View Full Version : Neighbours Spoilers 1st - 5th April 2019

21-03-2019, 20:42
Monday 1st April

Elly wakes up in Shaun's hotel room, mortified by what she has done and determined to keep it secret. Claudia is persuaded to visit Finn, but she coldly tells him to face the fact that he is going to jail for a long time. Piper discovers that Imogen is Finn's lawyer and confronts her publicly.

Tuesday 2nd April

Following an argument with Imogen, Piper decides to leave Erinsborough. Claudia visits Finn again, but can they reconcile? Gary is about to propose to Amy, but their romantic moment is interrupted by a surprising arrival.

Wednesday 3rd April

Gary and Amy accuse Paul of hiring Kyle to cause tension between them. Piper gently breaks off her relationship with Leo and bids the town farewell as she embarks on a new adventure, intending to meet Tyler in Adelaide.

Thursday 4th April

Kyle accepts Paul's job offer, but will he agree to its unspoken condition? With Toadie still away, Shane and Dipi turn to Mark for advice about Sonya's secret. Wondering why Chloe is suddenly in the money, Aaron jumps to the wrong conclusion.

Friday 5th April

Hoping to jog Finn's memory, Mark and David take him around the Waterhole, accidentally derailing Bea's show when she catches sight of him. Unable to tell Aaron about her special project with Paul, Chloe is forced to lie. Annoyed with Paul's high-handed behaviour, Terese gives him an ultimatum.


22-03-2019, 02:41
Sad to see Piper leave but nice to know her and Tyler will be reuniting.

And looks like Paul is back to his old ways.

22-03-2019, 11:42
if kyle is married to georgia why would he want amy again?

22-03-2019, 18:22
if kyle is married to georgia why would he want amy again?

Maybe they divorced?

22-03-2019, 18:49
Maybe they divorced?

I’m sure it was mentioned, only the other week. He was happily married. But it is a soap l, so who knows.

22-03-2019, 22:29
I still have to watch this week's episodes but I believe you on your word Kaz!

23-03-2019, 03:49
I'm thinking there will be a moment of temptation before they realise it's wrong and that they love Georgia/Gary and move on to just being friends. The dynamic will be interesting though when Kyle Amy and Gary are together

23-03-2019, 12:05
I'm thinking there will be a moment of temptation before they realise it's wrong and that they love Georgia/Gary and move on to just being friends. The dynamic will be interesting though when Kyle Amy and Gary are together

Should go out for dinner with Leo, Terese and Paul IMO. A nice family dinner.

25-03-2019, 12:04
Digital Spy's expanded Neighbours spoilers for 1st - 5th April are now available:

Monday 1 April


Elly wakes up in Shaun's hotel room, remembering her actions of the previous night and overwhelmed with regret. Soon afterwards, she confesses to Leo that Mark's rejection pushed her back into her old, self-destructive ways. Now she is not only lying to Mark, but also cheating again.

Leo is supportive, but only sees two options. If she reveals all to Mark, their relationship will be broken beyond repair. If she doesn't, she'll have to live with the guilt for the rest of her life. Unable to confess, Elly resigns herself to living with the lies.

Meanwhile, Finn is despondent after being rejected by his mother yet again. Susan is sympathetic and thrown when Claudia asks her to help convince Shaun to give up on Finn like she has. When Susan questions if Claudia's feelings towards Finn stem from guilt for abandoning him in the past, she hits a nerve.

Claudia decides to see Finn after all, but it's not the tender reunion he was hoping for. She coldly tells him to face facts – he's going to jail for the rest of his life, and the best thing for him to do is sever ties with Shaun and everyone else he has tricked into caring about him. Finn is left crushed and Karl is dismayed by how badly his plan to reunite mother and son has backfired.

Elsewhere, Piper is still finding comfort in Leo, but her relationship with Imogen remains testy. She becomes suspicious when she discovers Imogen lining up secret legal meetings and acting cagey. Piper does some digging, eventually coming to a shocking conclusion. Vindicated, she confronts Imogen. In front of her family and Bea, she asks her whether she is Finn Kelly's lawyer.

Tue 2 April


While Ned and Bea are shocked by Imogen's decision to take on Finn as a client, Piper is agitated by Terese's more muted response. With Imogen believing Piper only outed her to score points, the two sisters argue out on the street, as Imogen calls out Piper on her obvious unhappiness and lack of direction. Confronted by Imogen's words, Piper starts to wonder whether there may be some element of truth in them.

When the family join together in memory of the three-year anniversary of Josh's passing, Terese speaks to the importance of family. Imogen ruminates on her admiration for Josh, who was preparing to uproot his life and pursue the chance of a family with Amber and Matilda before he died. Affected by her family's words, Piper makes a sudden decision – she think she needs to leave Erinsborough.

Meanwhile, when Susan sees the crushing effect Claudia has had on Finn, she resolves to do something about her poor excuse for mothering. She hands Claudia the photo album of Finn's childhood photos that she never looked at and offers a blistering take-down of Claudia's parenting. Susan doesn't hold back, voicing her disgust that Claudia is leaving her son to rot, exactly the way she did when he was lost in South America.

Rattled by Susan's words, a restrained Claudia visits Finn a final time before she leaves Erinsborough, returning his photo album to him but letting him know she has kept one photo for herself and will pay his legal fees. It's a small step forward in their relationship.
Elsewhere, Gary is all prepared to propose to Amy in an elaborate romantic gesture at her yard. When he learns Imogen has agreed to defend Finn, an upset Gary suddenly changes his mind, postponing the proposal and leaving Sheila confused. When Sheila prods, Gary admits it feels like a betrayal to Xanthe to want to be happy on a day that has been hijacked by news of Finn.

After a tender moment with Amy, Gary realises that he needs to focus on his future and decides the proposal is back on. With the yard now out of the question, Gary sets up a simpler version of his proposal scenario in the Canning house and gets down on one knee. But before a surprised Amy can utter a response, there's a surprise arrival at the front door - Kyle Canning has returned.

Wed 3 April


Amy and Gary are stunned by the surprise arrival of Kyle. Their unease grows when they learn he is back because Paul has offered him a job - the one Amy has just resigned from, meaning they have to do a one-month handover together. To make things even more awkward, Kyle has separated from Georgia.

Suspicious Amy and Gary accuse Paul of deliberately hiring Kyle to cause tension between them, a charge he firmly denies. Kyle is also innocent: he was simply offered the job opportunity and took it, but now feels bad for derailing his dad and Amy's special moment.

As Amy formally accepts Gary's marriage proposal, Paul and Kyle meet up to talk business. Kyle is stunned when Paul admits his denials were dishonest. He really does want Kyle to break up the happy couple. What will Kyle do?

Meanwhile, having decided to leave Erinsborough in search of a new chapter, Piper gently breaks it off with Leo, leaving him genuinely hurt. Terese is emotional at the thought of Piper leaving but is supportive of her plans. Piper implores her mum not to lose herself in her relationship with Paul.

Later, Piper bids a loving farewell to her loved ones and sets off on her new adventure, where we learn her first stop is Adelaide. There she meets up with Tyler, taking a chance on a beautiful new future.

Thurs 4 April


Kyle wrestles with Paul's request to break up Amy and Gary, knowing it's an unspoken condition of the job offer. When he hears about Gary's misdeeds over the past few months, a rattled Kyle is forced to consider that maybe Paul is right: his dad isn't good enough for Amy.

Amy warmly reaches out to Kyle as a friend, genuinely hoping they can all work through the tension and get along. When Gary joins them, and surprisingly makes an effort with Kyle despite the messy circumstances, Kyle makes his decision. He returns to Paul and agrees to take the job, but he refuses to help break up Amy's relationship. Paul seemingly accepts the terms, but is he really willing to let this go?

Meanwhile, Shane and Dipi have settled into Number 30 and are reminded of the secret Sonya passed along to Shane before she passed away: that Andrea claimed she holds a clue to finding the real Dee. Unsure what they should do while Toadie is away, they reach out to Mark for advice. He is startled to realise this is the secret Sonya never got the chance to tell him.

Mark advises that Shane and Dipi should try and set up contact with Andrea. But now he can't stop thinking how he wasn't there for Sonya when she needed him at the end. Elly supports Mark, glad to be able to do something positive in reassuring him.

Elsewhere, with extra income coming in, thanks to some secret business Chloe has with Paul, Chloe is thrilled to be able to help Aaron and David set up their new home by paying three months' rent. But Chloe's new cashed up state makes Aaron curious, and when she starts sporting flashy new clothes and jewellery, that curiosity turns into suspicion.

With David in tow, Aaron confronts Chloe to find out the truth. But when they discover her entertaining an aging male investor, Aaron jumps to the worst conclusion and accuses Chloe of meeting men for money again.

Fri 5 April


Bea is excited about her next show at The Waterhole, determined to push Finn from her mind. Unbeknown to Bea, Mark and David are escorting Finn around the complex at the same time, in another attempt to trigger his memories. Not knowing Bea is performing there, they wheel Finn in sight of the beer garden just as Bea starts to sing.

Finn is transfixed by Bea, but when her eyes lock with his, she panics and flees. Finn is apologetic for upsetting her and wants to say sorry, but Bea is not interested in apologies.

Encouraged by a pep-talk from Elly, Bea sits down to reclaim her power by writing a new song about her refusal to have compassion for her former tormentor. But she is unaware that at the same time, Finn is watching a clip of her singing online… and he's entranced.

Meanwhile, Chloe is mortified that Aaron has accused her of meeting men for money again. Unable to convince him she has earnt her extra cash legitimately, she is forced to come up with a lie. Reluctantly, she tells him she has taken out a new credit card and the debt is piling up. Aaron is glad to get to the bottom of the problem and offers her free board until she is back on track.

That leaves Aaron and David without a paying renter, which works out well for Kyle, who gladly takes a room at Number 32. Chloe hasn't been entirely honest, and when she complains to Paul that their special project is causing trouble, he is sympathetic but urges her to keep her eyes on the prize. Their mysterious special project is too important to give up on. What are they up to?

Elsewhere, missing Piper, Terese's first instinct is to turn to Paul for comfort. But Piper's parting words have unsettled her. When she begins to suspect that Paul has brought Kyle to town to break up Gary and Amy, she warns him he can't keep using people around him like pawns in a chess game, but Paul brushes her off.

Terese's frustration grows when Paul authorises Finn's tour of the complex without consulting her. She makes moves to find him but catches herself. With Piper's words in her head, she summons him to her instead. He arrives at her house and she delivers an ultimatum. He can either treat her as an equal, or they're done. And being equal starts with coming down from his ivory tower… and moving back to Ramsay Street with her.

Digital Spy