View Full Version : words of wisdom

06-07-2005, 17:09
The teams have been picked and the Housemates are already busily scribbling their speeches.

Maxwell made a clever move by picking professional speechwriter Derek, so Science also played tactically and chose the Gooner's crony Craig.

In the end, Makosi, Vanessa, Eugene and Craig joined the rapper's side, while Maxwell picked Anthony, Orlaith, Derek and Kemal.

Regardless of their feelings for their captains, the teams seem to be enjoying planning their lectures. "This is a brilliant idea," grinned Derek probably missing his job.

Even Craig got into the spirit of things penning a pleasant little rhyme. "Science is good, Science is cool. If you don't keep him in you must be a fool."

Clearly old disputes are all water under the bridge when a party is on offer.