View Full Version : filthy boys

06-07-2005, 17:08
Big Brother scolded Anthony and Maxwell for their filthy behaviour today and forced them to clean up their act.

They were sent mopping after the Housemates complained about the boys throwing around water using a toilet brush holder.

Anthony and Maxwell were called into the Diary Room and immediately knew something was up when they spied cleaning products.

"What you talking about!" screeched an outraged Maxwell sensing he was about to be forced to get acquainted with a mop.

Big Brother sternly reminded them that toilet brush holders should only be used to hold toilet brushes. But Anthony didn't see what all the fuss was about.

"Few pieces of ******** lying around the kitchen, where's the harm in that?" wondered the bemused Geordie.

Anthony thought that Maxwell's mouthful of bog water might even have done him some good. "Might've made his breath smell better," he suggested hopefully.

When Big Brother warned the mess wasn't a laughing matter, Anthony obligingly apologised but pointed out, "We're a bunch of young, stupid idiots. Irresponsible lager louts who really haven't got any good general knowledge about anything important in life."

You said it Anthony.