View Full Version : Walk the dog

19-07-2005, 10:57
In a shocking development, some Housemates were up before the alarm had even sounded this morning, and we're not just talking about Derek! Amazing.

As part of the dog training task, Trainers and Dogs must complete several laps of the garden, with leashes being worn at all times, of course! And as the strains of Elvis' Hound Dog faded away, walkies began.

Playful Science dragged his owner Kemal around the garden at break-neck speed. "It's a walk!" Kemal screamed, trying to tame his wayward dog.

Unfortunately, Stifler aka Anthony tried to relieve himself all over the flowerbeds forcing Kemal to call for a pooper-scooper.

With the laps of the garden completed the Housemates were free to relax. The dog-tired hounds made a beeline for their super-comfy dog beds to catch forty woofs.

It's a dog's life