View Full Version : the lie detectors

10-07-2005, 16:59
The Housemates' minds are working overtime trying to figure out what their Liar task might mean.

Science read out the laminate: "Big Brother will lie to you twice this week. You are amazing."

Science decided this wasn't Big Brother's first lie because, after all, he is amazing. Anthony agreed, saying, "I'm ******* hot."

"I don't get it," said Craig. "Is it like one of those weird things?"

Yes, Craig. It is very similar to one of those weird things.

I thought someone was going to walk through the door," he said, when the arrival of the task was announced by the sound of a doorbell. "You know who I thought that was going to be, don't you?" he asked Anthony.

"Aye, I know," said Anthony. "I think I know what one of the lies could be but I'm not going to say."

Then, either by mind transference or pure coincidence, Craig received the gift too. "Oh my God! I think I know as well."

"Don't say anything. But we know," said the sage Anthony.

As they relaxed in the sunshine, Craig soon returned to his normal self, saying, "Maxwell, why aren't you still here, you b****?" and "Orlaith, don't look at my man like that."

Some things never change...