View Full Version : The Teller of Scopes

13-07-2005, 20:58
I am The Teller of Scopes and I will be doing horoscopes from now on. I will be doing weekly horoscopes if lucky then Daily. If Chance is free then maybe she can do daily ones. If you request from me just give me youir signs + I can tell you how compatible is your friendship (give me yours and friends sign) and I can also find out your love compatiable's (give me yours and your loves sign). I will make a sticky if possible for the requests. Thank-you.

Just found out Abblette is doing matches... but in a different way

Abblette tells you all compatiable signs. You give me yours and your partners or friends sign and I give you result in a paragraph to read :)

13-07-2005, 21:11
Just found out ablette is doing matches...[/B]
oh sorry do you want me to stop?

13-07-2005, 21:12
Nope carry on :)

13-07-2005, 21:17
Nope carry on :)
thankyou by the way i dont do the compatibility with friends so you can still do that

13-07-2005, 21:22
Ok I will do friends then :) My system works in differnt way though. Lets say Im a Scorpio (which I am!!) and I love a Leo (dont ask reminded me form Leo form EE = buff!!) and I calculate and find out % lets say we got 78% its really good :D Friendship works in same way but tells you about the friendship.

I give you a paragraph to read sorry It dont work in &

13-07-2005, 21:32
Ok I will do friends then :) My system works in differnt way though. Lets say Im a Scorpio (which I am!!) and I love a Leo (dont ask reminded me form Leo form EE = buff!!) and I calculate and find out % lets say we got 78% its really good :D Friendship works in same way but tells you about the friendship.
wow that system sounds really good i wont no how to work that out though

13-07-2005, 21:40
Lol thanks. The idea of all signs for one is actually good. Maybe you could post all signs for which signs they are good with? So maybe you won't be so tired :p If it does work like that :hmm:

13-07-2005, 21:45
Lol thanks. The idea of all signs for one is actually good. Maybe you could post all signs for which signs they are good with? So maybe you won't be so tired :p If it does work like that :hmm:i could but my system is in alot of detail and there are so many options that it could take forever but if people relise that there options have already but up then they should read it rather than ask me again.

13-07-2005, 21:50
but anyway mine is a differnt system yours in % mine in written detail so we can still do both things eventhough one is the same just from different points of view

13-07-2005, 22:19
If you meet someone and you like them and the like you, then you are compatible. Your dates of birth have no bearing on this at all.

Yes, I am a sceptic, so i will leave you 'believers' to it. But please remember, if someone tells you that you are not compatable because of horoscopes youu don't have to believe them. Take each person as you find them.

BTW, I am a scopio and my husband is a libra. We have been married for 15. Does that fit in with your %ages?

13-07-2005, 22:23
im capricorn and this guy i like is gemini

and for the friends one my best mate is a sagitarius

di marco
14-07-2005, 06:23
If you meet someone and you like them and the like you, then you are compatible. Your dates of birth have no bearing on this at all.

Yes, I am a sceptic, so i will leave you 'believers' to it. But please remember, if someone tells you that you are not compatable because of horoscopes youu don't have to believe them. Take each person as you find them.

BTW, I am a scopio and my husband is a libra. We have been married for 15. Does that fit in with your %ages?

yeh its not completely accurate but its just a bit of fun. like theres one where you can see how compatible you are going on your names, obviously your name doesnt make a difference but people do it anyway

14-07-2005, 15:21
Trinity - A Libra/Scorpio match has a winning potential! Serious Scorpios are often emotional, full of passion and desire. Libra’s symbol is the scale which represents balance – and that’s just what a Libra can do for brooding Scorpio! Scorpio, in turn, can help a Libra make a decision – which is something Libras are terrible at doing. As long as these two keep allow their personality differences to help each other, they stand to make a successful romantic match. There’s no doubt a Libra/Scorpio relationship makes a great friendship and business partnership.

14-07-2005, 15:21
Sorry guys its not in percentage but it gives you a paragraph to read on how it is!!

14-07-2005, 15:24
Crazylea88 -


Two different paths to the same destination – that’s Capricorn and Gemini together! Capricorn is more cautious and pays close attention to detail. You may find Capricorn studying the road map and following it closely, estimating the time and distance. Gemini, on the other hand just starts driving with the music cranked! These two in a relationship have to work hard to understand the other. If they can just see that they are both headed to the same place, maybe they compromise on how they get there.


Capricorn may think that Sagittarius takes too many risks without thinking or planning. Sagittarius can be very demanding, but Capricorn is definitely up to the challenge! If they can work this out, they may find that by putting Sag’s energy together with Capricorn’s solid planning, they will have some amazing adventures together.

14-07-2005, 15:29
but anyway mine is a differnt system yours in % mine in written detail so we can still do both things eventhough one is the same just from different points of view
Im happy with that :)

14-07-2005, 16:09
Im happy with that :)
now i'll have to get back to work hehe

14-07-2005, 16:15
lol ok :p

14-07-2005, 16:33
oh oh oh, ok spicy can you do a compatability test for me PLEASE?? This dude i like is an Aries and i'm a Leo........could you please tell me about the potential and stuff in the paragraph thingy??

14-07-2005, 16:41
i could do that for you if you like as on my astro match thread i do quite long paragraphs for them but if you dont thats fine with me

14-07-2005, 16:44
oh, yer please!! should i just post again on your thread??

14-07-2005, 16:50
if you do want me to do you can just check the astro match thread

14-07-2005, 16:52
okie dokie, thanks xx

14-07-2005, 17:04
okie dokie, thanks xxyour welcome

14-07-2005, 20:19
Hey guys Im only doing friendship matches since Abblette is doing love ones :D Thanks to all x

14-07-2005, 20:37
Posted Horoscope For July 10th - 16th.

15-07-2005, 17:42
Posted Horoscope For July 10th - 16th.
hehe they are good just read them

15-07-2005, 17:46
Trinity - A Libra/Scorpio match has a winning potential! Serious Scorpios are often emotional, full of passion and desire. Libra’s symbol is the scale which represents balance – and that’s just what a Libra can do for brooding Scorpio! Scorpio, in turn, can help a Libra make a decision – which is something Libras are terrible at doing. As long as these two keep allow their personality differences to help each other, they stand to make a successful romantic match. There’s no doubt a Libra/Scorpio relationship makes a great friendship and business partnership.

Thanks Spicy!