View Full Version : Horoscope for July 17th - 23rd

18-07-2005, 16:15
Leo to Capricorn only


You've got a very busy week ahead of you - especially if it's your birthday! If the chores are piling up, be sure to clear your plate because nothing but fun awaits you! You just may find a surprise coming your way this week - so be prepared!

Leo's in love! You have stars in your eyes and you are walking around in a haze. You get butterflies in your stomach at the very mention of his name. It's ok to be a bit dizzy over a new crush, but just make sure you keep your head on straight!

Gold and orange! Bold! Daring! Bright! People can't ignore you because you're so vibrant and full of life - someone who lights up a room just by walking in the door.


Your radar may be set on High this week when it comes to people who are all talk and no show. If you have to cover for them, do what you think is right but find a (hopefully nice!) way to let them know that being taken for granted puts a big strain on your friendship.

Don't beat yourself up if you don't have a crush on anyone right now! You do NOT need a boyfriend to be cool, ok? You've got more than enough going for you just the way you are!!

Any shade of green works for you, whether it's bright green for summer or deep green velvet for winter. It's the color of grass and trees and nature, all of which make you feel peaceful and happy.


This may be sort of a roller coaster week for you, Libra, so be sure to find some time for yourself, especially if you have a new book that you just can't wait to read! By the weekend, things should be better... and don't be surprised if people thank you personally for being such a good sport!

You've been so busy helping other people with their romantic problems that you haven't been able to spend any quality time with your own crush! This week your friends may need to handle their own problems so that you can take a break and enjoy yourself!

Lavender and violet - ultra romantic colors, just like you! You've got a special way of soothing people when they are angry or sad, and getting them to smile.


Don't be surprised if something you've been doing for fun suddenly becomes a little more important - and might even help you make some decisions about a future career. The more you can love what you do, the happier you'll be and the better you'll do!

You love hanging around artists, musicians, and actors, but that's not surprising - people just feel more creative when they're around you. Music is an important part of your life so it makes sense that you would find musicians extra-cool!

Dark red & black are the dramatic colors that you love best! Dress them up with silver and you're ready to show that strong and artistic side of you!


It may be a challenge to stay focused this week, but you can do it, Sag! Try to get the things you don't like done first and save the fun stuff for a reward (sort of like eating dessert last instead of first!) The weekend should be a lot of fun with either a picnic during the day or a barbecue in the evening. Either way, you'll have a great time!

Is he flirting in private and ignoring you in public? That's just not right and you need to let him know it! If he can't treat you with respect everywhere, he is NOT good crush material!

Blue and white make a great combination for you! There are so many shades from sky blue to deep midnight blue, but they all say smart, honest, and intelligent - qualities that make you a great friend!


Oops! Did you loan money to a friend who "forgot" to pay you back? It's really sweet of you to want to help, but it's probably better to find ways that don't involve emptying out your wallet. Money is one of those things that can really put a strain on a friendship and you don't want that to happen, so next time it may be hard, but just say no!

Are you worried that everyone knows you've got a crush on the guy? Ok, so how many people did you tell? That many??? Well, it's hard to keep things quiet if you tell everyone, even if you ask them not to say anything! It's hard to keep good news a secret!

Earth tones bring out the glow in you and reflect your special combination of being a practical person with a wonderfully wacky sense of humor, and a special way of doing things that is uniquely You!

di marco
20-07-2005, 06:42

It may be a challenge to stay focused this week, but you can do it, Sag! Try to get the things you don't like done first and save the fun stuff for a reward (sort of like eating dessert last instead of first!) The weekend should be a lot of fun with either a picnic during the day or a barbecue in the evening. Either way, you'll have a great time!

Is he flirting in private and ignoring you in public? That's just not right and you need to let him know it! If he can't treat you with respect everywhere, he is NOT good crush material!

Blue and white make a great combination for you! There are so many shades from sky blue to deep midnight blue, but they all say smart, honest, and intelligent - qualities that make you a great friend!

thanks spicy! :) oh but i dont like doing the boring things first, i always leave then to the last possible minute!