View Full Version : naughty step for anthony

11-07-2005, 16:45
Anthony was sent to the naughty step this afternoon after his water fight with Craig got out of hand.

He was called to the Diary Room and asked if he thought it was dangerous spraying water into a room full of equipment and at Housemates wearing microphones.

Anthony did not. "I was hitting Craig's head. Anyway, Craig started it," he said, maturely.

When he was ordered to the naughty step he let out a howl of despair.

Moments later Craig was called to the Diary Room and asked to make sure Anthony had plenty of water and suntan lotion. When he emerged though, he announced he had been told to look after Anthony.

"I've been given my orders. I've got to put suntan lotion on your back," he told him. Having smeared his back and rubbed it in, he then gave Anthony a shoulder and head massage.

"That's what I'm talking about, big man" said Anthony as Craig kneaded his muscles. "You sort me out. You look after us, don't you?"

And they call it punishment...