View Full Version : Ross want's Grant to be Killed off

Chloe O'brien
06-07-2005, 12:07
Ross Kemp who is now going back to EE, as mad man Grant Mitchell told me that while he is happy to go back he would relish being finally killed off for good.

"It would not bother me in the least and then it gives the script writers the chance to come up with an explosive exit, which is what I have always wanted", said Ross

Source: Skynews (Ann Monitini's Soap Gossip)
:clap: :moonie:

06-07-2005, 12:10
Wrong forum hunni.

06-07-2005, 12:12
lol, not corrie, moving.

06-07-2005, 12:14
Didn't he have an explosive exit the last time?

06-07-2005, 12:15
Didn't he have an explosive exit the last time?
No he left via a plane.

06-07-2005, 12:15
imagine grant mitchell in coronation street!!!!

but i hope he does stay on as that would be good...i hope he returns for a few months in 06 to give him a good exit storyline rather than a rushed one in 2 weeks


06-07-2005, 12:16
No he left via a plane.

ok i must be thinking about that other show he done lol

06-07-2005, 12:20

I don't want to see him killed off I want to see Ross return to film 4 extra months in the new year.

06-07-2005, 12:22

I don't want to see him killed off I want to see Ross return to film 4 extra months in the new year.

do we know if it is early/middle/late o6 that he should be doing this stint?


06-07-2005, 12:24
Well he should be back on-screen for his short stint later this year but he's available to film 4 months next year at the beginning so hopefully the producers will sign up for this and we can see more Mitchell empire building.

Ian's face when he realises both are back in town :eek:

06-07-2005, 12:25
oh right i thought he was back for good

06-07-2005, 12:27
No he's not returning for good. More's the pity.

06-07-2005, 12:30
oh right i thought he was back for good

2 weeks 05

4 months 06 if he chooses-hasnt confirmed yet tough


06-07-2005, 12:33
He won't be on-screen for 2 weeks though. That's not been confirmed it's just the filming period.

06-07-2005, 12:35
So basically it's a hi mum, got the vic and all the other businesses back for you, phils ok and knocked off a few ppl, bye mum sort of thing

06-07-2005, 12:42
I doubt it will be that quick though.

06-07-2005, 12:47
The two week period could be a months screening. it Would make a great storyline if Grant was killed off..

06-07-2005, 12:49
If he does get killed off I want it to be in the new year if he returns to do filming. I want to see him back for as long as possible.

06-07-2005, 13:01
i want it to be a big who dunnit...he spends half of next year annoying people and then he gets brutally stabbed to death in the squara gardens and it takes a year to find out who did it???


06-07-2005, 13:03
We've already had Who Shot Phil? though.

06-07-2005, 13:04
We've already had Who Shot Phil? though.

i know yeah but that was brillaint and worked well


06-07-2005, 13:05
It was very camp though lol but a great storyline and deserved the 21 mill audience it got for the Phil/Lisa confrontation.

06-07-2005, 13:11
It was very camp though lol but a great storyline and deserved the 21 mill audience it got for the Phil/Lisa confrontation.

i wished it had been someone else than lisa, is ee your point tough tv critics would say it is another mitchell whodunnit, but totally different...id so love that to happen...or maybe garnt is stabbed, but no prior arguments so no one has a clue who killed him, making the final revaealtion even more shocking#


06-07-2005, 13:12
I would hate for poor Grant to die though :eek:

06-07-2005, 13:13
wonder how sharon and dennis will react when he comes back

06-07-2005, 13:14
wonder how sharon and dennis will react when he comes back

does dennis know about sharon and grant? i presuem so...i bet sharon and grant will have an heart toi heart episode, he tries to kiss her and shes says it best in the past, dennis gets jealous and hits grant or something


06-07-2005, 13:15
Grant would make mincemeat out of Dennis.

06-07-2005, 13:17
think grant will ever find out about the child she aborted or michelle's wee boy?

06-07-2005, 13:18
Grant would make mincemeat out of Dennis.

wouldnt he just??? it would be brilliant to watch, grant smashing his head off the vic bar and throwing him around like a ragdoll, with sharon and peggy gobbing off in the background

peggy- grant, i think you've killed him *drumbeat*


06-07-2005, 13:18
think grant will ever find out about the child she aborted or michelle's wee boy?
Well if Phil hasn't told him about Sharon's aborted baby I doubt he will.

The Michelle secret has to come out at some point.

06-07-2005, 13:18
think grant will ever find out about the child she aborted or michelle's wee boy?

possibly if he returns in 06, could make some enmeies of pauline and the fowlers, and they could be suspects in his whodunnit murder


06-07-2005, 13:20
pauline with the fruit bowl in the living room lol

06-07-2005, 13:20
wouldnt he just??? it would be brilliant to watch, grant smashing his head off the vic bar and throwing him around like a ragdoll, with sharon and peggy gobbing off in the background

peggy- grant, i think you've killed him *drumbeat*

LOL love it!!! :D

It would be so UNREALISTIC if Dennis got the better of Grant. Grant was so mad when he got angry.

06-07-2005, 14:02
LOL love it!!! :D

It would be so UNREALISTIC if Dennis got the better of Grant. Grant was so mad when he got angry.

6 years have passed, and the car-crash may have weakened him....but i hope he is as bad if not badder and madder than he was when he left in 1999


06-07-2005, 14:04
I doubt his character will have changed that much.

06-07-2005, 14:04
nah he'lls till be the same old grant

06-07-2005, 14:07
nah he'lls till be the same old grant

i sincerly hope so, but eastenders can easily change a character in one we hate: Alfie and Little Mo are easily two examples


06-07-2005, 14:08
Yes but they couldn't change his character and get away it. They'd be an uproar.

06-07-2005, 14:08
they cant change grant - well i hope they dont anyway - everyone expecting him to be the same

eastenders mad
06-07-2005, 14:24
at last some good news one less mitchell can't stand them

06-07-2005, 14:25
at last some good news one less mitchell can't stand them
Who said there was going to be one less Mitchell?

eastenders mad
06-07-2005, 14:27
Ross who plays Grant wants to be killed off

06-07-2005, 14:32
Ross who plays Grant wants to be killed off

wants to be killed, not is being killed


eastenders mad
06-07-2005, 14:35
yeah soz i am just tired lol

06-07-2005, 15:08
If the powers that be decide to kill a Mitchell off, let it be Phil or Sam!! Grant is pure hot, red blooded male that can come back to Walford and sort out the men from the boys (not that I am a fan of his or anything!! :lol: )

Referring to the earlier post, I would have thought that Dennis would have known about Grant, cause he knew about the connection with Phil didn't he?? and considering Sharon was married to him, I would have thought that may have come up in a conversation about love, life etc!

06-07-2005, 15:11
(not that I am a fan of his or anything!! )

Oh no ofcourse not lol

06-07-2005, 15:14
Drool drool - honest I'm not!!!! LOL

06-07-2005, 15:16
dont blame you lol - lets just say i wouldn't kick him out of bed

06-07-2005, 15:17
dont blame you lol - lets just say i wouldn't kick him out of bedMost definitely :wub: :wub:

07-07-2005, 07:52
at last some good news one less mitchell can't stand them

They were good in their days but those days have gone, it is silly to keep going back in time a soap needs to move forwards. Have to admit though I enjoyed Phil's brief return earlier on in the year. I used to love the Mitchells but like alot of people I grew bored with them.

07-07-2005, 08:46
How can you say grant Comes out on top in a fight with Dennis is rubbish ... The chracter of grant is in his mid 40's and Dennis is late 20's early 30's and let's not forget even thow they dont play on it now but they did when he first arrived and that is Dennis does Boxing to keep fit.... there both nutters but youth is on the side of Dennis and on paper one on one Dennis by KO ... now phil and grant together as it will be at times when the Mitchell clang return give my man Dennis a A$$ Whooping[I]

07-07-2005, 12:02
They were good in their days but those days have gone, it is silly to keep going back in time a soap needs to move forwards. Have to admit though I enjoyed Phil's brief return earlier on in the year. I used to love the Mitchells but like alot of people I grew bored with them.

by liking the phil return it shows that you like the mitchells, i mean like when they are on it full on for years yes they may get boring but now they have had a break they will be fresh when they return...offering new storylines that will bring it back to its heydey

yes we need to look to the future, but why not add the best bits of the past to help it get better, chrissie and dennis are only a few exmaples of sucessful new characters, the millers have just been one big disaster from day one, if you think i want to spend 05/06 wathcing keith miller learn to read and write then you are sdaly mistaken, the mitchells have always provided high drama and mixed in with everything that has gone on in recent years it can only be good stuff

youll all soon be glued once they return, i garantee


15-07-2005, 15:56
is he definately comming back now then?

di marco
15-07-2005, 20:39
is he definately comming back now then?

yeh hes coming back in the autumn definitely for a few weeks, and he might also be coming back for a few months in 2006