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View Full Version : boy zone

07-07-2005, 12:26
Maxwell and Anthony have been arguing about who's better at pulling the birds, just in case there was any doubt about anyone's sexuality.

Though the House lads are happy to snuggle up to Craig and let him massage their bits, sometimes a man just has to talk about shagging and football to rile up his mate.

"Anthony, you are better looking, but I'd pull nicer birds," Maxwell said, trying to get a rise out of his mate.

"I don't think so," Anthony said, a hint of competitiveness creeping into his voice.

"Why didn't you pull Saskia then?" Maxwell asked, thinking he had come up with the ultimate argument.

"Well I didn't try," Anthony sniped, clearly believing that a bit of effort on his part would have floored Saskia.

"If we went speed dating I would get more numbers than you," Maxwell continued. "You do more damage, but I'd pull nicer birds,"

Craig tried to join in the laddish discussion. "I'd beat both of you," he said.

"Shut up Craig," the lads said in chorus.