View Full Version : Giving up smoking!!!

19-07-2005, 22:16
Right guys i have decided to quit the fags so judejude thought it would be a good idea to start a thread on it so here it is!!

i started when i was 15, then gave up when i was 18 whan i had niall. i started again when i was 20, then gave up when i was 26 when i had niamh and started again when she was 2 months old!!!

its the bain of my life i really want to stop this time, my partner is also going to stop as we are getting a new car on monday and we can't afford both!!

i had my last cig at about 2045 on tuesday 19th july 2005

the test is going to be going to work as i am surrounded by them all day! as i sell them in the shop i work in!!

i will keep this updated to let you all know how i am doing!!!

wish me luck!!!!


19-07-2005, 22:23
Good Luck!!!!

Buy loads of chewing gum!!!!

Also be strong in work!!!

19-07-2005, 22:35
The 1st 24 hrs is the hardest, after that theres no nicotine in your system its just psychological. Just concentrate on 1 day at a time.

19-07-2005, 23:41
good luck! it the worst thing in the world to give up but you get there in the end! i look back and wondor why i ever smoked and the smell makes me gag!

let us know how you get on

Jessie Wallace
20-07-2005, 01:28
Good luck, it's really hard, but so so possible, i'd been smoking for nearly 20 years and just gave up one day. I've not had one now for nearly 9 months, which isn't take long but hey i'm still proud of myself!

di marco
20-07-2005, 06:29
good luck! :)

di marco
20-07-2005, 06:30
yeh it is possible, my grandad smoked for years and years and he managed to give up

20-07-2005, 08:17
right here we go

day 1 08:15 am

time to take niall to school this is where i have to break my routine and not light up as soon as i get outside the house!!
i made sure i have no fags but then when i get to work there are thousands there!!! but we also have loads of gum!!! wish me luck guys and i will report back later!!

20-07-2005, 09:04
Good luck!

During your breaks ETC do something else like play on a gameboy or read a book to keep you entertained, then yu might not think about it so much

20-07-2005, 09:14
Good Luck! :)

I quit 3 weeks ago, going strong! Using the patches.

20-07-2005, 09:18
Good luck Willow, you can do it - I smoked for 14 years and gave up last September (albeit through hypnotherapy as I have no willpower at all!!) and I still haven't had one. I wonder what I used to see in them too and find the smell on peoples clothes horrendous (apologies to any smokers out there :) ) Stay positive!!!

20-07-2005, 10:43
My hubby gave up a year and a half go after we had Emma he used the nicotine patches and he managed to get them on the nhs.I know that you can do it

20-07-2005, 14:09
Good luck, i wish i could get my parents to stop smoking!

20-07-2005, 18:01
well i have had 4 so far today, i have usually had nearly a whole pack of 20 by now!!!
and i only had 2 of those at work!!!
i have bought silk cut and i normally have mayfair lights

20-07-2005, 18:34
good luck willow
how many do you normally have a day??
do you have kids??

20-07-2005, 18:50
i normally have just over 20 a day, i have got 2 kids niall is 9yrs and niamh is 15 months

20-07-2005, 20:17
Good luck willow your doing well.
It does get easier i stoped smoking last september and i still have not had 1.
Sorry but the worse thing you can do is go a few hours without 1 then have 1 cause you just start again thats what my brother did..
when i stopped smoking in the first few days it was hard i use to hold a fag and tell myself that i dont need it.. have some chewing gum or strong mints instead..

20-07-2005, 20:20
My parents say it is hard to give up smoking! its annyoing that they won't give up smoking

20-07-2005, 20:50
i have just had another one!!! aaaggghhh!!!
i really want to give up i have no will power!!!
i want to be on none on monday when we get our new car!! it is my goal!
i have cut it in to a quarter from what i usually have so it is not too bad

20-07-2005, 20:51
well i have had 4 so far today, i have usually had nearly a whole pack of 20 by now!!!
and i only had 2 of those at work!!!
i have bought silk cut and i normally have mayfair lights

I tried using silk cut when i tried to stop smoking before and felt i was actually smoking more because i wasn't getting the kick out of them that i needed. But then again i smoke regal kingsize and they are stronger than mayfair lights

20-07-2005, 21:03
willow I dont know about smoking but maybe you might want real life articles to inspire you too stop smoking. Maybe you want to look at some of them smoking sites that help you to stop, which they show on TV. Everyone is here to help you!! I know for a fact that you can do it!! Im counting on you!!

Btw before you have a fag next time try and ask yourself do I really need this? Ask youself why you wanted to stop. Do you really want fags ruining your dreams (your car)!! Think of the things you can buy once you stopped smoking and saved money for other things you might want to buy. You could save all your money that these years you been spending opn fags and in about a month or two you can treat youself to a shopping spree!!

Remember: if not for yourself but for your children. Knowing that thier mummy smokes and stopped will make your children proud. + once you do it you can help someone else to stop too. Go on willow Im backing you up!! Meanwhile I will try my very best to help you much as I can. I know you can do it!!

20-07-2005, 21:05
my parents had some tablets called zyban they are ment to help you stop smoking, they had them and never used them

20-07-2005, 21:06
Something else that might help you

try this website i am currently waiting on my book getting delivered this man makes a hell of a lot of sence he's even got me thinking


just go to the free into part

20-07-2005, 21:07
my parents had some tablets called zyban they are ment to help you stop smoking, they had them and never used them

I think these where banned for the uk after some tests on them

20-07-2005, 21:11

Hey willow try this x

It has true stories to keep you motivated, it tells you stuff about why you should stop and whats been happening in your body while them fags have been digging inside you. It may be all disgusting but it may put you off smoking. It also suggests ways of giving up smoking.

Hope this helps x

20-07-2005, 21:19
BTW it might help repeating the phrase:

I can do it

I will stop smoking

20-07-2005, 21:21
the thing is i know what it does to your body and i still do it!! i wish i had never started!!!! it costs so much money!!! i will have a look at the sites, thank you so much guys!

20-07-2005, 21:31
Think about it. I will try finding pictures for you. Its amazing!! + when everytime you pick up a fag think of you lungs, clouding up the lungs, going all black with tar. If you want me to hurt you I will!! I know something to hurt you!! (a few words no actions) but if you want I will tell you and then if you really want to get hurt repeat it over when you have a fag and think of you kids and think of your heart and lungs, struggling to beat away....

20-07-2005, 21:32

20-07-2005, 21:33
May I try and hurt you? With words!!

20-07-2005, 21:35
you can do if you like, i will let you know when i am tempted! its difficult at night as i am on my own and get a bit bored! so i have been trying to do house work to take my mind off it!! it is sort of working!!

20-07-2005, 21:42
Think about your happiest moment with your family. + then think about your fags. Which really makes you happy? The family of coruse. Now think weather you want this thing... the fags... spoiling the wonderful things in your life. Obviously you love your kdis to bits and you would do anything for them. But will you be there to see them growing up? You need to stop so you will live longer than you will live while you smoke willow. You need to give up if you want to see your kids, if they have thier own kids then thier kids.... you grandchildren. If you don't stop it could be too late eventually.

Come on willow get a grip and take it one step at a time. Think of you happiest moments... but then the fags come along... you don't want them to be there do you? NO so you have to push them out. Say no. Its up to you willow we can give you help but you are the one who's going to stop. But for a fact I know you can do it. In a few months time you wont be smoking. + you can hold you head up high knowing you gave it up. Come on willow I have faith in you!

20-07-2005, 21:49
At nights, try reading a book. A big one would be helpful. When you got a bit off time to yourself during the day, make a visit to the libary and get your favourite book you wouldn't mind reading again. Try different books which you think you might be interested in.

Maybe you could just easily stay in and watch TV or a film.
Maybe you could look at some photos...
Maybe if you feel sleepy just go to bed!!
Maybe you could just stay on here till least 12pm and go to bed.

Its easy to stay awake but hard to get up. + you as a mum need plenty of sleep so your active!! Maybe its the horrible little things which causes you to make you tired. After you stop then you might feel more active, happier and tempted to try things out. It might especially boost your confidence. You never know till you try!!

21-07-2005, 09:46
Have you thought about going to the doctors and getting the nicotine patches

21-07-2005, 13:42
I think these where banned for the uk after some tests on them

i never knew that

21-07-2005, 16:40
i have not been too bad today, i have had 5 so far. i made myself really busy at work and got all the bits and bobs done that i had been putting off!! i can't do too mucg as iu have hurt my shoulder but as soon as it gets better i will have loads more to do!!!

21-07-2005, 16:44
Think bad things which can happen everytime you pick one up willow. Im very proud of you though!! I think you will be out in about a month's time or sooner the way you're going :D Well done :) I know you can do it!!

21-07-2005, 16:48
i am really starting to think positive! hopefully by the end of the month i will have totally quit!! i don't enjoy it at all!! its horrid, i remember when i was expecting niamh and had quit the people that came in the shop to buy fags and they stunk!! i mean really smelt! i am trying to remember that smell and think i smell like that!!
the down side is i ate a whole big pack of revels today!!

21-07-2005, 16:50
Oh willow revels is soo much better than smoking!! Cheer up!! That down side is nothing!! BTW have you found the new revel?

21-07-2005, 16:52
i am really starting to think positive! hopefully by the end of the month i will have totally quit!! i don't enjoy it at all!! its horrid, i remember when i was expecting niamh and had quit the people that came in the shop to buy fags and they stunk!! i mean really smelt! i am trying to remember that smell and think i smell like that!!
the down side is i ate a whole big pack of revels today!!

when i quit well tried it was softmints the blue ones i could go through three or four packets a day. my sister done it just on chwing gum no other help at all

21-07-2005, 16:52
i think it is the raisin one or is there another new one?

i just don't want to put on loads of weight i have just got back in an 8!!!

21-07-2005, 16:53
i tried polos yesterday but they made me feel sick and my teeth felt horrible!!!

21-07-2005, 16:53
8 wow!! 10's not that bad!! Just allow it while your stopping. Chewy stuff is better but yeah revels is ok. Then maybe you could limit yourself to the sweets later :)

21-07-2005, 16:54
Polo's do get boring after a while!! Malteasrs are quite nice :p

21-07-2005, 16:55
i am trying not too eat too many but i am surrounded by junk at work!!!!
i am going to start taking some carrot sticks and stuff like that to munch on it will be better for me!!

21-07-2005, 16:56
Awww that's even better :) Maybe take a selection, some sweets + some salads!!

21-07-2005, 16:57
as long as i dont mix it all up!!!!

now its school hols i will have more time to do it!!

21-07-2005, 17:00
lol mix it all up!! Ok I will stop :p More time to think about things too willow :)

24-07-2005, 12:54
How are you doing now willow?

24-07-2005, 14:31
not too good, i have cut down to around 5 or 10 a day but i went to a bar b que last night and when i drink i smoke more!!!
well we get the new car tomorrow so i am on my last pack and won't be buying any more!!

24-07-2005, 15:26
That's really good!! Don't worry that was a one-off... wasn't it!! lol, your doing well!! Take your time, you will stop by a month or so :) I see your trying your best obviously and thats really good :D

24-07-2005, 16:57
not too good, i have cut down to around 5 or 10 a day but i went to a bar b que last night and when i drink i smoke more!!!
well we get the new car tomorrow so i am on my last pack and won't be buying any more!!

i found that the worst! id be good all week then come the weekend i would go out clubbing and take no fags with me, tthen halfway through the night id be in a foul mood coz i just needed one! so id have to go get some! and then i would nt stop! it is very hard but you will get there.

24-07-2005, 16:59
i'm sure you will get there in the end. Keep going willow!!

24-07-2005, 19:06
Saw this and thought it might help you willow!

read it every time you need a fag!

Believe it or not - the benefits to health start from within 20 minutes of you putting out your last cigarette. Your body will begin to repair the damage done through smoking almost immediately, kick-starting a series of beneficial health changes that continue for years.

20 minutes: Your blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal

8 hours: Oxygen levels in your blood return to normal.

24 hours: Carbon monoxide has been eliminated from your body. Your lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris.

48 hours: There is no nicotine left in your body. Your ability to taste and smell is greatly improved.

72 hours: Breathing becomes easier. Your bronchial tubes begin to relax and your energy levels increase.

2-12 weeks: Circulation improves throughout the body, making walking and running a whole lot easier.

-9 months: Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems get better as your lung function is increased by up to 10%.

5 years: Heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker.

10 years: Risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker.

24-07-2005, 19:23
debs you are fab!!! i have printed it off and i am going to carry it round in my bag and every time i want a ciggy i will read it to remind me!!! thanks again!!

24-07-2005, 19:26
thats ok willow hope it helps!!

24-07-2005, 19:30
i tell you what used to really bug me when i was trying toi give up!! my mates who were smokers were really supportive but then i had the non smokers giving me advice and used to think how the hell would you kow that it tough giving up you never had to do it!

i didnt give up till i was pregnant and felt i had to i found it easy as every time dave used to light one up id be immediatlety sick and if i tried i was ill for hours!!
best thing i ever did hate smoking aroun me now! and i always think god did i stink like that!

it takes a while but youll get there soon and then you will wondor why you ever started!

good luck let me know how you getting on!:thumbsup:

25-07-2005, 10:48
Yep let us know!! x

25-07-2005, 11:22
i know what you mean debs,it must be annoying for the person giving up to recieve advice off of people who know nothing about it as they have never had to give up or have never even smoked.i smoked a few when i was younger but it didnt appeal to me or get me addicted what so ever,it was just a 'fashion' thing.
now having said that i dont know how you can get addicted to something that you know is so bad for you,and talking about pregnant women who still carry on puffing when preggers i think is discusting,think aout what you are doing to your unborn child.just an opinion,i can see both sides though...

25-07-2005, 11:23
oh yeah.. by the way good luck willow! :)

25-07-2005, 11:27
Smoking ages you
Along with sun damage and hard living, nicotine can add years to your appearance. According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, dermatologist and author of The Perricone Prescription (HarperCollins), the effects of smoking in terms of ageing are significant. When we inhale just one puff of cigarette smoke, more than a trillion free radicals are produced in our lungs, which then trigger an inflammatory response that circulates throughout the body. And if that wasn't enough to persuade you to kick the habit, in 1985 the term 'smoker's face' was added to the medical dictionary. The characteristics of a smoker's face, which tends to make people look older than they are, was defined as the following:

Lines or wrinkles on the face, particularly radiating at right angles from the upper and lower lips or corners of the eyes, deep lines on the cheeks or numerous shallow lines on the cheeks and lower jaw.

A subtle gauntness of the features, with prominence of the underlying bony contours.

A grey skin palour.

Cut it out!
Take action against lines and wrinkles with antioxidants, which fight the free-radicals that are causing your skin to age prematurely; try Farmacia Antioxidants, £21.95. According to Christian Dior, the first signs of ageing are not always liked to age - 75 per cent are caused by other factors, including smoking. Christian Dior Capture First Action (from £28; available from 26th January 2004), is a new range of products targeted to work on fine lines, dull, tired skin and dark circles, resulting in smoother, stronger, more relaxed skin. Address the beauty blight of a grey, ashen complexion with Molton Brown Skinboost Nourishing Tonic, £29, which is packed with vitamins and minerals, to recharge skin and boost radiance.

25-07-2005, 16:13
talking about pregnant women who still carry on puffing when preggers i think is discusting,think aout what you are doing to your unborn child.just an opinion,i can see both sides though...

That is bad enuff but i really hate seeing woman who push thier pushchairs/prams with a fag in their hand!! all the smoke right near the baby and what if she dropped it!!!

25-07-2005, 16:16
Smoking ages you
Along with sun damage and hard living, nicotine can add years to your appearance. According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, dermatologist and author of The Perricone Prescription (HarperCollins), the effects of smoking in terms of ageing are significant. When we inhale just one puff of cigarette smoke, more than a trillion free radicals are produced in our lungs, which then trigger an inflammatory response that circulates throughout the body. And if that wasn't enough to persuade you to kick the habit, in 1985 the term 'smoker's face' was added to the medical dictionary. The characteristics of a smoker's face, which tends to make people look older than they are, was defined as the following:

Lines or wrinkles on the face, particularly radiating at right angles from the upper and lower lips or corners of the eyes, deep lines on the cheeks or numerous shallow lines on the cheeks and lower jaw.

A subtle gauntness of the features, with prominence of the underlying bony contours.


well if that dosent put you off the ciggies nothing will!!!!

25-07-2005, 16:19
Unfortunately, I was one of those disgusting people that smoked during my first 2 pregnancies **boo hiss**. With Stephen I didn't know I was pregnant till I was 3 1/2 months gone and the midwives told me that it would put me under too much pressure to give up, therefore harming the unborn in that way, although I only smoked 5-10 a day at worst. I also smoked at weekends only when expecting Ciaran and again the midwives told me not to put myself under too much pressure to give up (even though the benefits speak for themselves) as that would cause my blood pressure to rise and would cause even more problems. Luckily, both of them were fine and healthy chaps. This time though, I gave up September in preparation for trying for this one, and haven't touched one since. I would never smoke around my boys though, and always go into my back garden, especially as I used to be the only smoker in the house. So I understand both sides of it and am certainly not proud of smoking during pregnancy - I was one of the lucky ones, others aren't so fortunate.

Just keep it up Willow, positive thinking. The main thing to realise is that you will feel like ******* for the first couple of months (or at least I know I did) but you know that your system is clearing all of the gunk through this and that you will feel 100 times better once you have got through it. My best bit of advice would be to throw everything away - ashtrays, lighters, fags etc and as much as you can change your routine (which is hard for us working gals) do so. But let us know how you do and we will support you all of the way!! :D

25-07-2005, 16:22
i guess i was just very lucky that it made me so ill and put me off evry time i got near a ciggie! otherwise i would have probabaly found it very hard to give up

25-07-2005, 18:51
i know what you mean debs,it must be annoying for the person giving up to recieve advice off of people who know nothing about it as they have never had to give up or have never even smoked.
Yes but only then it encoruages them to stop and they know people are behind them and they never smoked in the first place beacause they know its bad for them and that's why they are helping the smoker to stop.

25-07-2005, 23:15
Although they do say the ex-smokers are the worst - "if I can do it you can" etc, ut like you say, people who have never smoked don't know what it is like to try and give up!

26-07-2005, 10:22
Unfortunately, I was one of those disgusting people that smoked during my first 2 pregnancies **boo hiss**. With Stephen I didn't know I was pregnant till I was 3 1/2 months gone and the midwives told me that it would put me under too much pressure to give up, therefore harming the unborn in that way, although I only smoked 5-10 a day at worst. I also smoked at weekends only when expecting Ciaran and again the midwives told me not to put myself under too much pressure to give up (even though the benefits speak for themselves) as that would cause my blood pressure to rise and would cause even more problems. Luckily, both of them were fine and healthy chaps. This time though, I gave up September in preparation for trying for this one, and haven't touched one since. I would never smoke around my boys though, and always go into my back garden, especially as I used to be the only smoker in the house. So I understand both sides of it and am certainly not proud of smoking during pregnancy - I was one of the lucky ones, others aren't so fortunate.

Just keep it up Willow, positive thinking. The main thing to realise is that you will feel like ******* for the first couple of months (or at least I know I did) but you know that your system is clearing all of the gunk through this and that you will feel 100 times better once you have got through it. My best bit of advice would be to throw everything away - ashtrays, lighters, fags etc and as much as you can change your routine (which is hard for us working gals) do so. But let us know how you do and we will support you all of the way!! :D
boo hiss! lol :)

26-07-2005, 10:23
Yes but only then it encoruages them to stop and they know people are behind them and they never smoked in the first place beacause they know its bad for them and that's why they are helping the smoker to stop.
yeah thats all very well but it must be annoying.

26-07-2005, 11:15
True, I will shut up then lol

26-07-2005, 14:47
yeah thats all very well but it must be annoying.
cant quote your post spicy as the reply button and quote is missing so ive had to quote myself,lol.
wasnt getting at you,i dont know how old you are or if you have even smoked before,i just meant generally it must be annoying i wouldnt know as im not a smoker and have never needed to give up.

26-07-2005, 14:50
lol quote yourself :rotfl: sorry found that quite funny :p
No no I know you wasn't getting at me but I just realised sort of thing!! Trust me no hard feelings at all lol. Well Im in my teens!! All my friends smoke except 5 I know off. + I got about 100 I speak and know and everything so that's alot. Im quite afraid to try yet since I might get atticted :) But yes I know what you mean by what your saying!! Honest, I do understand!!

26-07-2005, 15:23
boo hiss! lol :)lol - I should have been in a panto!!!

26-07-2005, 15:31
lol quote yourself :rotfl: sorry found that quite funny :p
No no I know you wasn't getting at me but I just realised sort of thing!! Trust me no hard feelings at all lol. Well Im in my teens!! All my friends smoke except 5 I know off. + I got about 100 I speak and know and everything so that's alot. Im quite afraid to try yet since I might get atticted :) But yes I know what you mean by what your saying!! Honest, I do understand!!

i wouldnt even try it spicy!! i did and now i look back and think if only i hadnt tried!

26-07-2005, 15:36
I wish I had never tried it and then I wouldn't have wasted 14 years of my lungs health etc on it! The only thing I think now is that because I have given up, I can say to my kids that I know both sides of it, and its definitely better not smoking. Hopefully I won't sound like too much of a hypocrite aswell!!

phils little sister
26-07-2005, 15:44
i have cut down a good bit but im no were near quitting yet! tried the patches and failed Miserably (lasted half the day) :crying:

26-07-2005, 15:47
I tried so many methods and just didn't have the willpower for it, hence why I went for hypnotism in the end. At least that did work though. Problem is I find the smell too overpowering, so much so that I want to be sick if I smell it now!!

26-07-2005, 20:45
as i said i tried it when i was about 15 (well ok i was younger when i tried it but i went public 15- 16,actualy not public as there was no way i could risk my mum and dad finding out but you know,having one with your mates etc) and it was totaslly pointless,did it as a fashion thing,nothing else,thought i looked cool when really it looks gross.

26-07-2005, 21:29
not doing too bad today
i have had 5 ciggys and they were silk cut ultra!!!!
and i did take my 2 kids and my friends 4 kids swimming today and that was very stressful!!!

26-07-2005, 23:08
as i said i tried it when i was about 15 (well ok i was younger when i tried it but i went public 15- 16,actualy not public as there was no way i could risk my mum and dad finding out but you know,having one with your mates etc) and it was totaslly pointless,did it as a fashion thing,nothing else,thought i looked cool when really it looks gross.

i was 16 when i started smoking but i didnt tell my mum till my 18th birthday coz other hlaf said he would just give me a fag in front of her if i didnt own uip so i had to!! but it still took me hours to pluck up the courage and even when i didi and she just tutted but was fine i went and smoked away from her!

27-07-2005, 09:26
My mum found my lighter and fluid and initially thought I was sniffing!! I was like - no I'm smoking - and they still thought I was sniffing! My dad used to smoke and when I was 15, when we were out one day, he said to me, look if you're going to do it and insist on not giving up, then do it in front of me, and light one up for me at the same time (as he was driving) and that gave me a lot of respect for him. He knew that if he tried to force me to give up, and would do it even more! I am so glad that I don't anymore though, I wouldn't take it up again. I never realised how bad my clothes etc smelt until I put on an old coat and smelt it - it went straight in the bin!!

27-07-2005, 10:39
i could never smell it on me when i smoked!!!

27-07-2005, 11:13
I couldn't either, it was only when I stopped that I could smell it - :sick:

phils little sister
27-07-2005, 11:22
i have noticed it since the smoking ban came out over here, before when i ust to go out and say if i got up the next day the smell of smoke of my hair and clothes was horrible, but now its not like that cause there's no smoking in the pubs which is good in that sense but horrible when you have to go outside for a smoke

27-07-2005, 13:09
I go to play snooker on a Saturday night. The smoking is bad enough, but then the whiff of spliff starts coming as well.

27-07-2005, 13:56
I smoke and yes I do know it's a terrible habit. I don't plan on quitting though because I've become accustomed to it. I can't stand normal cigarettes though. I have to have Lamburt and Butler menthol and I can only smoke a few per week. I can't have a lot because they're absolutely disgusting and make my breath stink. I always have to have a Polo afterwards and a spray of breath freshener. I don't know why I do it then but it's probably the habit I've become accustomed to not the cigarettes.

27-07-2005, 15:31
yeah id say it is surely it easier for you to give up if you only have a few. think of your baby

27-07-2005, 15:37
It probably wouldn't be as hard for me to give up no but I'm not going to because it's just something I have to do now.

27-07-2005, 15:49
why do you have to do it??

27-07-2005, 17:36
why do you have to do it??I understand where WQ is coming from Debs.....I was the same before I gave up. You know the damage that it can do, but you "need" it. I always found that my worst time of night to smoke was before bed and would chain smoke 2 or 3 cause I would have this wierd thing where I knew that I wouldn't be able to have any more till the next day! Its a strange one and I wouldn't be able to completely describe it, but I know what WQ means...

27-07-2005, 22:03
It's just something I do now. I suppose it's a part of me.

I mean they smoke a kipper to preserve it don't they? Maybe fags'll keep me going!

27-07-2005, 22:17
It's just something I do now. I suppose it's a part of me.

I mean they smoke a kipper to preserve it don't they? Maybe fags'll keep me going!

:rotfl: :rotfl: lol

27-07-2005, 22:21
im on them smoking patches i havnt had a fag for 9 weeks! i still sometimes find it hard and crave real bad but i have the will power to say no! i am dreading next week because i come off my patches

27-07-2005, 22:35
Them patches are so annoying. I hate wearing anything like plasters etc so them patches are a no no. That tabacco chewing gum is nice and stimulates me enough though but they don't stock it anymore at our chemists.

28-07-2005, 16:12
How's it going willow?

28-07-2005, 16:14
i have not had a fag all day!!!! yippee!!! :cheer: :cheer:

i knew if i could do one day at work i would have cracked it!! (hopefully!!)
the inly problem is i have eaten so many polos i feel sick and i have drunk loads of coffee i am bouncing off the walls!!!!!

28-07-2005, 16:15
But you haven't had a fag which is brill - well done!! :cheer:

28-07-2005, 16:19
i am amazed i did it!!!!

28-07-2005, 16:29
The first day is the worst!!

28-07-2005, 16:33
But you haven't had a fag which is brill - well done!! :cheer:
Exactly!! Well done :D Keep it up willow!! :D

28-07-2005, 17:38
i have not had a fag all day!!!! yippee!!! :cheer: :cheer:

i knew if i could do one day at work i would have cracked it!! (hopefully!!)
the inly problem is i have eaten so many polos i feel sick and i have drunk loads of coffee i am bouncing off the walls!!!!!

:cheer: well done willow!!

28-07-2005, 20:29
i am so pleased with myself!!!!:cheer:

i just can't belive it has been 24 hours since my last fag!!! but it has!!!:cheer:
it was so hard at work today, everyone seemed to want to buy fags :angry: i hid the ashtray!! and just kept busy when jo came in to take over shifts from me today she lit a fag and it stunk!!!!:angry: it was such a horrid smell!!!!:angry:

i am just 99.9% sure i can do it now!!!
i have got the info that debs posted stuck to the wall in the office!!!:thumbsup:
that should put everone else off:lol: :rotfl:

28-07-2005, 21:19
Well done willow! :)

28-07-2005, 21:22
Yeah take everyone down with you willow!! Good on ya!!

28-07-2005, 21:33
[QUOTE=.:SpIcYsPy:.]Yeah take everyone down with you willow!! Good on ya!![/QUOTE

i am going to try!!! i just don't want to become one of those awful "used to smoke anti smokers"

thats my idea of hell!!!:thumbsdow

28-07-2005, 21:37
I wish I had the will power to quit but I doubt I ever will! :)

I'm one of those people who are easily led by people, so I don't stand a chance against habits.

29-07-2005, 00:17
cant you do it for your baby and your kids wq?

29-07-2005, 01:34
I suppose but I don't smoke infront of them so it's not important and as I've said before they smoke a kipper to preserve it so maybe fags'll keep me going...

29-07-2005, 09:40
Giving up smoking is all about wanting to do it aswell though. I tried loads of times, when I didn't really want to and I couldn't quit. But as soon as I made the decision that I wanted to give up, I did (albeit with help mind!). It makes a difference what mindset you are in!

29-07-2005, 10:07
Like giving up fags im going to tr and reduce the chocolate lol. This is highly addictive :p

29-07-2005, 12:37
I could never reduce my level of chocolate intake. I need atleast 4 big bars per day. I spend about £25 a week on it.

29-07-2005, 12:47
I buy the cheap chocolate from Tescos, its only about 30p for a big bar.

It sort of makes be buy and eat more though...

29-07-2005, 12:56
At the end of the day real habits are harder than you think to break.

29-07-2005, 12:59
It takes real will power. Its reaier when you tell people what your going to give up, because then they can support you and your less likely to carry on doing it. Its hard, but if its a real problem, like smoking, then the consequences are always worse then just struggling to give up.

29-07-2005, 13:01
Smoking doesn't always cause people health problems though. It can gradually damage you inside and 9 times out of 10 not smoking does help but some people can smoke and yet live a long and happy life.

29-07-2005, 13:22
Its not just major Health problems though- yellow nails, poor sense of taste and smell, stained teeth, clothes stinking ETC. That stuff isn't going to kill you, but it is off putting to other people

30-07-2005, 04:20
Its not just major Health problems though- yellow nails, poor sense of taste and smell, stained teeth, clothes stinking ETC. That stuff isn't going to kill you, but it is off putting to other people
Well I certainly don't have any of those things. Ok my clothes and hands might have a whiff but I can't stand that so I always wash my hands etc. I've never been a lover of the smell of cigarettes on fabric either so I wouldn't wear any clothes that proper hummed of it.

30-07-2005, 08:54
its the beggining of day 3 of having no fags!!!
i can no belive how much people stink!!!! my manager came in to the shop yesterday and he stunk!!! and i told him!!

30-07-2005, 09:34
its the beggining of day 3 of having no fags!!!
i can no belive how much people stink!!!! my manager came in to the shop yesterday and he stunk!!! and i told him!!:cheer: Well done Willow, thats fantastic - it'll start getting easier. You should be really proud of yourself and lol for telling your manager he smelt!! Its surprising how much more noticeable it is now you aren't smoking isn't it!! :cheer:

30-07-2005, 09:38
its amazing as most of my customers smoke you can really notice it!! i can't belive i could smell that bad its gross!!!
he did not mind being told he smelt he is pretty easy going!!

30-07-2005, 09:41
Its certainly enough to keep you off em, especially as you are doing so well. I'm sure I heard somewhere that all of the nicotine is out of your system after 48 hours, so it should definitely be getting easier - you should treat yourself to something after a week as a reward to yourself!

30-07-2005, 09:45
i am pretty sure it is 48 hours debs posted a list of things that i have got pinned up at work!!
i am thinking about getting my self a new pair of jeans, and at the rate i am eating i am going to have to!!!!

30-07-2005, 09:48
That was one of the only problems I found, I starting compensating by munching!! But I allowed myself, as I thought, its better than the alternative and if I go up a size, at least I am healthier than I was! The eating does slow down though, I promise!

30-07-2005, 10:01
i am going to have to find some healthy munchies!! i can't afford to put any weight on i have just lost about 2 stone!!!

30-07-2005, 12:33
Snack a Jacks are the best ones I like, especially the salt and vinegar flavour. I would buy them by the boxload and they've not got much fat content. They're a pretty good option.

30-07-2005, 19:07
Well done willow.

30-07-2005, 22:07
Snack a Jacks are the best ones I like, especially the salt and vinegar flavour. I would buy them by the boxload and they've not got much fat content. They're a pretty good option.

they are my fave at the moment. i cant live without my bag of crisps and thay are great for my snacks!!

30-07-2005, 22:10
i will get some for work on monday!!!
i have been eating the big bags of the new olive oil crisps from walkers they are really yummy!!!

30-07-2005, 23:37
not tried them ones. might give them a go!! im seriously addicted to the salt and vinegar snack a jacks nd the sundried tomato ones are rather yummy

31-07-2005, 01:03
I've not tried the Olive Oil ones. I don't like tomato crisps or Salt & Vinegar though or Cheese and Onion lol.

31-07-2005, 10:38
Wow 3 days!! That's amazing willow!! Well done :D Telling your manager he stinks lol!!

31-07-2005, 10:52
i tried the ultimate test last night........

.............i had a beer!!!!

and guess what......................no fags!!! i did not even think about it!!!!

31-07-2005, 11:13
:eek: Oh my god willow!! Well done :D :thumbsup: So proud of ya!! :D I knew you could do it :D + it was 3 days!!

31-07-2005, 11:25
Thats brillaint Willow well done

31-07-2005, 12:58
i tried the ultimate test last night........

.............i had a beer!!!!

and guess what......................no fags!!! i did not even think about it!!!!

well done willow.

that has got to ne the hardest test. a drink and a fag go hand in hand when you a smoker so well done! :cheer:

31-07-2005, 14:37
Well done, the ultimate test!!!

31-07-2005, 15:24
I couldn't do it not without any help and I wouldn't go round with them big stonker patches hanging on me armpit.

31-07-2005, 19:43
i am so shocked!! i am at my sisters at the mo and i have just had a beer or 3 and i have not even thought about it!!!

31-07-2005, 20:25
I could never reduce my level of chocolate intake. I need atleast 4 big bars per day. I spend about £25 a week on it.
dont you put weight on eating all that or are you one of those lucky cows who can eat it and not put anything on?

31-07-2005, 20:28
I dislike people who eat a zillion bars of chocolate and don't out any weight on!! :angry:

31-07-2005, 23:00
me too spicy! i just have to look ata achoc bar and put ona stone!!!

01-08-2005, 01:22
dont you put weight on eating all that or are you one of those lucky cows who can eat it and not put anything on?
I can get away with it I can eat loads of stuff and still not get fat.

The only time I can't avoid putting any weight on is like now which is for obvious reasons anyways lol.

01-08-2005, 01:22
debs and Spicy dislike me then :p

01-08-2005, 08:08
debs and Spicy dislike me then :p

i don't :p lol

01-08-2005, 08:40
Well done Willow :cheer: you are doing brilliantly!! You definitely deserve a treat considering you have managed to do it by pure willpower aswell. :cheer: :D

01-08-2005, 10:13
i wish my parents would quit smoking like you willow!

01-08-2005, 10:19
debs and Spicy dislike me then :p
We do... :p

03-08-2005, 22:47
i stop my patches tomorrow and i am so scared but all i have to remember its 10 weeks since i last lit up!!

04-08-2005, 01:49
I have to have atleast one per week otherwise it's even worse when I have one because I get that 'rush' thing and I end up feeling sick so if I did quit it would have to be for good because that feeling is horrible.

04-08-2005, 08:09
i am now very happy i had my last cig last wednesday at 2145 si i have now reached the 7 day mark!!!! yippee!!!!

04-08-2005, 08:16
Well done willow :cheer:

04-08-2005, 09:12
Thats brilliant Willow - about time you treated yourself for getting to the one week mark! :cheer:

04-08-2005, 16:27

05-08-2005, 09:24
i am going to try and go on tuesday next week i have got the day off work. depends if i have got any pennies!!!
ans my friend is going then as i have not been on a bus with a buggy for about 8 years so i may need a hand!! and she has had 5 so she is an expert!!! and she kniws hoew to fold my buggy as she looks after niamh when i am at work!! god i sound like a useless parent!!!

05-08-2005, 09:29
Nope definitely not Willow - my hubby doesn't know how to fold the buggy, or open it for that matter!!!

When I gave up everyone said to me to put the money that I would have spent on cigs into a jar and then save it and spend it on a treat - I never did though cause I still didn't seem to have any money!! Strange how I would always find money for cigs but can't save for the life of me now!

05-08-2005, 09:33
Nope definitely not Willow - my hubby doesn't know how to fold the buggy, or open it for that matter!!!

When I gave up everyone said to me to put the money that I would have spent on cigs into a jar and then save it and spend it on a treat - I never did though cause I still didn't seem to have any money!! Strange how I would always find money for cigs but can't save for the life of me now!

everyone has told me to di that too and i can not find a penny!!! where did that money come from????:searchme:

very strange!!!:rotfl:

maybe i will notice in a month or so, probably not as the car tax, mot and insureance is due then!! and driving lesson money and driving test money!!!

05-08-2005, 10:17
I seem to have just as little money now (if not less) than I did when I was smoking!!! Its crazy and weird but hey ho, I just think of the good its done my lungs etc. I'm sure there is a saying somewhere that no matter how much you are paid, you have no money (though if I were a millionaire, I'm sure this wouldn't be true!!!) :rotfl:

05-09-2005, 20:55
i have done it!!!

i have actually lost count on how long i have not had a fag for!!! yippee!!! i am sure that is a good sign!!!

05-09-2005, 21:04

05-09-2005, 21:09
well done willow. do you eat more now you have stopped smoking?

How are you going crazygirl still stopped?

05-09-2005, 21:12
i have found if i eat mints food tastes horrid so i don't eat loads!!! i have put on a bit of weight but now the kids are back at school i am walking more so i should be ok!!

05-09-2005, 21:28
the only time i want to eat a bit more is when iam sat watching tv on a night time
so i chew normal chewing gum..
i do think food taste's a bit better

05-09-2005, 21:30
i have the trouble that i am surrounded by fags, crisps and chocolate all day at work!!! so i have to have a deterrent!!! and at night a keep busy with house work or chatting on here!!!

05-09-2005, 21:40
well done Willow - it isnt an easy thing you have done you should be so so proud of yourself :)

05-09-2005, 21:43
i am really proud of myself for doing it!!
i am telling everyone!!!

05-09-2005, 21:45
i am really proud of myself for doing it!!
i am telling everyone!!!

Well done willow you should be proud :cheer:

05-09-2005, 21:48
i am doing really well and everyone is being really great at work, they are hiding the ashtrays so i don't smell them as they really stink!!!

05-09-2005, 22:25
they do stink sometimes..
My partner still smokes but its not very often he smokes in the room where iam
but my sisters and brother smoke round me
on the 20th of this month its been a year since i stopped smoking :)

06-09-2005, 16:59
Wow! Well done willow :) That's really good :)

24-09-2005, 19:23
Well i tried a wee while ago and failed

But got up this morning and thought no im not going to smoke today.

I lasted until 2pm (which by then ive usually had atleast 10) and i had one and ive not had any since. And to be honest im not really that bothered about not having one just keeping occupied.

Lets hope i can last the rest of the night...

24-09-2005, 19:31
well done you for giving it a go. when I tried to give up, I told myself I would only have one after my meals,as thats the one I enjoy the others, are more out of habit, Well I five years later havent stopped, but only have 4 a day and I think that isn't bad,and I never carry any with me.

24-09-2005, 19:36
Well the only reason i had one this afternoon was because the need was getting so bad i just had too - usually by this time ive finished a 20 pack - ive put my cigs on top of the cupboards which i need to get ladders out to get back on top. So they arent anyway near me.

24-09-2005, 21:27
well done for giving it a go. keep going

26-09-2005, 21:56
i have still not had one!!!!

i am so proud of myself!!!!!

27-09-2005, 00:40
Well done willow,give yourself a large pat on the back :cheer:

27-09-2005, 07:20
i am patting away!!!!

27-09-2005, 08:01
Well thats been 4 days and ive had the total of five (i am usually 20 + a day)

27-09-2005, 11:05
Well done guys - I am officially a non-smoker now - gave up September last year, and has been just over a year now :cheer:

27-09-2005, 12:26
Well thats been 4 days and ive had the total of five (i am usually 20 + a day)
well done........i remember what it was like i found the first 2 weeks the hardest

27-09-2005, 12:29
well done........i remember what it was like i found the first 2 weeks the hardest

Thanks - six now but i blame that im in work for the first day of it and you are allowed to smoke in here at your desk so im surrounded

27-09-2005, 12:34
i had that too, i was on my own in a off licence that sold fags and i could smoke in my office!!!! nightmare!!!
if you look back on this post there is a list that debs put on it lists the benefits after 20 mins 1 day etc..... i stuck it on my office wall and that helped!!!

27-09-2005, 12:36
oh i might give that a go stick it up somewhere......but i give it half an hour and it will have sarky comments all over it

27-09-2005, 12:38
no one touched mine!!! but they knew i would have gone mad!!! try sucking mints that seamed to help me a bit, and it stopped me eating so much!!!!!

27-09-2005, 12:41
Yeah ive got my softmints to hand at all times!!!

27-09-2005, 12:43
i tried chewing gum.but it lost its taste really quick!!!! tic tacs are good!!!!

27-09-2005, 12:44
my sister done the chewing gum thing and is now addicted to that

27-09-2005, 12:46
i am having trouble with the mints now!!!

27-09-2005, 12:47
I suppose you are swaping one addiction for the other but atleast its better than smoking

27-09-2005, 12:48
yep!! so much better
i have been saying to people i am going to have healthy lungs but no teeth!!!!!

27-09-2005, 12:50
lol - atleast we'll have nice clean (not smoke stained) falsers :D

27-09-2005, 12:59
i know its strange to think of myself as a non smoker....i have smoked since i was 15 (thats 13 years!!!) i have only given up when i have ahd the kids and promptly started again!!!! and my teeth are slowly going white again its really great!!!

27-09-2005, 13:24
I smoked from when i was 14 and decided I had to stop at 28 cause I worked out that I had been smoking for half my lifetime - that was very scary and though I felt bad at the time, I feel so much better now!!

27-09-2005, 15:21
i used to smoke when i was in school from the ages of 14-16

27-09-2005, 19:07
Well done to you all, I have tried so many times over the years,but failed, I can loss the weight easily when I put my mind to it,well as you know I have lost 3 and a half stone recently, but the fags is another thing I only smoke 4 a day and have done for a long time,gone are the days of 20 +. But I still can't stop those 4. silly I know.

27-09-2005, 19:10
Welldone guys, i bet its been really tough but its such a great thing for you to have done. I'm proud of you *sob* :D

27-09-2005, 20:07
So your still not smoking willow??? Thats been ages Well done!!!

19-11-2006, 19:51
well its been my first day trying to quit smoking
I'm dreading tomorrow morning getting up and not having that first smoke
but I'm determent to do it

19-11-2006, 19:57
well its been my first day trying to quit smoking
I'm dreading tomorrow morning getting up and not having that first smoke
but I'm determent to do it

Best of luck, Luna!!! Just take one day at a time!!!!

I have to say Ive only ever been an occasional smoker...usually whilst on a bender night out in the pubs. Thankfully, I have never got addicted.

19-11-2006, 20:11
well its been my first day trying to quit smoking

good for you, hope it goes well x

19-11-2006, 22:20
Good luck luna stick with it.. you can do it

20-11-2006, 13:19
ok call centres and giving up smoking dont go together!!!!

20-11-2006, 13:46
ok call centres and giving up smoking dont go together!!!!

Totally agree.. I suggest to anyone who said that you can quit at any time to work for a day in a call center and see how long you can last

20-11-2006, 14:04
Totally agree.. I suggest to anyone who said that you can quit at any time to work for a day in a call center and see how long you can last

ive not caved yet got another two hours on the phone til my next break so if i can last til then im doing good

20-11-2006, 15:02
just to encourage you it can be done! my father in law smoked from the age of 10 till he was 72 and gave up!
that was 2 years ago and he hasnt smoked since! he has much more money and doesnt have that nasty cough associated with smokers anymore.

20-11-2006, 15:13
just to encourage you it can be done! my father in law smoked from the age of 10 till he was 72 and gave up!
that was 2 years ago and he hasnt smoked since! he has much more money and doesnt have that nasty cough associated with smokers anymore.

thanks pookie - i guess the hardest thing is living with a heavy smoker - he smokes 50-60 a day - i'll just need to confine myself to my bedroom lol

21-11-2006, 22:50
I've just ordered my Mum 'Allen Carr's Easy Way for Women to Stop Smoking', which I found out about 'cause there was a thing in the papers about a celeb (:hmm: Will Young, I think) who used it to give up, and there was also a piece on the news about it a couple of months ago.
It claims that, after reading, you just completely stop wanting a fag. There are also other books, like 'Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking' (not sure what the difference is between that one and the women's one, but the women's one is 20p dearer :D) and 'The Only Way to Stop Smoking Permanently', there are also books to control drinking, combat fears of flying, help you lose weight, stop you worrying etc.
The smoking ones have had only 1 review on Amazon that says it didn't work, I think, and one that says it works but not the second time (but then, this person did say they didn't actually start again because of cravings, but just to be sociable :rolleyes:), but all of the others say it works fantastically.
The estimated delivery date is from the 30th November - 11th December, so when my Mum reads it I'll let you know how it goes.
The reviews really do say that it only takes about 15 minutes to read, and then you literally have no cravings. :searchme:

01-12-2006, 10:38
I've been trying to give up recently, haven't had one for nearly 3 weeks

07-12-2006, 22:05
An anti-smoking guru who has helped millions of smokers kick the habit has died from lung cancer.
Allen Carr, 72, quit his 100-a-day habit 23 years ago, before going on to become a millionaire by advising people on how to stop smoking.

His books, about the Easyway method, have become international bestsellers and he ran clinics all over the world.

When he was diagnosed with the disease, Mr Carr said he saw his illness as a way to encourage more people to quit.

Talking at the time of his diagnosis, Mr Carr said: "Since I stopped smoking more than 23 years ago I have been the happiest man in the world. I still feel the same way."

I am informed that I have cured at least 10 million smokers on a conservative estimation

Mr Carr's spokesman

A controversial figure

Mr Carr, who died at his home near Malaga in Spain, was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer in the summer.

Friends said it was possible that the years he spent curing smokers in smoke-filled sessions at his clinics might have contributed to the illness, although it might also be linked to his previous heavy smoking.

Price worth paying

Mr Carr himself was convinced he would have died many years earlier if he had not kicked the smoking habit.

He said: "Given that I am informed that I have cured at least 10 million smokers on a conservative estimation, even if that is the case, it's a price worth paying."

He gave up accountancy to set up his first clinic in south-west London in 1983.

He has since set up 70 clinics in 30 countries, treating 45,000 people last year.

His first book, Allen Carr's Easyway To Stop Smoking, has sold more than seven million copies.

I have him to thank for my much improved health and quality of life

Paul Smith, Northampton

Send us your comments

Celebrities to have benefited from Mr Carr's methods include Sir Anthony Hopkins and Sir Richard Branson.

John Dicey, worldwide director of Allen Carr's Easyway, said: "The fact that a former 100-a-day smoker, having quit in his middle age, lived to the ripe old age of 72 is a tremendous message to all smokers.

"Allen Carr's refreshingly different approach to stopping smoking earned him the position as the world's leading expert on helping smokers to quit."

06-02-2007, 15:33
Three days now without a fag!!!!!!

06-02-2007, 16:34
Three days now without a fag!!!!!!

oh well done jade :cheer: Are you doing it by youself?

Ive ordred the paul mckenna cd - tried everything else

07-02-2007, 13:27
I'm doing it with patches, which incidently cost nearly as much as smoking!! On day four now!!

Got an appointment with the giving up smoking nurse at the docs and apparently they can give you a perscription for patches which should be cheaper!.

di marco
14-02-2007, 17:45
I'm doing it with patches, which incidently cost nearly as much as smoking!! On day four now!!

Got an appointment with the giving up smoking nurse at the docs and apparently they can give you a perscription for patches which should be cheaper!.

how are you doing with the patches jade? cos my sis friend was trying to give up and she said the patches made her dizzy and even while wearing them she was still wanting a fag!

14-02-2007, 19:26
the patches are brilliant di marco im on day 3 and not even had a craving - Thanks Jade for putting this in my mind.

I do get a bit dizzy when i first put it on in the morning but apart from that im fine

15-02-2007, 09:57
I'm on day 12 I think, kind of lost count now. I've had no problems with the patches at all apart from it hurting a bit when I take them off.

The are also doing a brill offer in ASDA at the mo 2 packs for £20, which saves about £10.

Me and my boyf have both given up which also helps.

We are having a day out to Cheddar on Sat with the money we've saved!

15-02-2007, 11:20
day 4 and my head is so sore!!! the cravings were really bad this morning but managed to gt through it. Got an appointment at the docs later on today to see what they can give me. The girl in ASDA said you can get the patches for free from the docs?????

15-02-2007, 11:25
day 4 and my head is so sore!!! the cravings were really bad this morning but managed to gt through it. Got an appointment at the docs later on today to see what they can give me. The girl in ASDA said you can get the patches for free from the docs?????

I had an appointment with the stopping smoking nurse but she's been off sick, got to go back on 20th so will find out I guess, the patches are expensive!

Let me know what the docs say

I nearly cracked yesterday as had a really bad day in work and was really stressed but managed to break through it!

Keep going Luna.

15-02-2007, 11:31
yeah will let you know how i get on and most importantly if they are free lol

The hardest thing in finding in sitting in the house. My step dad is a really heavy smoker and theres no chance of him stopping last night i had to stay in my room because his smoke was really getting to me. Works fine because another girl is quitting with me and the girl i sit next to quit 9 months ago so they know what im going through so its not bothering me at all there.

15-02-2007, 11:38
yeah will let you know how i get on and most importantly if they are free lol

The hardest thing in finding in sitting in the house. My step dad is a really heavy smoker and theres no chance of him stopping last night i had to stay in my room because his smoke was really getting to me. Works fine because another girl is quitting with me and the girl i sit next to quit 9 months ago so they know what im going through so its not bothering me at all there.

Yeat that would be great!

I'm lucky as know one in my house smokes, but i've not ventured to the pub yet!

15-02-2007, 17:16
just back from the doc's i got a months worth of patches for the price of one perscription (£6.25) so ive saved £40 already just by doing it this way. Ive to go back in a month and get the smaller dose for 2 weeks then back for the lowest for 2 weeks then that should be me!!!

16-02-2007, 10:19
Thats really good!

Will deff go to the docs then

16-02-2007, 10:32
Thats really good!

Will deff go to the docs then

Yeah its well worth it. She also mentioned there was a clinic i could go to if i was finding it really hard and they run a support group.

Got a really bad cough this morning and my chest is really sore

16-02-2007, 10:54
Thats really good!

Will deff go to the docs then

Yeah its well worth it. She also mentioned there was a clinic i could go to if i was finding it really hard and they run a support group.

Got a really bad cough this morning and my chest is really sore

Yea I've started to feel like that! Infact I feel worse now I've given up for nearly two weeks than I did when I was smoking. I've been told that gets better though

22-03-2007, 21:42
thats me on week 6 of giving up and still not had one!!! and im off the patches!!!

How are you getting on jade?

06-01-2009, 02:55
Someone told me this today and I wondered if it was at all true haha, if anyone knows that is..

When you cut down a lot, or give up completely.. your body gets rid of stuff or something, and thus you get a cough ?? Cause I have a cough and have cut down a lot these past few weeks.. (down from10/15 a day to 2-5 a day/week) so was wondering if that might be why? Or maybe I just have a smokers cough and am looking for another reason :lol:.

Alsooooo another friend told me the other day.. that if you give up smoking cold turkey, you gain a lot of weight????? Is that true???????

06-01-2009, 10:07
Yes you get a cough when you first quit but it is good.. it is just your body getting rid of all the build up.. you do gain weight but only cause you get your taste buds back but you can easily get rid of the extra weight.. the first 4 days is suppose to be the hardest.. I have tried to quit.. I was off them for 8 weeks and was told to go back on them cause I had the biggest mood swings on the planet... (and I can't use the patches as they burn me)... Good luck with giving up.. I wish you the best as I know it is something I am not ready for yet

06-01-2009, 11:43
Alsooooo another friend told me the other day.. that if you give up smoking cold turkey, you gain a lot of weight????? Is that true???????

Nicotine speeds up your metabolism. Reducing or removing it will cause your metabolic rate to drop and you may gain weight if you continue with the same diet and exercise regime.

06-01-2009, 12:13
With the weight thing, you might find yourself trying to replace smoking with something else, and that might be food. That's why a lot of people put on weight. Maybe take up a sport, so when you get a craving you have something constructive to vent your anger into. Even if its just skipping in the back garden :)

06-01-2009, 17:49
Apart from your concerns, how have you been getting on with quitting?

06-01-2009, 17:51
Ermmmmmmm let's see. I had about 7 yesterday :ninja:.
3 Sunday
3 Saturday
4 Friday
4 Thursday

Not tooooo bad. Getting there ;-).

06-01-2009, 17:53
Well its better than you were before :)

06-01-2009, 23:18
giving up smoking is one of the most difficult things to do but well worth it in the end

08-01-2009, 13:32
Good luck with it, I gave up 8 years ago next month and feel so much better for it. Also, it is nice to walk into your home with it smelling nice and your clothes and hair not reeking of smoke too. :)

08-01-2009, 22:44
Good luck with it, I gave up 8 years ago next month and feel so much better for it. Also, it is nice to walk into your home with it smelling nice and your clothes and hair not reeking of smoke too. :)
i gave up 15 months ago! and its the best thing ive ever done!

13-01-2009, 10:44
im two weeks into giving up after many failed attemps!!!

Im more determined than ive ever been to give up!!

But.......Whats with the weird dreams?? I havent had a good night sleep in about a week and a half last night i was having dreams that i was in a plane crash!!! im quitting with one of the girl in work and she's having the same problem......anyone know why this happens?

13-01-2009, 10:49
This is a normal side effect which should disappear again shortly, but is different for individuals. I had that too for about 3 weeks when I quit 8 nearly 8 years ago. I used to drink a cup of herbal tea before going to bed which seemed to help but it might have been coincidence. Keep it up though, whatever weird experiences you get, they will all be temporary as your body is de-toxing and you will feel the real benefits soon. :thumbsup:

13-01-2009, 10:50
im two weeks into giving up after many failed attemps!!!

Im more determined than ive ever been to give up!!

But.......Whats with the weird dreams?? I havent had a good night sleep in about a week and a half last night i was having dreams that i was in a plane crash!!! im quitting with one of the girl in work and she's having the same problem......anyone know why this happens?

Probably all the chemicals leaving your brain and making you have really weird dreams

13-01-2009, 17:36
Ermmmmmmm let's see. I had about 7 yesterday :ninja:.
3 Sunday
3 Saturday
4 Friday
4 Thursday

Not tooooo bad. Getting there ;-).

Maybe you should try nicotine gum or patches? Going cold turkey starves your brain of nicotine so thats why your brain craves it.

13-01-2009, 21:35
well im goning to try and take the patch off tonight and see how it goes.... you dont smoke when your sleeping anyway so it shouldnt bother me that much.....dont think i could handle another night like last night

di marco
13-01-2009, 22:34
good luck lea and luna and anyone else whos trying to give up :)

14-01-2009, 07:11
Yes, good luck to all who want to give up the weed. One statement has always stayed in my mind: NEVER GIVE UP GIVING UP, so don't beat yourself up if you give in to one or two ciggies, but try to get back on course again quickkly. :)

12-10-2009, 17:42
Although I quit smoking over 8 years ago now, the recent advert where a child is asking mum to stop smoking (whilst Mum is watching Emmerdale or some other tv show) would really make me determined to stop. Are any of you impressed by the latest ad campaign?

12-10-2009, 17:48
I am theres loads of different one, I think its a good approach

13-10-2009, 10:43
Although I quit smoking over 8 years ago now, the recent advert where a child is asking mum to stop smoking (whilst Mum is watching Emmerdale or some other tv show) would really make me determined to stop. Are any of you impressed by the latest ad campaign?

Honestly Perdita, no.. I don't smoke in my house, haven't since the kids have been born.. I can't smoke in door in Ireland so I am finding I am smoking less cause it is too cold or wet to smoke outside.
TBH, when I see a smoke ad, it just reminds me to go out and have one.

16-10-2009, 01:17
I don't have children, so can't really comment in the same way. But the advert isn't nice. Does make you think. But not enough, like Siobhan, if I see a smoking advert, it just reminds me to go have a fag.

Though if I had children, I wouldn't smoke around them. Closest I have is my friends little boy, who I'd never smoke around, but a little story my mate told me today about him.. he saw someone's fags, and someone said something to him about it being bad or something, and he turned around and said "No it's not, *my auntie* smokes all the time, it's good".. he's 3. That's pretty bad. But the person he said it to was appauled and said she thought about going to social services about it saying that the auntie is encouraging him to smoke?? WTF? How's that work out.