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View Full Version : The Allens

29-03-2005, 16:48
Hi I'm new on the boards. I just wanted to know what will happen when Ruby finds out about Tina. (Or does she even find out). I think Ruby is so cool and Tina is one sassy lady. I hope EE doesn't waste them or sack them like they have done with Danny and Jake. OUTRAGED. I was looking forward to Chrissie and Jake. Could someone please tell me what happens with the Allens?

I'm a really big Letitia Dean/Sharon Watts fan (look at my user name!) so I'd really like to hear some news about her. :bow:

Johnny Allen
29-03-2005, 21:09
Well I am pretty sure Ruby finds out about Tina in a couple of weeks time so my TV magazine told me anyway, wait for the fireworks

29-03-2005, 21:16
Ooooooooh! You knew it was bound to come out eventually!

29-03-2005, 21:16
Well I am pretty sure Ruby finds out about Tina in a couple of weeks time so my TV magazine told me anyway, wait for the fireworks

Can you tell us what it said in your telly mag please? :cheer: This is a spoiler board after all (please tell us what mag though)

29-03-2005, 22:34
how old is the actress hu plays ruby? i herd she is 16 is tha tru?

30-03-2005, 06:50
Yeah she is 16.
I think she said her birthday was october.
She is older than Stacey!! Not that she looks it. :)