View Full Version : max interview

08-07-2005, 23:04
Max literally ran out of the house this evening when his time finally came.

With a farewell hug for Anthony and a goodbye kiss for Craig, Max sprinted through the seating area and found himself at the exit door with fifteen seconds to spare.

"Open the ****ing door then," he shouted at Big Brother before making his way up the exit stairs.

As he left the house, Max stuck out his tongue at the crowd, opening his arms wide and encouraging the boos.

"You look pretty good next to me," he whispered to Davina as he joined her on stage before attempting a rendition of 'head, shoulders, knees and toes' then making his way to the studio.

"People like watching a bit of misery, don't they?" he answered, when asked why he thought he had been voted out.

On the cheer in week two: "It gave me a bit more confidence."

Confronted about Scabgate, he replied: "He sat there half an hour later saying it was the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted. There was a possibility [I did it]. It was a cornflake anyway."

On the racial divide: "I picked up on it about two weeks ago - only looking at it. But there was none of that at all, not on my part anyway."

On Saskia: "I'd definitely take her out for a drink if she wants to - that is if she's not half way round the world."

Finally, when asked what he had learnt about himself, Max replied: "I didn't go in there to learn anything about myself. I wanted to teach people about me."

09-07-2005, 02:54
http://bbimages.digitalspy.co.uk/bb6/library/160x120_bb6_max_int1.jpg Maxwell being interviewed by C4 host Davina McCall (newly shaven-headed)

Max was then reunited with last weeks' evictee Saskia.

09-07-2005, 08:15
I noticed he played it safe when asked questions about Saskia... such a gentleman to play things down as he did not know what Saskia had said and probably did not want to say anything out of turn to offend anyone.

Also he obviously was not 100% sure what might have gone on in the week between hers and his eviction and he would have looked a prize plum if she had moved on or something.

When she did arrive he suddenly looked totally reassured and very pleased. For all the sceptics.. I think this is genuine.

09-07-2005, 11:02
She might have got back together with her boyfriend for all he knew

09-07-2005, 12:36
his little face lit up when he saw her!! it was so sweet!!! she looked happy to see him too!!

09-07-2005, 13:12
but i hope that she lets him make teh most of this limelight. Shes already done a million photoshoots and interviews, so she should let MAxwell do the same, rather than do them as a couple. They should do them later on