View Full Version : split decision

11-07-2005, 13:48
Having stayed up all night umming and ahhing over whether or not to nominate, Craig and Anthony still hadn't got any closer to reaching a decision.

The remains of Team Saskia sat in the living area pondering over what to do. Staying awake in to the early hours, Craig and Anthony went full circle from definitely not nominating, to definitely nominating. Thirty minutes before nominations were to begin, they both fell asleep.

"Check this one out," Anthony said, "imagine if they (Big Brother) went 'no one nominated so the people up for eviction are going to be the first two people alphabetically, Anthony and Craig'."

Thinking about Big Brother's note informing the Housemates that they would be told two lies over the course of the week, Craig said, "Maybe one of the lies is that you can't not nominate."

Equally confused about Big Brother's nomination surprise Anthony said, "I immediately thought that if we don't nominate, there won't be an eviction."

After a two hour break, Craig and Anthony were back on the shall we shan't we debate. "We have to decide whether we're going to nominate," Anthony insisted. "I think we should and I think we shouldn't" was Craig's helpful reply.

Another couple of hours passed and as the sun was coming up the boys realised that decision time was almost upon them. "I think we could be the only two that end up doing it...I think that we should just go and do it as we normally would," Craig said.

Anthony said he was in agreement, but still neither of them seemed to be certain. "It's that classic scenario, dammed of you do and dammed if you don't," Craig muttered.

Will they or won't they? Well, they need to wake up first!