View Full Version : Scott Mills show and HP

22-07-2005, 10:37
Did anyone else hear scott mills yesterday? He said something (which I won't disclose here) about the ending of HP. My boyfriend phoned me and said " did you know.....?" I was distraught. How could he say that!

I then had to rush home and finish the book... I won't say whether what Scott mills said turned out to be true or not either as it may give stuff away.

I just thought it was really out of order!

22-07-2005, 10:52
Thats a shame if he did get it true cause i has ruined it for quite a few people

22-07-2005, 10:53
If what he said turned out to be true, he could be in a lot of trouble and should be too. How long does the average person take to read a book of 607 pages?!

22-07-2005, 10:59
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's annoyed! I reckon, based on normal reading (i.e. 1 or 2 chapters aday) and not obsessive reading (which most of us fans did) probably take a month?

22-07-2005, 11:05
I know there are people that read the end before the beginning to find out what happens, but that is their choice, so have it broadcast on air is not allowing people to have the choice. He should be taken to task for it definitely!!

22-07-2005, 12:49
if what he said turns out to be true JK Rowling should have him for spoiling the book for people who have not yet finished it

22-07-2005, 12:51
I think that whether or not it's true, it still ruined it for me.... without saying whether or not it was true I cannot explain my comments further! I'll just leave you all contemplating my riddle!

22-07-2005, 12:55
What was he talking about? Who dies? Who the HBP is?

22-07-2005, 12:58
he was talking about someone dying

25-07-2005, 09:07
when I was driving home on friday, scott mills apologised for saying it and told everyone that the person he said died, in fact doesn't die.

25-07-2005, 09:13
Doesn't matter he still ruined it for a lot of people even if he got it wrong

25-07-2005, 12:45
yeah it would have been better if he hadn't said it. i rushed through the end of the book assuming he was right and so that meant that I missed bits and made wrong assumptions.

25-07-2005, 12:46
too bad you cant say who he said ......unless you go to the spoiler section and let us know (just being nosy lol)