View Full Version : craig explodes

18-07-2005, 07:58
So far in the House he's bitched, sniped and gossiped, but Craig finally blew a gasket and lost his temper with Science.

Science had been arguing with Housemates for some time and now he's been accused of manipulating people - something he denied.

"My name's not Derek," Science said in his defence to Craig and Anthony who were on the sofa with him.

"You think you're supreme, but you not a threat to me," Craig said with accompanying hand gestures.

"It's you who thinks you're a God, I'm a human being," Science replied and then Craig went shouty crackers and screamed: "I do it in a joking way!"

"So you're doing it in a joking way now?" Science shouted back in a camp, mocking, Craig-esque voice. "You're 20, I'm 22, you're a boy, I'm a man," he added and then said to Anthony, "You'll realise in time..."

"I don't care about myself," Craig snivelled. "My main objective is to make sure he [Anthony] lasts as long as he lasts. Science, I don't care about you. I don't want you in this ********** room so ******* off!"

Craig then shouted, referring to Maxwell: "There should be someone else sitting here and not you!"

"Sorry to burst you bubble but what can I say?" Science understandably shrugged. After all, it was the public that voted out Maxwell and chose to keep Science.

"You've just revealed your arrogance!" Craig blurted out. Anthony tried to calm things down and pointed out that a lot of things are said jokingly and promised Science that he'd only say things to his face.

"Standard," replied the self-appointed ghetto spokesman and offered to shake Anthony's hand. Craig was not interested in calming down though...

"It's my room, it's my space and you've got a million other rooms you can go to!"

Science suggested they all be a bit more civilised, but this just caused Craig to explode into another rant.

The irate hairdresser stared into the camera and screamed: "Camera, look at me! I'm Science the attention seeker! Look at me, look at me, no other Housemate! This bloke is a selfish a***hole that only thinks about himself."

Craig, however, could never be accused of attention seeking...could he?