View Full Version : Emmerdale Spoilers 30th October - 3rd November

18-10-2017, 05:49
Debbie tries to resist Tom's charms as they head to a meeting but when one of his sleazy clients makes a clumsy pass at her will his chivalrous behaviour change her mind

18-10-2017, 11:25
Am I the only one who couldn't care less about Debbie and the Christian Gray wannabe? I just find it so incredibly dull!!!

We all know where this leads, Debbie get's her heart broken, she cries to Cain and he kidnaps whichever bloke it is. It's been the same for years.

18-10-2017, 12:08
Am I the only one who couldn't care less about Debbie and the Christian Gray wannabe? I just find it so incredibly dull!!!

We all know where this leads, Debbie get's her heart broken, she cries to Cain and he kidnaps whichever bloke it is. It's been the same for years.

You are not alone.

18-10-2017, 13:41
Am I the only one who couldn't care less about Debbie and the Christian Gray wannabe? I just find it so incredibly dull!!!

We all know where this leads, Debbie get's her heart broken, she cries to Cain and he kidnaps whichever bloke it is. It's been the same for years.

And cries to Ross

18-10-2017, 22:45
Am I the only one who couldn't care less about Debbie and the Christian Gray wannabe? I just find it so incredibly dull!!!

We all know where this leads, Debbie get's her heart broken, she cries to Cain and he kidnaps whichever bloke it is. It's been the same for years.

no feel the same

katie hunter
18-10-2017, 23:11
Am I the only one who couldn't care less about Debbie and the Christian Gray wannabe? I just find it so incredibly dull!!!

We all know where this leads, Debbie get's her heart broken, she cries to Cain and he kidnaps whichever bloke it is. It's been the same for years.

Dull indeed :wall:

But on the plus side she isn't with Ross either.

19-10-2017, 06:53
Mon 30 Oct
An angry Debbie lashes out! Robert continues to manipulate… Frank has an idea, but what is it? And what is Gabby afraid of?

Tue 31 Oct
Robert continues to scheme against Lawrence, the he overhears something… Jai has a change of heart…

Wed 1 Nov
Someone makes an accusation against one local… But what’s it all about? Robert’s scared… But why?

Thu 2 Nov
A surprise discovery leads to a few questions… But who for? Rhona gets the wrong end of the stick and it forces her to play dirty!

Fri 3 Nov
The police return to the village with a warrant… Who for? A huge firework is explosive in more ways than one… But why?


19-10-2017, 09:22
Mon 30 Oct
An angry Debbie lashes out! Robert continues to manipulate… Frank has an idea, but what is it? And what is Gabby afraid of?

Tue 31 Oct
Robert continues to scheme against Lawrence, the he overhears something… Jai has a change of heart…

Wed 1 Nov
Someone makes an accusation against one local… But what’s it all about? Robert’s scared… But why?

Thu 2 Nov
A surprise discovery leads to a few questions… But who for? Rhona gets the wrong end of the stick and it forces her to play dirty!

Fri 3 Nov
The police return to the village with a warrant… Who for? A huge firework is explosive in more ways than one… But why?

https://www.facebook.com/groups/1861186214134780/?multi_permalinks=1896770857242982¬if_id=15076013 48832629¬if_t=group_highlights

A surprise discovery - the suicide letter Emma wrote? Gabby has it after all?

19-10-2017, 22:01
A surprise discovery - the suicide letter Emma wrote? Gabby has it after all?

Why would anyone want to take Emma's confession letter?

20-10-2017, 00:45
Why would anyone want to take Emma's confession letter?


20-10-2017, 21:15

Gabby broke into Emma’s house. If Gabby found the letter, she may have given it a quick glance and got scared that Emma had written about her in the letter? And by the time she realised that maybe she hadn’t put anything about what Gabby had done in there, it was all round the village that Emma had attacked Moira, stolen a baby and killed her own son, so maybe she felt it was too late to hand the letter in?

Somebody’s definitely taken it, because Emma left it on the baby’s lap and when Harriet turned up and found the baby in the church you could see that the letter had disappeared as Harriet bent down towards the baby. So somebody has it unless the wind blew it away.... :D

24-10-2017, 07:27

Robert manipulates Lawrence, but Lachlan interrupts as they're about to kiss.

Lawrence demands Lachlan leaves the house, leaving Robert gloating.

Meanwhile, as Debbie prepares for the business trip, Sarah is delighted to learn they are moving into Jacob's Fold. Later, at the hotel suite, Tom presents Debbie with a dress, which she's initially reticent to wear.

On arrival at the bar, Debbie is hit on by one of Tom's sleazy clients and ends up punching him. She's surprised when Tom is protective over her and the man is escorted out.

Elsewhere, Megan confronts Jai about missing the group. Frank has an idea to help Jai get involved with his daughter.



Robert drugs a self-pitying Lawrence, who passes out.

Later, Lawrence is found by Lachlan, who's disgusted by his granddad. As Lachlan looms over Lawrence, he voices a plan to kill him, unaware that Robert is lurking in the shadows.

Meanwhile, Bernice confronts Gabby about her moody attitude, but Gabby denies that her recent behaviour is connected to Emma's death. Pete is also getting suspicious.

Elsewhere, Jai finally feels more positive about Eliza.



Laurel discovers that Gabby bought roses the previous day and Pete becomes suspicious after finding flowers and a cryptic apology message at the viaduct.

Pete urges Gabby to admit leaving the flowers on the viaduct and confess to hating Emma. He asks her if she killed his mum, but Laurel steps in before she can answer. Are Pete's suspicions right?

Meanwhile, Robert is worried after hearing Lachlan's dark threat.

Elsewhere, Rhona grows frustrated.

Thursday (1)

Gabby remains a major suspect in the Emma investigation, but will she be taken in for questioning?

Meanwhile, Rhona takes drastic action when she wrongly assumes that Paddy is on a date.

Elsewhere, Victoria is nervous ahead of her adoption meeting with Adam.

Thursday (2)

Gabby spots a train ticket in Laurel's bag and confronts her about being in the village when Emma died.

It's clear that Laurel is now a suspect in the case too, but how much does she have to hide?

Meanwhile, Victoria is stressed as Adam is late for the adoption meeting. She asks Pete to go and collect a stranded Adam.

Pete grows suspicious when Adam says his tyres were recently changed and confronts him over it. Adam gets angry, leading to Pete sharing his suspicions with Ross and the police.

Elsewhere, Rhona confronts her feelings.

Also, Gerry bonds with Doug.



The police arrive with a warrant for the scrapyard and end up confiscating Adam's car too.

Meanwhile, as people gather for the display, Aaron is unhappy to learn that something happened between Gerry and Liv while he was away. Doug lights a huge firework and ends up burning his hands.

Elsewhere, Gabby is spooked.

Also today, Paddy and Rhona join forces.



Digital Spy

24-10-2017, 16:47
7975 Monday 30th October 7pm – 7.30pm

Lachlan is livid.
Debbie feels compromised.
Megan worries for Jai.

7976 Tuesday 31st October 7pm – 7.30pm

Robert feels smug.
Pete grows suspicious.
Jai lightens up.

7977 Wednesday 1st November 7pm – 7.30pm

Gabby feels betrayed.
Lachlan seems apologetic.
Rhona feels frustrated.

7978 Thursday 2nd November 7pm – 7.30pm

Gabby is caught out.
Paddy is under pressure.
Victoria is nervous.

7979 Thursday 2nd November 8pm – 8.30pm

Rhona confronts her feelings.
Laurel’s anxiety grows.
Gerry bonds with Doug.

7980 Friday 3rd November 7pm – 7.30pm

Adam is under scrutiny.
Gabby is spooked.
Paddy and Rhona join forces.

29-10-2017, 04:29
Coming up on Emmerdale, Debbie Dingle gets a surprise when Tom Waterhouse shows how she means more to him than his posh business clients.

When Debbie (Charley Webb) joins Tom for a business trip, things get off to an awkward start as she's reluctant to wear a dress that he's bought specially for the occasion.

Later on, Debbie is hit on by one of Tom's sleazy clients at the hotel bar.

When the pervy guy goes too far, Debbie ends up punching him – which has an unexpected outcome when Tom instantly shows his support for her.

Tom is kind and protective towards Debbie, ensuring that the guy is escorted out. When Debbie is unable to resist Tom afterwards, could their relationship finally be going somewhere?

Debbie Dingle attracts the attention of a sleazy client in Emmerdale

Debbie Dingle attracts the attention of a sleazy client in Emmerdale

Emmerdale airs these scenes on Monday, October 30 at 7pm on ITV.

Digital Spy

02-11-2017, 22:56
Well, well, well Bob & Laurel make a cute couple. Because it seems to me that Laurel came back to the village to see Bob, instead of killing Emma. Or am I reading it all wrong?

03-11-2017, 06:42
Well, well, well Bob & Laurel make a cute couple. Because it seems to me that Laurel came back to the village to see Bob, instead of killing Emma. Or am I reading it all wrong?

I think you're on to something.

03-11-2017, 23:49
Well, well, well Bob & Laurel make a cute couple. Because it seems to me that Laurel came back to the village to see Bob, instead of killing Emma. Or am I reading it all wrong?

I am sorry but just no to BobRel, it does look like Laurel is guilty to face Brenda and Bob