View Full Version : DS are apalling

05-07-2005, 18:58
Have gone against my personal vow and looked at the DS big brother threads and I am appalled by the way everything Maxwell says and does is wrong in many of the writers eyes.

They are so anti maxwell it is dusgusting... I am sooo glad I am not registered and do not intend to be such if they are the type of people I would be relating with. They are so hypocritical about HM's. When Maxwell is angry he is a VIOLENT BULLY when Science is angry he is ANNOYED. Both threw water at Kemal. BOTH OF THEM.. Did we hear such a big deal about when Science did it!!! I THINK NOT.

Also..........the most aggressive act by far since it began was Science throwing a dustbin at MAX....... erm some people are lacking in the memory department.

Also Maxwell did not grab Kemal... he did not get him by the throat... I watched the interaction.. he threw water... then he took the duvet off Kemal when Kemal was being a petulent child ready to comment but not to back it up. at NO POINT did Maxwell physically threaten Kemal..so Kemal lied about it.

ALSO.....if two people had thrown water in my face I would begin to wonder if it was something I was doing wrong that was provoking these people.... but oh no Kemal can do no bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T***T

05-07-2005, 19:02
If you think Makosi is a liar vote Science out
If you think Kemal perpetrates all the glasses of water in his face by winding up the guys vote Science out
If you want genuine humour in the house vote Science out
If you want a person who doesn't pretend they are from the ghetto when they obviously aren't.. vote Science out.

If you want mememekosi the scheming lying fake to win cote Max out.
If you want people to cram themselves further up makosi's backside.. vote Max out.
If you want a boring household where everyone is nice as pie to one another whilst slagging them off all the time... and that is all that ever happens... vote Max out.
If you want a person shouting b******ks every five minutes and being all high and mighty vote Max out.


05-07-2005, 19:03
Suze seems me and you have a lot in common on this subject! No matter what we say doesnt seem like people will change their opinions on Maxwell. I think a lot of people are afraid of an outspoken typical London guy! But you know what happens if we comment back at the "different raced" people we get called racists etc!
Really p****s me off. Im sorry but them type of people think they can act, and speak how they like to others, but when it comes to a guy (Maxwell) doing things and saying this he gets attacked!

05-07-2005, 19:03
Sure Maxwell was a bit annoying at first, but that dont mean that he is completly 100% like that, and that he hasn't changed. Science has done nothing, brought nothing to the house, and been no entertainment 100% of the time

Maxwell :cheer:
Science :thumbsdow

05-07-2005, 19:07
it sounds like a not nice place,i am staying here!!!!

05-07-2005, 19:45
yeah me to... how could anyone hate Maxwell?!?!?!?!

05-07-2005, 19:45
If you want proof on what I am saying check out DS.... it's appalling to the nth degree.

Just a thought.....my version of bullying and many other peoples seems to differ greatly.

I do not consider someone as bullying if they are risig to bait and get angry or if they are provoked and get angry. That is just human nature.

However, hiding someones makeup and picking on them to be vindictive and others thinking it funny (als Makosi, vanessa, kemal etc) IS BULLYING.

Ganging up on the minority is BULLYING.

Max Sas Craig and Anthony never ganged up about someone.. they just air what they think unlike others who BITCH BITCH BITCH behind backs to get others onside. And Science has fallen into that trap.

05-07-2005, 19:46
yeah me to... how could anyone hate Maxwell?!?!?!?!


05-07-2005, 19:47
I bet they actually like vanessa as well..... yuck!

05-07-2005, 21:03

05-07-2005, 23:22
great comments from DS posters

My responses in RED

'Maxwell, if Science goes then there is something seriously wrong with the GBP. Which I already suspect there is...'

Hmmmm... so there is something seriously wrong with everyone if they don't agree with your point of view. T**T

'Get ready for some outrageous editing of the honourable Science this week
Get the mockney one out!!'

GET A LIFE! Makosi has been having outrageously biased editing from day one and all the Makosi fans think this is cobblers.. plus we see the good and bad of all of them but Max's bad points only tend to be habits.... they do not make a person bad. His heart is far more genuine than that of any of the other housemates. He never went in and announced he was gay to the nation before his own parents. He never had sex in full view of everyone. He never bitched behind friends backs. He never intimidated people to the extent that Science does... Maxwell teases but he does not intimidate. Both rise when they are provoked but Maxwell has proven to be less violent than Science the bin thrower. So really..... what are people deriding Maxwell for... for actually falling for someone in the house.. ooo shock horror that is not allowed to happen. For actually being all soppy over her... so refreshing in a man.....For sleeping with something of her under his pillow which others then find and mock him for... that was cruel and was personal to him.. he didn't tell anyone about it and didn't make a big deal of it.

'At the end of the day, we'd all like Maxwell out.'

GENERALISATION OF THE YEAR> So we obviously cannot think with our own brain cells then!!!!!!!!!!!!

'Maxwell the Monster to go
Has anyone ever seen a more VILE creation than him?????'

Erm... right where do I start. He hasn't murdered anyone so he is not as vile as Jack the Ripper. He hasn't pretended he got Saskia pregnant... so he is not as vile as Makosi. He hasn't gone on and on about what he and Saskia did under the covers..... so he is again not as vile as Makosi et al. He hasn't been totally two faced and bitched about his mates behind their backs.. unlike 90% of the others in there so he is not as vile as 90% of the others.
I have come across many many many more vile creations... and one of them is the poster of this comment.

ALL THIS CONFIRMS TO ME THAT MAXWELL MUST STAY IN...THAT HOUSE NEEDS SOMEONE WHO IS GENUINE HEARTED AND TRUE TO THEMSELVES AND HE IS. And if they say he is faking the cockney.. then what is it that Science is doing with his fake ghetto crap. Oh and Kemal with his fake being a woman.. which only happened to start just as he was about to go in... Oh and Makosi's total fakeness.