View Full Version : Neighbours Spoilers 21st - 25th October 2019

13-10-2019, 08:48
TV Listings Neighbours spoilers:

Monday 21 October

Paul discovers that Scarlett's job references were fabricated, but she turns the tables on him. Sheila puts her heart on the line in an attempt to win back Clive.

Tuesday 22 October

Paul tries to buy Scarlett's silence. Scarlett lures Ned into a dangerous trap. A new security system is installed at No 32. Amy gets a job offer that she cannot refuse.

Wednesday 23 October

Scarlett persuades Ned to move in with her. Toadie has a problem with the Foundation's tax return. Bea and Finn clash over Bea's continued suspicion of Scarlett.

Thursday 24 October

Sheila sends a sexy message to Gary by mistake, instead of Clive. Toadie encourages Kirsha to apply for an interstate scholarship. Finn gets some devastating news from Switzerland.

Friday 25 October

Elly and Finn anxiously await news from Switzerland. Hendrix feels sidelined by Pierce when Chloe returns. Panic sets in at Lassiter's when the visiting Melbourne Cup goes missing.

15-10-2019, 12:43
Digital Spy's expanded Neighbours spoilers are now available (I have also now included the Friday 25 Oct spoilers in the previous post)

Monday 21 Oct


Scarlet dials up her adoration of Kyle to make Ned jealous. Her ploy works a treat and Ned becomes more attentive towards Scarlett.

Later, Paul learns that Scarlett failed to provide job references when she was hired. When Paul reprimands her, Scarlett conjures a tearful performance and escapes the conversation. Terese warns Paul to be careful with Scarlett, as she's a young woman going through trauma. However, Paul spots Scarlett hidden away moments after his questioning, without a tear in sight.

Suspicious of this new employee, Paul learns that Scarlett lied about ever having formerly worked at a hotel. He decides to fire her, but Scarlett quickly turns the tables, revealing that she knows about the cameras that were found in the hotel and isn't afraid to share with the press if she has to.

Meanwhile, David is gutted that it looks like another career opportunity has slipped away and Sheila feels awful. Determined to make things right, Sheila delivers an apology letter and appeals to Clive to change Beverly's mind, but their debate is loaded with unresolved feelings. One thing leads to another and before Sheila knows it, she and Clive have slept together.

Sheila can see Clive misses her and begs him to give her another chance. Unable to resist her stubborn charm, Clive agrees but insists their official reunion will have to wait until he returns from the symposium he's attending with Beverly. Sheila agrees to Clive's wishes, simply glad to have her man back, and she's relieved when she learns her apology letter has convinced Beverly to still give David the speaking gig after all.

Tuesday 22 Oct


Paul offers Scarlett a cash bribe, in exchange for keeping what she knows private. He suggests she could use the money to start anew elsewhere, but Scarlett refuses. All she wants for her silence is to keep her job and remain close to Ned. Paul has no choice to agree, but is unable to shake a niggling feeling that something more is at play. He breaks into Scarlett's locker to find out more about her, when he's busted by an irate Terese.

Exasperated by his recklessness, Terese urges Paul to drop his vendetta against Scarlett and focus on the more pressing work issues they're facing. In order to support Terese, Paul is forced to loosen up on Scarlett. But unbeknown to either of them, Scarlett has all the footage from the hidden cameras, including recordings of Amy and Kyle. Paul has no idea how risky the game he's playing truly is.

Later, Scarlett seeks to convince Ned there's more than friendship between them. Ned is thrown, having thought they were on the same page about their night together and has to explain he isn't ready for what she wants. Disappointed, Scarlett realises she needs to up the ante to draw Ned in.

That night, Scarlett asks Ned to escort her down to the tram, claiming to have left her phone there. Ned agrees, unaware he's walking into a trap. Out of the darkness, a motorbike rider targets the pair, speeding towards them. Just as the bike is set to take them out, Ned stands frozen. Will he get out of the way in time?

Meanwhile, Amy's luck starts to turn when she finds herself headhunted. A colleague she worked with on Robinson Pines wants her to interview for project manager on a high-profile country club development. It's a dream gig, but Amy is apprehensive about leaving The Handywoman. However, supportive Kyle can't let Amy pass up this once in a lifetime chance. He volunteers to help with the business any way she needs and encourages Amy to follow her passion. Buoyed by her partner, Amy accepts, thrilled that things are turning around.

Wednesday 23 Oct


Ned refuses to go to hospital after his near miss and insists Scarlett help get him home. Terese and Paul are shocked when they struggle through the door and it soon becomes clear that Ned needs medical attention. Sure enough, he has a dislocated shoulder and has to stay in hospital overnight. Keen to capitalise on the situation she has created, Scarlett suggests he move in with her when he's discharged, since they've just installed a new security system.

Scarlett pulls out all the stops to make Ned feel comfortable. When Yashvi tries to visit, Scarlett blocks her, then deletes Yashvi's follow-up text. Ned notes Yashvi's apparent neglect, and Scarlett further undermines her rival by highlighting Yashvi's coldness. Soon afterwards, Scarlett insists on helping Ned into the bath and draws him further into her web when she initiates a seduction.

Meanwhile, Bea confides in Amy and Kyle about Scarlett, piquing Amy's own suspicions. Amy shares a number of Scarlett incidents that have troubled her. Bea and Amy decide they need to find out more about Scarlett's background, turning to the internet for help.

Frustrated by Bea's insistence on involving herself in a potentially dangerous situation, Finn shuts their search down by literally shutting her laptop and then confiscating it. Infuriated by his high-handed behaviour, Bea takes him to task and they wind up in a full-scale fight. In the heat of the moment, Bea calls Finn 'Patrick' by mistake. The grave slip of the tongue leaves Bea shocked and Finn deeply hurt.

Elsewhere, Toadie is thrown into a panic when Finn flags a potential issue regarding income tax that could cost the Foundation dearly. It's not too late to fix it, but it becomes clear that Toadie needs permanent help sorting his accounts. Hearing of Toadie's trouble, Yashvi thinks she knows where that help can come from.

Thursday 24 Oct


Roxy clocks Sheila in a suspiciously good mood and demands to know why. Sheila coyly reveals that she and Clive are back together. Roxy is stoked, until Sheila clarifies that Clive is currently at a conference with Beverly and hasn't broken up with her yet. Alarm bells ring for Roxy and she advises Sheila to make sure she's the only woman on Clive's mind.

Roxy gives Sheila the idea to take a raunchy pic to send to Clive. Sheila feels a rush of adrenaline as she sends the sext, but when Clive takes too long to reply, she realises her horrific mistake – she has sent the photo to Gary by accident.

Meanwhile, Bea is forced to take on a hard truth – that she and Finn do not know how to deal with conflict in their relationship. The couple have an honest and open conversation. Finn explains his earlier behaviour was fuelled by fear of losing Bea. They don't have a clear-cut solution, but agree to keep the lines of communication open. However, the reunion is shattered when Finn gets a call about his brother – there has been an avalanche in Switzerland and Shaun is missing.

Elsewhere, Toadie is floored by Kirsha's innovation when she helps with his accounts. Kirsha reveals she has been feeling overlooked in the house recently, leading Toadie to encourage her to speak up for what she wants. With his support, Kirsha musters the courage to tell her parents she wants to apply for an interstate school scholarship, but is met with resistance and worry.

Kirsha argues it's unfair her brother can study in Sydney and she can't, but Dipi and Shane flag Kirsha's anxiety as an issue – they don't think she's ready to leave the nest. Hoping to change their minds, Elly gives Kirsha's video essay to Toadie, who sits with Shane and Dipi to watch it. In the essay, Kirsha eloquently explains how her anxiety hasn't held her back and that she's a stronger person for it.

Toadie is moved by her words, but Shane and Dipi still won't let her apply. Clocking Kirsha's disappointment, Toadie goes behind Shane and Dipi's back and writes Kirsha a recommendation letter, encouraging her to submit her application and see what happens.

Friday 25 Oct


Finn fears the worst about Shaun and is desperate to know more, while Elly remains hopeful. When Finn finally hears from Claudia, they learn that three more deceased bodies have been found but are yet to be identified. Elly is determined to believe Shaun is okay, frustrating Finn, who feels Elly is ignoring the facts and being delusional. Bea is caught in the middle, unable to keep the peace between the two with their very different coping strategies.

After a call with Susan, Toadie checks in on the family and unlocks the real reason Elly is holding onto hope – she is afraid that if Shaun's dead, her baby will grow up without a father.

Elly finds Finn and apologises for disavowing his feelings and pushing her own views on him. She admits the situation looks dire and confesses her fears. Finn's frustration dissipates and he's able to accept Elly's point that there is at least some small hope for Shaun. The pair take comfort in each other as they await further news about the avalanche.

Meanwhile, Pierce is preparing for the grand arrival of the Melbourne Cup in Erinsborough as part of its 2019 tour. He arranges to take a special photo with his son and the Cup when it arrives first thing in the morning. However, Pierce is surprised by Chloe's early return home and completely forgets about Hendrix.

Later, a frantic Terese interrupts Pierce and Chloe's catch-up, revealing that the Melbourne Cup has gone missing. If they don't find it soon, they and their Cup sponsorship will be in very hot water. As the hotel heavy-weights search, Harlow and Roxy are thrown to find the Cup in the boot of their car. After Roxy's had her fun taking selfies with the Cup, she and Harlow return it to Pierce and Terese just in time to save the grand launch event they had planned.

When it's revealed that Hendrix is behind the Cup's theft, a livid Pierce confronts him. Hendrix argues he's over Pierce's half-hearted parenting. In kind, a frustrated Pierce lashes out, telling Hendrix he wishes he'd never come to Erinsborough. Pierce is shocked by his own outburst and Hendrix is devastated.

Digital Spy