View Full Version : Current Affairs

08-07-2005, 08:15
I remember years ago the first episode of Eastenders to be shown after the Hillsborough tragedy. It started with Pauline and Arthur in their kitchen and they said how awful it was what had happened and said something like it could easily have been Arthur and Martin in the same situation. Anyway, my point is it would be good if they could do that sort of thing more often. The Olympics will virtually be held just up the road from Walford and obviously yesterdays tragic events would have affected them all. Adding to the script to make it more realistic could obviously be done as they have done it before.

Bad Wolf
08-07-2005, 08:32
they should do something, its something that will effect the whole of the UK especially London, they do episodes to tie in with special occasions and national holidays they should do something to mark this??

08-07-2005, 08:39
yeh i agree, but some people could use it as like an a escape route to forget about things that had happened.

It would make it more realistic though.

08-07-2005, 09:22
i cant see them doing it, as they would have to change their scripts, and scenes that have already been filmed

we may get some minor reference in a few months time, but i agree something should be done

mr bond

08-07-2005, 16:13
yeah i agree they should mention things like that but they can only talk about things that are gonna happen 6 weeks in advance not something that happens on the spur of the moment if you know what i mean.