View Full Version : friends roundabout

18-07-2005, 07:51
Within an hour of Makosi bitching about Orlaith with Kemal and Orlaith crying over her treatment from Makosi, the two were curled up in bed together bitching about Kemal!

And even more bizarre, Science joined them and apologised to Orlaith. We await the flying pigs.

Makosi was still angry with Kemal. "He threatened me. I told him 'I know you nominated me before why don't you just go ahead and do it tomorrow too.' I have had it!"

And she decided Kemal had never loved her. "It was a tactic, not love," she concluded.

Now both Makosi and Orlaith are hoping to go on Friday. "Kemal thinks I'm an actress. I can't take anymore. If anyone wants to nominate me, just go ahead. I might nominate myself."

"You're a lot stronger than you think Makosi," Science told her.

Orlaith, who had her own thoughts of quitting, got behind Makosi to encourage her to stay.

"We've got to stick at it. We're not quitters. You don't want to be looked at as a girl who's a quitter," she said.

Science, having said "I'm sorry" to Orlaith over their spats, told them they both were strong enough to see it through.

What's next, Science and Derek agreeing on something?