View Full Version : Task announced: Its a dogs life

18-07-2005, 11:27
There will be a lot of scratching, growling and sniffing of each other's bits for the foreseeable future as Housemates complete the dog-training task.

This week the Big Brother House will be converted into a Human Dog School. Half of the gang will become Dogs and half will become Dog Trainers.

Dog baskets, food bowls and leashes have been supplied to get everyone in a canine mood. If the task is completed successfully everyone will win a luxury food budget.

Everyone was amazed when Anthony returned from the Diary Room dressed as a dog. "Oh, he's so cute," Makosi trilled, petting the obedient chap.

Craig announced that this was Stiffler, and gave him a scratch behind the ears. Stiffler immediately rolled over, panting.

This is ********** S and M," Craig said, eyeing Anthony's collar with pleasure.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" he asked his furry friend. "Aye," said Stiffler. Shouldn't that be woof?

We'd never seen a dog in high heels before, but Makosi emerged from the Dairy Room dressed as a most glamorous dog in the world ever.

Science and Eugene have also donned the dog suits, and will have to be trained by their owners, Kemal and Orlaith.

Hot dawg!