going to make things work when they have full lives in separate countries.

Can these lovebirds work out how to survive long distance?

Meanwhile, having opened the storage locker from his memory, Finn finds himself immersed in reminders of his sinister past, including Patrick's wheelchair and evidence of his attack on Erinsborough High. Fuelled by this discovery, Finn is left considering the man he used to be and why.

Later, when Finn reveals his visit to Harry to the worried Kennedys, he presents it as a positive experience. But is Finn telling the truth?

Wednesday 11th March


Elly is concerned about Finn's plan to meet Trent, knowing how upset he was over his dad's actions in Colombia, but she agrees not to tell Bea. When Finn confronts his dad Trent apologises for the past but insists he's glad Finn knows the truth about Colombia.

It seems they're headed for a thaw, but then Finn reveals he knows what really happened to the money Trent brought to Colombia.

Meanwhile, Lucy happily accepts Mark Gottlieb's proposal and though shocked, Paul is thrilled for his sister, as is Terese. It seems Lucy's question of logistics has been answered – Mark has decided to move to New York. He's excited at the change of pace and the opportunity to be part of Annie and Chris's lives – everything seems too good to be true for this loved-up couple.

Elsewhere, Jane is obsessing over Richard's final letter. Short of giving her closure, it seems to have reignited her feelings for him. Paul insists she let it go, but his tough love lands harshly and Terese apologises to a humiliated Jane. When Terese reveals to Paul that she has given John Wong's number to Jane so she can follow up on Richard, Paul knows he must reveal the truth about the letter.

Thursday 12th March


Wanting to get Harlow back on board for the wedding, Prue offers to spend a hen's day with her daughter. Harlow's resistance crumbles.

The pair bond over champagne and wedding hairstyle ideas, but when Prue heads off, she accidentally leaves her laptop behind. Harlow sees an email from the Restoration Order with explosive contents.

Meanwhile, Gary and Kyle are at odds as Kyle reveals he can't support his dad's fast-tracked wedding and is planning to go on the island trip instead. Gary is hurt, but Kyle stands firm. When Gary shows up in a car he has bought for his new bride, Kyle can't hold in his derisive comments and he and Gary nearly come to blows. The Canning family is more divided than ever.

Elsewhere, Terese has discovered the glowing, romantic email Paul wrote to Jane, under the guise of being the catfish 'Richard'. Gathering strength, Terese finally confronts him. Caught out, Paul explains he only did it to give Jane closure, but Terese remains disturbed – does Paul still have feelings for Jane?

Also today, Mark and Paige are now officially dating, but they feel the pressure of their shared history and are both nervous. Mark is determined to dial up the romance on their next date, but the closeness of the Erinsborough community makes it impossible to be alone. Will these two manage to make it work, despite their past and the well-meaning meddling?

Friday 13th March


Finn's mind turns to Elly more and more, dwelling on the tender way she comforted him earlier in the week. Seeing her by the lake, he has a fantasy of what their life could look like together as a family, along with baby Aster.

When Elly continues her kind solicitude towards him, Finn can't hold in his feelings for her any longer – he has been trying to fight it, but he loves her and wants to be with her. What will Elly say?

Meanwhile, Harlow wrestles with the secret that Prue didn't leave the Order of her own accord. Should she tell Gary? She tries to confide her dilemma in Finn, but he's not in the headspace to be any help. However, she does notice Finn make a strange slip, seeming to remember a detail from when he lived in the Willis house. Is Finn's secret busted?

Elsewhere, Gary and Kyle are at odds after their fight. A despondent Gary receives advice from Toadie: concentrate on your relationship and the woman you love, and other people will come around in time. Sheila soon convinces Gary to clear the air with Kyle and agree to disagree. Gary heads over to visit Kyle – will these two be able to bury the hatchet?

Also today, Paige and Mark Brennan are floating in a love bubble and agree they are officially back together. But they soon come crashing back to earth when Tyler calls about Fay's health and Paige realises Mark will be needed back in Adelaide very soon. She also has her own commitments back in Queensland with Jack and Gabe. Can this long-distance relationship work?