View Full Version : i love trees

06-07-2005, 14:16
The latest subject to be taken in by Derek and Eugene is the beauty of Mother Nature.

Derek, a seasoned rider, admitted he has a long-standing affinity for the outdoors. "My education was greatly enhanced by riding because I went through meadows and saw wild palms and flowers and amazing birds," he said.

Eugene regailed him with a tale of being shocked when, on an innocent woodland walk, he came across wild garlic for the first time.

"Going through ancient woodland is amazing," agreed Derek, before revealing: "I kind of love trees. I've done somework for the Woodland Trust, [who] are expanding their work vastly by getting children to plant trees."

He added: "It's stimulating their thought processes in a way that urbanisation has blighted."

Their conversation was brought to a halt when Science joined the pair humming an old tune by The Hollies