View Full Version : kemal and derek suspect makosi

14-07-2005, 21:30
Kemal has discovered he isn't alone in suspecting Makosi is a mole, and Derek is also suspicious of the diva.

The pair hurriedly exchanged whispered theories in the garden. Shielding his mouth, most of the Tory's sentence was inaudible although he finished, "...either that or she is a plant."

Kemal was ecstatic he no longer had to carry the burden by himself gasping, "It means a huge deal to me what you just said!"

Not that Derek needed thanking. He was already feeling pretty pleased with himself and grinned, "I'm very probing. I should be Miss Marple."

Bursting with excitement, Kemal tottered off to express his joy in the Diary Room. "Oh my God, it's just got interesting!" he shrieked. "Derek knows the score!"

The stiletto wearer was convinced that together they could unravel the Makosi mystery. "Two heads are working out the case now - working out Mission Makosi," he babbled.

Yes Kemal, now there are two people barking up the wrong tree