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06-07-2005, 17:12
Did know where to put this. It aint an female talk and not really something for the agony aunt so sorry if i've put this in th wrong place.

My work is having a few problems at the moment we have been told there may be a chance of getting paid off. But there is one guy they really want to get rid of and have been trying to push him out for a couple of weeks now.

They have been kind of bullying him and picking at every bit of work he does.

Today i was working with this guy making sure he had paid everything out and then the bosses couldn't get a hold of him for anything done wrong. I found a REALLY big mistake in one of his accounts.

The bosses never asked anything so i never said anything but when i got home i had three txt messages from this guy and a load of missed phone calls asking that i please dont mention it and just say that it never came up in the review as it could mean he would lose his job.

What do i do? He is a really lovely guy and i would for me to be the reason he loses his job. Do i lie and risk my own job if it ever gets found out? Or do i tell them we found it and i was asked to keep quiet?

I have a feeling i am going to get asked about this tomorrow morning and i really need some advice.

06-07-2005, 17:19
If it was me, I would tell them exactly what happened, without saying that I thought he was nice or whatever. I would just explain that when I was checking it, I spotted that he had made a mistake and then I would explain what the mistake was. Then I'd let them make up their own minds. I would then feel that I had done the honest thing and it was now out of my hands.

06-07-2005, 17:21
Agree not to dob him in depending on how much he's willing to pay you from his wages each month for atleast six months. This is your chance to get a blackmail plot on the go - tha lot! You will not regret it. There's nothing better than the elated feeling of taking money from someone in return for keeping quiet about stuff!
You go girl and you milk this for all it's worth.
I wouldn't extorte too much though because it might mess the plot up but £50 a week sounds reasonable. If you really do like this person then I would cut the length of the blackmail to around 2 months but you'd be a fool not to use blackmail and get yourself a few extra bob in your back pocket!

You can get an extortion racket on the go here - tha lot! I'm telling ya now. I wish I was in your shoes because I would have this on the go in a flash.

06-07-2005, 17:25
As i said before WQ you really are a scary person sometimes :D

remind me never to get on the wrong side of you

06-07-2005, 17:27
If it was me, I would tell them exactly what happened, without saying that I thought he was nice or whatever. I would just explain that when I was checking it, I spotted that he had made a mistake and then I would explain what the mistake was. Then I'd let them make up their own minds. I would then feel that I had done the honest thing and it was now out of my hands.

It may be the honest thing but it the guilt im worried about. Can i live ith the guilt that this guy lost his job because of me not keeping my mouth shut?? And trust me the bosses would love to get rid.

06-07-2005, 17:28
As i said before WQ you really are a scary person sometimes :D

remind me never to get on the wrong side of you
I would have a direct debit each month from his bank.

I don't mean to be scary but when scorned I bite and when I can turn a situation round to my advantage boy do I go for it big time!

06-07-2005, 17:37
I don't get the guilty feeling unless I do something really bad.

06-07-2005, 18:00
I would be pocketing the dosh me. Giving it the old gab, "Same time next week pal" I would not feel guilty in the slightest. It would give me a thrill. I would pout my lips and show him who's boss. I would make sure before I went to each collection that I wore one of my best tweed suits.
If I did like him I would only put him on the 2 months programme, if I really hated him I would extorte as much as I could for as long as I could. You people really need to know how to "work" situations like these. They're a gold mine chuck!

06-07-2005, 18:00
You could end up losing your own job. You'll have to mention the error. You're only doing your job and covering up for somebody else's mistake is a no no.

06-07-2005, 18:03
It depends though GR on how big the risk of getting caught is. If there's only a small chance and you could get a blackmail plot on the go, surely you would opt for the latter?

06-07-2005, 18:26
The only thing i can think of is just saying that we done a search and it didn't come up which is what happened the first time.

06-07-2005, 18:27
that is close to the truth, so i would go with that!!

06-07-2005, 18:47
I would still highly recommend putting the frighteners on him though and making a few bob but I love profit :D

06-07-2005, 18:48
lol if i had the confidence and the evilness i would be doing that but i really couldn't

06-07-2005, 18:50
Oh work it diva! I would be in there like a shot. I would hire a couple of henchman to put the frighteners on him if there ever came a time he wouldn't cough up that months payments and you could pay the henchman out of the money you extorted. It's a good job I don't live near you otherwise I'd be coming to see you to draw up an evil plan! :D

06-07-2005, 18:50
I wouldn't say anything unless they asked. I wouldn't say more than they asked for. I would just answer any questions that the management asked me as truthfully as I could. If he's making errors then maybe he'd be better off in a different job anyway.

06-07-2005, 18:53
I cannot believe I am the only one that would see pound signs!

06-07-2005, 18:58
your the only one that has that kind of evilness in you

06-07-2005, 19:03
If I'm in an UBERMOOD and anybody even looks at me the wrong way they'll be "under the patio" before they can say "Bob's yer uncle!". Nobody has ever had the experience though. They've not been brave enough to test me to such limits. I could do it though. There's been times I've been peeling sprouts at xmas and someone has said they don't like the smell of my cooking and my hands are trembling with the knife.

Cart me off now lol - see you in 10 years :D :D :D

06-07-2005, 19:04
ever thought of being a gangland lord wq? :D

06-07-2005, 19:07
i think you would be perfect!

06-07-2005, 19:10
No but I could kill if pushed. I've come close lol. I would not think twice if I was wound up. I'd be applying my lipstick in the mirror cooly afterwards. The whole wrapping it up in binbags and dragging it through the house my stilettos slapping on the laminate flooring as I heaved the body through the house...ahhhh I have weird fantasies lol but OMG how thrilling would that be!
I'm just so mental when pushed that I could do it. I think everybody could if they snapped.
And then *clop, clop, clop* as your stilettos clap against the paving stones as you drag the body up the garden path and hide it in the shed. Then you slam the shed door shut and put your head against it and huff and puff and then almost breakdown and then get an hold of yourself again and march back inside the house and then put on more lipstick, wink at yourself then start planning the rest of your plan :D

06-07-2005, 19:13
*steps slowly away from wq*

06-07-2005, 19:14
No but I could kill if pushed. I've come close lol. I would not think twice if I was wound up. I'd be applying my lipstick in the mirror cooly afterwards. The whole wrapping it up in binbags and dragging it through the house my stilettos slapping on the laminate flooring as I heaved the body through the house...ahhhh I have weird fantasies lol but OMG how thrilling would that be!
I'm just so mental when pushed that I could do it. I think everybody could if they snapped.
And then *clop, clop, clop* as your stilettos clap against the paving stones as you drag the body up the garden path and hide it in the shed. Then you slam the shed door shut and put your head against it and huff and puff and then almost breakdown and then get an hold of yourself again and march back inside the house and then put on more lipstick, wink at yourself then start planning the rest of your plan :D Kill? You could actually kill and feel good about it?

06-07-2005, 19:14
you are starting to scare me just a little bit

06-07-2005, 19:14
:D God, I'm not the only one who fantasises about it am I?

06-07-2005, 19:15
Kill? You could actually kill and feel good about it?
Oh of course, what a turn on!

06-07-2005, 19:16
i enjoy reading about murder and stuff, but i could not actually do it myself

06-07-2005, 19:19
i enjoy reading about murder and stuff, but i could not actually do it myself
If pushed I think you would.

Imagine the thrill of your stilettos marching up the garden path to check on the body the next day and then you heave it out and then huff and puff and flick your hair out of your eyes and drag the body to your car and the boot creaks as you open it then you hump the body in the back and then say "I'm sorry sweetheart, I can't help you now, but I can help myself, so I have to do this" and then I will drive somewhere to dump the body.

06-07-2005, 19:20
i think i could do it if i was pushed hard enough - it really depends on the situation

06-07-2005, 19:22
Oh my god, it excites me so much I would do it and be as cool as a cucumber. It would be the ultimate OMG. I cannot believe this is not going to happen to me though. Cor! What a dream though. I love it.

06-07-2005, 19:22
maybe in self defence to protect me or my kids

06-07-2005, 19:26
Yes but imagine afterwards. Uhhh uhhh I have to hide this knife so you go and wrap it in cling film and lock it in an old suitcase etc and then the thrill of hearing your stilettos clap clap clap on the laminate flooring or the kitchen tiles as you hump a big body about your pins showing at the bottom of your dress. Oh god, it's heaven.

06-07-2005, 19:28
i am thing about it right now and will do it if mother doesn't stop bugging me!!!

Oh wq you are a bad infulense (sp) on me!!! think about killing my own mother :D

06-07-2005, 19:31
Imagine being attacked you get them kick them throw them over a chair and strangle them with their own tie. You sit on their shoulders and pull like hell at the tie. And then they go limp.

06-07-2005, 19:33
honestly i would really **** myself

06-07-2005, 19:35
so would the poor victim - literally!!!

the thing is there are so mant ways you can get caught nowadays there is no way you could get away with it!!

06-07-2005, 19:36
so would the poor victim - literally!!!

the thing is there are so mant ways you can get caught nowadays there is no way you could get away with it!!
I could. I'd book a flight to Spain.

06-07-2005, 19:39
ah good one!! hide from the law and get a tan at the same time!!!

06-07-2005, 19:41
WRT the original problem, if this guy gets in to trouble for making a mistake it is not your fault. HE is the one that made the mistake, and covering it up for him will make YOU jointly responsible. Is he a nice enogh guy for you to risk loosing YOUR job?

You indicate that it is a financial discrepancy, are you sure that it is just a mistake and not fraud? The fact that he is bugging you about it could indicate that there is more to this than you know....

I know that it seems cruel, but real life isn't the playground and sometimes the sensible thing to do isn't going to be the one that makes you the most popular

(WQ is writing scripts now with herself as a main character! I think that she will end up in Albert Square as a rival to Tina as the gansters moll! Scrub that - she can be the gangster!)

06-07-2005, 19:45
WRT the original problem, if this guy gets in to trouble for making a mistake it is not your fault. HE is the one that made the mistake, and covering it up for him will make YOU jointly responsible. Is he a nice enogh guy for you to risk loosing YOUR job?

You indicate that it is a financial discrepancy, are you sure that it is just a mistake and not fraud? The fact that he is bugging you about it could indicate that there is more to this than you know....

I know that it seems cruel, but real life isn't the playground and sometimes the sensible thing to do isn't going to be the one that makes you the most popular

(WQ is writing scripts now with herself as a main character! I think that she will end up in Albert Square as a rival to Tina as the gansters moll! Scrub that - she can be the gangster!)
That would be fab! Although in real life I would defend myself and murder someone. Even if it just for the thrill of the cover-up.

06-07-2005, 19:50
Nah, you wouldn't not for the thrill.

When you hear about someone being stabbed do you ever think about how hard it is to cut raw meat. It must be really hard to stick a knife into someone, missing the bones etc. These people who do it must be almost out of their minds with anger or something.

I would hope that I could defend myself and my family, however sometimes the best way to do that is to run away, and to keep out of danger if you can. Discretion is the better part of valour.

06-07-2005, 19:54
one of my hobbies is true crime readong about it and watching stuff on the telly like forensic detectives and the FBI files, some of the stuff on there is so awful the thing some people do is sickening, i just wonder sometimes how? and why?. like trinity says look how hard it is to cut raw meat there has to be a fair bit of force when you stick someone with a knife.

06-07-2005, 19:58
I have never read any of the true crime stuff, although I do like crime fiction e.g Ian Rankin. It must be hard to understand what goes on in some peoples heads. That public school boy who murdered his parents and then went on a trip with their credit cards spending £30K - how could he do that, enjoy himself knowing that his mum and dad were decomposing at home?

06-07-2005, 20:01
some of the thing that i have read are just sick!!! i ahve got two shelves full of crime books, and one on cannibals that is a really sick book!!! i am reading one at the mo called in the mind of a sierial killer it is quite interesting,

06-07-2005, 20:02
I think if pushed I could.

06-07-2005, 20:08
WQ, could you ever have an abortion?

06-07-2005, 20:53
WRT the original problem, if this guy gets in to trouble for making a mistake it is not your fault. HE is the one that made the mistake, and covering it up for him will make YOU jointly responsible. Is he a nice enogh guy for you to risk loosing YOUR job?

You indicate that it is a financial discrepancy, are you sure that it is just a mistake and not fraud? The fact that he is bugging you about it could indicate that there is more to this than you know....

I know that it seems cruel, but real life isn't the playground and sometimes the sensible thing to do isn't going to be the one that makes you the most popular

(WQ is writing scripts now with herself as a main character! I think that she will end up in Albert Square as a rival to Tina as the gansters moll! Scrub that - she can be the gangster!)

I am more than 100% sure this isn't fraud not just because he is a nice guy. It is a genuine mistake.

06-07-2005, 21:29
WQ, could you ever have an abortion?
Erm it would depend entirely on the circumstances.

06-07-2005, 21:29
But that is effectively murder, having an abortion...isn't it? And you said you could kill and feel good about it so I just wondered.

06-07-2005, 21:31
not really the heart doesn't beat until about 10 weeks

did they ever lower the weeks from 24?

06-07-2005, 21:35
I'm not sure what the limit is. Somewhere around 23/24 weeks?

06-07-2005, 21:40
i believe in abortion but only up until there is a heart beat but i totally disgree with selective reduction

06-07-2005, 21:43
In my opinion, using a condom is the same as having an abortion. If people are going to argue that abortion is wrong, then why isn't using a condom wrong? They both acheive the same thing, preventing a life.

06-07-2005, 21:44
unless i was in that positon i would not know what to do

06-07-2005, 21:44
But I would kill and be happy about it if I had a reason to kill. I wouldn't kill an innocent person or a baby.

06-07-2005, 21:46
You can't compare someone not wanting to concieve to being a killer.

06-07-2005, 21:48
I'm not comparing, I'm just asking.

06-07-2005, 21:49
if it wass someone who had hurt me or someone close to me i would want to hurt them, but taking a life i don't think i could do that

06-07-2005, 22:00
In my opinion, using a condom is the same as having an abortion. If people are going to argue that abortion is wrong, then why isn't using a condom wrong? They both acheive the same thing, preventing a life.

well i dont think it is the same as having an abortion! would you not use them then osiris??

it is preventing a life but it is in a good way. abprtion i feel is wrong. if you old enough to have sex then you old enough to have and look after a baby.

to me abortion is only right if you were raped or if the baby will be born with a disability which will not givew him a good loife

06-07-2005, 22:07
well i dont think it is the same as having an abortion! would you not use them then osiris??

it is preventing a life but it is in a good way. abprtion i feel is wrong. if you old enough to have sex then you old enough to have and look after a baby.

to me abortion is only right if you were raped or if the baby will be born with a disability which will not givew him a good loife

you took the words out of my mouth!!! my views exactly

06-07-2005, 22:17
I don't disagree with abortion at all, I think it's entirely up to the woman but I still think that using a condom is the same as having an abortion.
Just because a condom does it at a earlier stage, it doesn't change the fact that if the condom hadn't been used, then the chances are that the woman would have given birth to a baby in 9 months. It's the same with contraceptive pills and especially the morning-after pill.

06-07-2005, 22:19
In my opinion, using a condom is the same as having an abortion. If people are going to argue that abortion is wrong, then why isn't using a condom wrong? They both acheive the same thing, preventing a life.

Using contraception is the same as abortion!!! I havent hered this for years. Abortion is not "Murder" up to a point, I agree the legal limit for abortion needs to be reassed. To some extend your saying that sex is for repoduction perposes only??. I disagrred with that or other wise what is the point in anyone getting pleasure from sex??

06-07-2005, 22:31
No, I'm not saying it's just for reproduction purposes but there are people who are strongly against abortion and I just wondered why they aren't also strongly against contraception?

06-07-2005, 22:35
Some of the people who are againt abortion are against contraception ie catholics. There is a massive difference between abortion and contracpetion IMO. From that point of view then every time a women has a period or a man ejaculates its the same as abortion, contraception or murder??

06-07-2005, 22:43
I probably went a bit overboard, with the Abortion=Murder thing lol but I still believe that using contraception is the same as having an abortion. That doesn't mean I'm against abortions or contraceptives, I just think they acheive the same thing.

As for the ejaculation/period thing, I don't think that that is preventing a life because on there own, they wouldn't create life. It's the fact that when a man and woman have sex, the only thing preventing a baby being born is a condom.

06-07-2005, 22:49
to me using contraception means that you are choosing not to make a baby as it not the right time for you

abortion is killimg a baby to me. a baby that is already conceived and growing inside you!

not the same at all

06-07-2005, 22:58
yep I guess thats what i'm trying to say debs, two people choose to have sex and if they are both concenting to it then they both should be aware of the concenquences ie a child. Abortion should not be used as a form of contraception.

If contraception prevents the egg from meeting the sperm then conception hasnt taken place, therefore a life hasnt been formed so to speak.

I guess every situation is different. I'm not saying abortion is wrong, I guess its about being able to justify it to yourself.

06-07-2005, 23:05
no it not wrong if it has to come to it

but abortion is wrong if just used when people havent been careful

06-07-2005, 23:09
no it not wrong if it has to come to it

but abortion is wrong if just used when people havent been careful

But also if you are going to have sex, then you must be aware of the fact that it may result in producing a child, even if you are using contraception. Note using two condoms does not double protect you it causes friction resulting in wekening in the rubber therefore rendering it basically useless.

I guess at the moment there are issues where abortion is used as a form of contrception.

06-07-2005, 23:15
[QUOTE=judejude]But also if you are going to have sex, then you must be aware of the fact that it may result in producing a child, even if you are using contraception. Note using two condoms does not double protect you it causes friction resulting in wekening in the rubber therefore rendering it basically useless.


07-07-2005, 00:18
If you don't want to concieve but want to have sex and you wear a condom it is preventing a life but at the end of the day it's obviously for a reason.