View Full Version : beauty blunders - quick fixes

13-07-2005, 21:37
Cakey or too-dark foundation
Fix it: 'Remove rather than add colour,'

'If colour is unevenly blended, don't add more and attempt to rub in - remove with a tissue, working from the jaw and hairline outwards with a sweeping motion. You'd naturally have more colour in your cheeks anyway, and you don't want to be blending down into your collar. Don't worry about the area around your eyes, as you'd naturally be wearing more make-up here, too.'

Spider-legs mascara
Fix it: 'DON'T wet the lashes in the hope of just removing your mascara - it will just clog up,' 'Similarly, don't apply more. Comb through dry lashes with an eyelash comb to remove dry product. (Dust translucent powder lightly over the cheeks to pick up any mascara flecks). Apply one coat of mascara carefully and check - you may only need one application. Concentrate on the outer lashes to open up the eyes further.'

Creased eyeshadow
Fix it: 'The key to applying eyeshadow is to apply translucent powder UNDER a powder shadow or OVER a cream-based one,' 'Wrap your index finger in a tissue and gently remove any residue. Then apply a SMALL amount of fresh colour, remembering the powder rule. Use a smaller eyeshadow brush with a teeny amount of powder - you can always add more.'

Overplucked eyebrows
Fix it:'Choose an eyebrow pencil as close to your brow colour as possible and lightly pencil in, following your natural line,' 'Then go over with an old toothbrush to soften the line and make it appear more natural.'

Go-faster blusher
Fix it: 'Don't be tempted to add more colour to 'even out' the stripe,' 'Remove some colour with a tissue and dust a little translucent powder over cheeks AFTER removing, to even out skin tone but avoid cakiness. A very common mistake, usually made when applying make-up in bad light.'
Squeezing the bejesus out of a spot
Fix it: The best advice is not to squeeze in the first place. But hey - you've gone and done it - what now? 'Apply TCP and wait for the area to dry,' 'Then apply concealer to the red area and over the base of the spot. See how this looks before applying loose powder - you don't want it to look crusty. Minimising the redness is the best way to disguise a blemish - and make sure you wait until it's stopped 'weeping''.

Manky nails
Fix it: 'Never make the mistake of thinking your other glossily polished nails will hide the one that's chipped,' 'Carry the polish with you so you can touch up if needs be. If this sounds too high maintenance, ditch the glossies altogether and use a clear shade.' This season's bright polishes will brighten up the appearance of the skin on your feet, too, if life's too short for pumice stones.'

Overdone or streaky self-tan
Fix it: 'There are products on the market that claim to remove fake tan disasters but it's a chemical reaction that turns you brown and, once that's started, there's not much that can be done 'Get yourself into the shower with a loofah and exfoliate really well will a creamy body wash to help slough away dead skin cells. If you're out and about a light-reflecting product will even out skintone and disguise any major streaks.' For the face, use a tinted moisturiser to even out colour, but avoid further cheek colour or bronzer - instead go for nude eye and lip colour so that it looks as fresh as possible. Emphasise eyes so the attention is drawn there. Or you could just don huge shades and wait for the paparazzi to mistake you for a celeb?.

di marco
14-07-2005, 06:27
thanks for those chance! :)

Overdone or streaky self-tan
Fix it: 'There are products on the market that claim to remove fake tan disasters but it's a chemical reaction that turns you brown and, once that's started, there's not much that can be done 'Get yourself into the shower with a loofah and exfoliate really well will a creamy body wash to help slough away dead skin cells. If you're out and about a light-reflecting product will even out skintone and disguise any major streaks.' For the face, use a tinted moisturiser to even out colour, but avoid further cheek colour or bronzer - instead go for nude eye and lip colour so that it looks as fresh as possible. Emphasise eyes so the attention is drawn there. Or you could just don huge shades and wait for the paparazzi to mistake you for a celeb?.

the bit about celebs lol! :D

15-07-2005, 22:37
some reallt interesign do's and donts there thanks for them!!!

25-08-2005, 15:07

07-09-2005, 19:56
thanks for those chance they are really good to know