View Full Version : Makosi v. Kemal again

14-07-2005, 21:38
Makosi is convinced that Kemal is on a mission and that Anthony is about to be evicted.

She told Science and Anthony, "I think Kemal is on a secret mission. Probably if he's not found out, he's immune."

Makosi said she had noticed that Kemal goes to the Diary Room straight after she has and that has raised her suspicions.

"He keeps trying to dramatise the situation," said Science. "He's pulling certain things out of the bag."

Makosi told them, "When we made up I didn't want him to go. Today I woke up and hoped he does."

Science also has a downer on Kemal. "I don't think he's on a mission because he tried to wind me up. I was p***ed off because I was talking to him, trying to give him some confidence and when everybody came in the room, he switched. Started some bull*******."

Makosi also told them that Big Brother asked who she thought would be evicted.

"Who did you pick?" asked Anthony.

"You," she said. "I said 'Anthony will probably need a taxi sooner or later'."

But she did tell him she appealed to the public not to ditch the diminutive dancer.

However she's barking up the wrong tree. Or maybe just barking.