View Full Version : true lies

10-07-2005, 13:42
Big Brother has announced this week's task and it's a dastardly game of bluff and double bluff.

Certain Big Brother Housemates have been known to bend the truth from time to time. Just think of Makosi and her secret mission, Anthony and his sudden memory loss after the pool party and, well, everyone in fact during Maxwell's Workhouse Task.

So the Housemates have proved they're pretty good at telling lies, but now Big Brother's getting in on the act.

For this week's task Big Brother intends to tell some prize porkies. An envelope was delivered to the House, via the gold door, telling the Housemates that Big Brother will lie to them twice before Friday's eviction.

"You guys are amazing," the note ended.

But will the expert fibbers be able to spot Big Brother's own fabrications?

Let the games begin!