View Full Version : Home and Away (Aust) Spoilers 3rd Sept - 6th Sept 2018

17-08-2018, 05:17
Monday 3 Sept

Robbo sets ground rules with Jasmine. Raffy confronts a studious Coco for neglecting Ryder. Tori looks for a private donor.

Tue 4 Sept

Raffy is left devastated when Coco and Ryder gang up against her. Dean’s plan to stay on the straight and narrow is thwarted by Ziggy.

Wed 5 Sept

Ziggy’s truth bomb jeopardises her marital bliss with Brody. Dean wonders how to clean up his image. Raffy pushes Ryder to tell Coco the truth.

Thurs 6 Sept

Have Brody and Ziggy hit an insurmountable roadblock? Willow struggles to assert her independence as she searches for a place to live. A directionless Hunter makes a life-changing decision.


21-08-2018, 23:27
Wed & Thurs spoilers have now been added

03-09-2018, 00:52
Nowtolove.com.au article (from TV Week):

Love on the rocks! Which Home and Away couple calls it quits?
Shock truths rock Summer Bay's couples


Being in love is complicated at the best of times. And for two fan favourites in Home And Away, it's about to become even more complicated when they divulge their true feelings in a week of dramatic confessions.

The emotional roller-coaster begins when Robbo (Jake Ryan) realises he's falling for his best friend Jasmine (Sam Frost) and decides to take the plunge.

But the reformed crim is only just settling back into life after grieving the death of Kat (Pia Miller). He fears it could all be happening too soon.

Meanwhile, the honeymoon looks over for newlyweds Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) and Brody (Jackson Heywood).

Since his arrival in Summer Bay, Robbo has struggled to make friends – all except one. A newcomer herself, Jasmine quickly became a pal.

She even managed to find Robbo work at the bait shop when he was all but ready to quit the Bay.

"Jasmine has found it quite easy to settle in and make friends," Sam, 29, tells TV WEEK.

"But it has been a very different situation for Robbo, so she reached out to try to get to know him."

While the local nurse was simply trying to be a friend, Robbo has found himself increasingly attracted to her.

"Robbo worries it might change their friendship – and he's still a little lost after Kat – so he tries to ignore his feelings," Jake, 35, says. "But it throws him."

At the gym, Robbo is mulling over buying a property from John (Shane Withington) when Jasmine arrives for her workout. She tells him she believes he should invest and put down roots.

By the end of their conversation, Robbo is convinced and puts in a verbal offer. To his surprise, it's accepted.

In a celebratory mood, a happy Robbo grabs Jasmine and kisses her.

"Jaz wasn't at all prepared for Robbo to like her like that," Sam explains.

"It's a surprise. She's flattered, but also worried that perhaps she's led him on."

The next day, Robbo finds Jasmine to apologise for his rash move. But as they discuss giving each other some space, the bubbly blonde starts to wonder if she might have overreacted.

That night, Jasmine considers the possibility she might be suppressing how she feels towards Robbo.

Across town, however, he decides to back off and bury his feelings – for good. Has Jasmine pushed Robbo away too soon?

For Brody and Ziggy, wedding bliss has faded fast. And when the young mechanic makes her feelings known, we wonder if they tied the knot too hastily.

The newlyweds have had a rocky start to their marriage.

They'd been together only a short time before facing Ziggy's mum Maggie's (Kestie Morassi) serious illness, moving into the Astoni household and walking down the aisle.

Now, as Brody tries to settle down, Ziggy does just the opposite. When she challenges Dean (Patrick O'Connor) to a drinking challenge at the garage, the wild child almost has to be carried home.

Facing scrutiny from her husband over her behaviour, Ziggy lashes out, saying she just wants to have fun like everyone else her age.

Did Brody and Ziggy rush their decision to get married?

"I think they did," Jackson, 30, tells TV WEEK. "It's what Brody wanted long-term, but he didn't realise it would happen so quickly. It's going to make him question if it was the right move."