View Full Version : vanessas evicted

15-07-2005, 22:38
wasnt it great how they all had to stand up and decide who to boot out between makosi and vanessa,was nice of kemal to say makosi rather then vanessa like all the others i thought.you can see makosi is working her brain overtime now on how to become popular and rid herself of the boo's.
hopefully makosi will be nominated this week and the public will boot her out.

15-07-2005, 22:41
Vanessa has become the seventh housemate to be evicted from the house after losing 5-1 in a head-to-head vote with Makosi.

As the group sat around the dining table, Davina crossed live to the house and announced that either Makosi or Vanessa would be leaving, having garnered the most votes from viewers.

"I told you," said Vanessa, holding her head in tears.

"That's deep man," stated Science as Makosi whispered to Vanessa: "If they give us the choice, I will go."

Big Brother then announced that each housemate would have to vote to evict either Makosi or Vanessa.

Anthony went first. "I'm going to evict Vanessa," he said. "Sorry Vanessa, pet."

Craig was next, choosing likewise: "I'll have to go for Vanessa."

Derek was then instructed to stand and vote. "I feel like I'm in a court of law," he mused. "Reluctantly, [I vote] Vanessa."

"I would not like to evict any of them," said Eugene, "but I think I'm gonna have to choose Vanessa, sorry."

"I don't want to go!" Vanessa exclaimed in tears. "Kemal shouldn't have to choose between his two best friends."

Kemal then made that choice, opting for Makosi. Orlaith picked Vanessa.

Finally it was Science's turn. "Check it Vanessa," he announced. "I'm sorry yeah but I need to have my hair plaitted. I'm gonna have to vote for you."

The vote over, Vanessa ascended the stairs. A tearful Makosi chased her up them, for a moment looking as though she'd try to leave the house at the same time, and had to be brought down by Science.

"I love you, I love you," she said before Vanessa faced the crowd.

15-07-2005, 22:51
great tv but i did feel sorry for her

15-07-2005, 22:52
I felt really sorry for her.

15-07-2005, 22:55
i didnt feel sorry for her at all. i think she did all for attention and symapthy from the housemates and it backfired. im glad she is gone,

15-07-2005, 22:58
i did not feel sorry for her (but i am in a really bad mood) i wanted makosi to go but they are sheep amd they all followed!!!

16-07-2005, 00:03
it would have been better if they had all gone into the diary room and done it by themselves as they all just copied each other!!

willow i not in a bad mood and i didnt feel sorry for her in fact i laughed and cheered

16-07-2005, 00:32
I feel empathy for people in that situation. She was obviously frightened and nervous underneath I bet she's a really nice girl.

16-07-2005, 08:57
I'm pleased shes gone, but i did thinkit was really harsh how they did it

16-07-2005, 09:31
BigBrother was evil, they should atleast have been allowed to vote in private say in the Diary Room - that way some people may not have been accused of being sheep!

16-07-2005, 12:09
I feel empathy for people in that situation. She was obviously frightened and nervous underneath I bet she's a really nice girl.
yer so did i and i agree but i kinda still wanted her to go but not the way she did, my dad said they wanted her to go so they had enough food which i thought was a bit harsh

16-07-2005, 12:10
I thought it was sweet of Makosi to go runnng up the stairs to her. It shows that she really did like er, andit wasn't just all for the cameras

16-07-2005, 12:19
I thought it was sweet of Makosi to go runnng up the stairs to her. It shows that she really did like er, andit wasn't just all for the cameras
yer i agree with you there