View Full Version : craig or anthony

13-07-2005, 12:08
Having fallen for Big Brother's lie and believing that they could be evicted on Friday, Craig and Anthony began worrying about what it would be like in the House for them without the other one.

In a late night discussion with Makosi, Craig and Anthony voiced their feelings of regret for choosing to nominate.

"If I go, it's because of a school boy error on my part," Anthony said. "I thought nah, I'm putting my two (nominations) forward."

"And me being me, had to be a follower..." Craig joked about his decision to also nominate.

Team Saskia was once a force to be reckoned with in the House. After it's quick demise from four members to two, Team Diva were handed the power to control the nominations and Craig and Anthony were very conscious of that fact.

"I've made a nomination based on how it would help me and my mates to keep them in. That's tactically not maliciously," Anthony said defensively.

Craig then began to share his fears of being left alone. "Three good mates of mine have already gone. Without him (Anthony) I would find it very difficult."

Since Maxwell's eviction last Friday, Craig and Anthony have sat together talking in to the early hours. "If I go, Craig will need someone to sit up and talk to him and if Craig goes, someone will need to stay up and talk to me," Anthony told Makosi, preparing for the worst.

Oh, all this worrying and it's all over nothing. If only Craig and Anthony knew what Big Brother was up to!

13-07-2005, 16:02
Is anyone still watching this?

13-07-2005, 16:51
i am but im starting to loose interst because my favourites have gone:(

13-07-2005, 16:57
Im not that bothered about it this year. I can't seem to get into it for some reason :hmm:

13-07-2005, 17:49
Im not that bothered about it this year. I can't seem to get into it for some reason :hmm:

yeah im the same

13-07-2005, 19:01
Its still good even though my firm fav (Maxwell) has gone.

The others are entertaining even if that aint in a good way!